Mr Flirt: Episode 1 - 22???? : TOPSTER STORIES

Must Read: Mr Flirt – Episode 22

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Episode 22


© Simrah Saeed




✨ Tamara ✨


where is my shoe?” Nina asked no one in particular …


Come take it from my ass ” Ryan said making us laugh ..


Well, we are preparing for our graduation ..


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Yeah, graduating today after what seems like forever..


I can’t just believe it …


Ryan stop being a badass ” I said laughing..


And Ryan that’s my wife to be in a week you are talking to ” Nate chirped.. They are both getting married next week, isn’t that great?


Let me be please, have you forgotten the Nina in question is my twin sister?” Ryan said boastfully


Shut up we know ”


Can you guys stop arguing and get dressed? We don’t want to keep our families waiting do we? I know I’m beautiful and soooo special so chill ” Nina said dramatically as we all chuckled..


And Ryan you are a dumbass” she added rolling her eyes .


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Hey, that’s my husband you just insulted” I said playfully while she glared at me



You know Candy, Mara here will support her husband in anything. Even if he kills someone, she will tell the cops a different story to save this dude ” Nate said making me stiffened a laugh ..


That’s why I love her, she always got my back ” he said pecking me while I blushed ..


Even after four years of marriage, his touch still has a great effect on me..


Let’s go baby, the love birds needs some space. I don’t want to see them doing it in my present ” Nina shrugged while I flushed red ..


No word is more than her tiny mouth . God !


Nina ” I called feeling embarrassed ..


It’s nothing love bug , hey twinnie you can stay and equally watch this ” Ryan said .


He gently grabbed me smashing his lips with mine .


Aww candy let’s leave already, I will just get aroused if I continue watching them , you know ours is special ” Nate said dragging Nina with her out if the room ..


I hate you both ”


We love you too ” we said simultaneously ..


I can’t believe it was this same Ryan I was asked to get married to some years ago and I almost refused ..


It could have been the worst mistake of my life .


Ryan’s parents told us the reason why we were asked to get married .


It was actually to save Ryan’s life though and my life was atstake as at that time …


The thing was, the company Ryan was supposed to be the CEO was threatened.. The man wanted him dead so he can have the company to himself and the solution at that time was to get married ..



Mum and Dad thought it will ease everything. Well , it did but I almost got killed along the line when we were attacked and Ryan was asked to sign the document or I got shot to death ..


With the help of God , we scales through the trials ..


The trials of marriage and everything..


Marriage is not a bed of roses too. There are bad days, days I had misunderstanding with Ryan, we’d even stay for a week without speaking to one another and at last, we will still forgive each other because of the love that was created at the beginning ..


It’s not easy abandoning your family to build another man’s family ..


It’s not easy leaving with people you barely know ..


In all, what matters is getting married into a good family, a family that welcomes you warmly..


I can remember the last time I had issues with Ryan, I don’t know how but his Dad got to know about it ..


Goodness! Did you believe I was the one who was actually wrong? But Ryan got scolded and received a good slap from his Dad for talking to me as he likes .. Thou I later apologized to him and we cool..


That’s what marriage is all about… Endurance..


We are getting late baby ” Ryan said as I snapped out of my thoughts..


Yeah, latest go ”


Don’t you think I’m we are both forgetting something?” He asked





Well, I forgot to tell you how beautiful you look in this dress. You look super hot and please don’t leave my side till the end if the event . I don’t want any ape touching you wifey ”


When will you stop being jealous?” I asked laughing. ..


When you will stop being beautiful wifey . Everything about you attracts attention ” he said groaning..


Stop being a jealous freak ” I hit his shoulder


I’m jealous you said?” He asked


Of course you are and you know that ”


If you say so wifey, you know, I was thinking. I’d like to go the club today and pick some side chicks to have fun with ” he said winking at me..


My expression changed into a angry one.


How can he say that? When I’m his wife ..


You wouldn’t dare ” I said blinking to avoid the tears threatening to fall .. Didn’t he love me? Aren’t I looking good enough?


