The Lost Princess: Episode 1 - 46 : TOPSTER STORIES

The Lost Princess – Episode 11

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Few minutes later.


A lady clad in blue jean bum short and jean jacket walks towards Max office.


“Hello” she greeted Max in a slutry voice.


“Celia what are you doing here?” Max asked feeling irritated.


“Come on baby am here for you, although I don’t like how you pushed me out the other day”.


“Well it isn’t my fault, you are so adamant,I had to do what I had to do” he replied “so babe what can I do for you”.


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“Max” she moved towards his table “you will do a lot” licking her lips seductively.


“Celia we can’t do that here” Max said.


“No baby” she drawled kissing max hungrily.






“Wow Bella I saw what I shouldn’t have seen” Ann said to her sister.


“What is that?” Bella curiously.


“I caught Max having sex in the office when I went to remind him that he is supposed to take me out for lunch” she bubbled.


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“When did you guys start going out for lunch?” Her sister asked.


“Here’s is the the deal,he promised to let me try out some local dish this afternoon,so we agreed he’s gonna take me during lunch break but when i realized that he’s not yet out,I decided to go remind him, I swear I knocked only for me to open the door and found him having sex with a bitch like that” she fumed while saying the last part..


“Woah you sounding jealous” Bella accused.


“How can I be jealous” she scoffed “I don’t even like him”.


“Like who?” A masculine voice asked.


“Mr Max what are you doing here?” She asked.


“Am here to fulfill my part of the bargain”he replied.


“Am taking you out for the lost lunch” .


“Ok can my sister tag along”.


“No” Bella said sharply “I want to meet dave”.


“Dave? Who in God’s name is Dave?” Ann asked .


“Ann don’t be difficult” Bella replied rolling her eyes “Dave is my friend”.


“When did you start having boyfriend that I don’t know” she glared.


“You ask too much question,can you just with him already” she snapped.


“Sorry sir Bella can be annoying” she groaned.


“No, you are the annoying one”he grinned.


“Whatever” she replied with eye roll.






“Woah this is too much I don’t even know what to order” Ann exclaimed.


“Let me help you” Max offered “Give us two plates of pounded yam and Egusi soup with bush meat” he told the waiter.


“Wow” Ann exclaimed excitedly “this is all new to me”.


“Ann am so sorry you have to see that,am not the type of guy that have sex in the office, Celia is just a seductress” Max awkwardly.


“Why are you telling me sir, it’s non of my business” Ann shrugged.


Ann listen to me am sorry you have to see that anyways how about your dreams?” he asked.


“It’s still the same thing but it not as frequent as the other ones, thanks for your concern” she replied.


“You are welcome” he stated.


” Permit me to ask this sir is that lady your girlfriend?” She asked.


“What?” He exclaimed “God forbid, she is not my girlfriend, far from it she’s just after my Money and sex”.


“Woah why are you getting defensive” she smiled.


“I can never date someone like her, she’s just one of my flings” he replied looking intently at her.



A waitress bought their meal to them.


“Well how am I suppose to eat this? ” She asked blankly.


“It is so simple” he replied “use your fingers to cut the pounded yam then you dip it inside the soup and you put it in your mouth like this” he demonstrated.


Ann she did as she told during the soup spilled on her mouth and cloth.


Max bend across the table using tissue to wipe her mouth and the the on her cloth just on top of her b**St , during the process the duo held eye contact.


Although it was a reflex action but she couldn’t believe he was actually touching her breast:Oshe didn’t know what to do as she locked eyes with him before he finally regain his composture .


He started coughing hardly .


Ann quickly hand him water.


“Am sorry” he apologized looking at anywhere else but her.


“No problem, let continue eating”.


Few hours later.


“Woah I had the best time of my life today, I will surely tell mum to let us try out this local dish” she stated excitedly.


Max smiled at her, she seems so facinated with the whole thing, he was so happy he made her happy.


“What is the name again?” She asked


“Pounded yam and Egusi” he replied.


“Egu what?” She asked blankly, she’s not able to pronounce the name.


“Egusi” he corrected.


“Ok I’ll put that at the bottom of my chest” she laughed.




Lost Princess

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