You see now love bug, you are the one being jealous ” he said bursting into a fist of laughter


I can never have anything to do with other girls when I have you baby, your beauty has blinded me to even think of another woman ”


I was only saying that to get back at you. You know I love you pie ”


I love you too ”


Babe” he called


We will renew our marriage vows baby”












We all know she’s wronged you Luis, forgive her and give her another chance” I said side hugging him angel was seated with Nina and Nate while I was sitting in the middle of both Ryan and Luis


It’s hard to forgive what June did to him and Angel.


If I was the one, I will get mad too but there’s nothing in this world is it? Everyone has flaws and we can’t bring the past to the present ….


She deserves another chance, I can see she’s changed. She want Luis and her daughter back ..


I glanced at her who was seated all alone at the courtage ..


We just renewed our vows and the celebration is ongoing but we decided to have our usual talk..


June came but she isolated herself because Luis is among us


Please Luis, she deserves one, even if it’s not for anything but for this poor girl in my arms ” Nina said referring to Angel ..


My childhood was terrible without a mum and this little girl is passing through same ?


Something has to be done you know ..


Luis ran his hands through his hair exhaling deeply..



Did you know what I went through? Even if I have wronged her, what if Angel that doesn’t know anything? She left her too ” he said pathetically..


I understand man still, you have to forgive her please. I’m certain you still love her and she loves you too ” Ryan chirped..


I agree with him bro, everyone deserves a second chance ” Nate added while he sighed.


I guess he’s pretty hooked now, no way out ….


Fine, I will go talk to her ” he said staring at June’s directly..


Ah! That’s all I wanted …


Aww, come give big sis a hug ” I said while he chuckled


You are just a week older than I am ” he said


Like they say bro, a day is not a joke ” I pouted ..


All the best bro ” Ryan and Nate said ..


Daddy can I come with you ?” Angel’s tiny voice said. She’s so adorable. …


Yes baby, come let’s go see mummy ” Luis said to the little girl


Mummy? I thought you said mummy was dead? ” She asked smartly.. Very intelligent …


Luis scratched his head searching for an answer to give the little girl while we all laughed.. I can’t believe he told her her mum was dead ….


Yes Angel, she died and resurrated ” he said and this time around we all laughed leaving the poor girl confused ….


Aww! So innocent..


I wish I….



A strong urge to puke hit me . I covered my mouth finding my way to the




( More stories from TOPSTER STORIES Everyone came to me as I almost puked out my intestine …


What the hell?


Are you okay Mara ?” Ryan asked soothing my back ..


Yeah I …uhh …” I ran back to puke again ..


All of them stared kindly at me like I just murdered someone …


Are you sure you are okay? We can go to the hospital ” Ryan said worriedly..


I’m fine Ryan, maybe it’s because I took in so many junks today ” I said flatly smiling at them ..


I don’t agree with you babhi ” Nina said shaking her head.


Now what’s she saying ?


What did you mean candy ? ” Nate asked holding her waist .. I wouldn’t blame them, that’s how newly Weds behaves ..


Uhhm, I have been observing her for a long time now ” she said and paused examining my body while everyone’s attention was on us ..


I think she’s carrying my niece or nephew. Mara is pregnant! I can see that. I’m going to be an aunt yaaaayyyy?” She said excitedly while I stared at her with wide eyes..


How can she just say I’m pregnant?


Is she a prophet ?


She continued shouting till it attracted our parents..


Good ! Just good..


I wanted the ground should open up and swallow me really get now …



Everyone will be staring at me ..


What’s going on here ? ” Mum asked.. coming with dads


You won’t believe it mum, Mara is pregnant. I’m going to be an aunt ” Nina yelled ..


I felt so embarrassed..


How true is it ? Can I really be pregnant?


My eyes met with Ryan’s glittering eyes and I quickly looked away ..


Mum came examining me carefully, she even went to the extent of checking my eyes ..


I wonder if the baby stays there..


She looked up and smiled at me ..


Nina isn’t wrong, you are pregnant hunny ” she said hugging me …


Oh God! Should I begin to shed tears of joy?


Who’s pregnant ?” Jeremy asked coming out of nowhere with his son and wife .. Caro and Kelly …


Oh my God! I’m going to be a father ” Ryan yelled and picked me up…


Mara , did you here that? I’m going to be a father. Thank you so much ” he yelled as he runs around with me ..


Even the servants stared at us like mad people…


I’m so happy right now! Nothing will make me happier.


I promise to be the best mum to my baby ….



End …..

It ended …






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