Confessions Of An Escort – Episode 14
Tuesday is very slow, I haven’t had any serious cases. In the morning I did a few rounds and checked on the two children that operated on the previous day, they both are responding well to medicine and I must say I am quite impressed.
I do some paper work too before going to the cafeteria for breakfast, I could have it in my office but I like the cafeteria because I feel a part of everyone else unlike excluding myself in the confines of my office.
‘Doctor there is a gentleman waiting for you in the cafeteria.’ One of the nurses tells me
‘Did he give you a name?’ I ask
‘Okay thank you.’ I say hiding the anxiety in my voice
I have been waiting for this, in fact I have been expecting it. I knew sooner or later he was going to come around.
‘Good morning.’ I say formally settling into a seat next to him
‘Good morning.’ He says standing up to peck my cheek
He is still a gentleman, he is wearing a crispy white shirt and brown chinos, brown moccasins and he smells divine.
‘Sorry to come unannounced.’
‘It’s fine.’
‘For today.’ I add and I cause him to laugh warmly
He waits for me to sit before taking a sit too
‘How have you been?’ He asks
‘Okay I guess.’ I respond
He looks at me, with those piercing eyes of his
‘I am sorry I left without saying goodbye.’
‘Ezra it’s been eight years, you don’t need to apologize.’
‘I know it’s been eight years but I can very well remember that what we had wasn’t a circus play, it was deep and it meant a great deal to me.’ He says this and holds my hand
I pull my hand away from his grip
‘Whatever the case I am over it and I am sure you are too.’
He smiles, but his smile doesn’t reach his eyes
‘I tried to reach you.’
‘Katie let me.’
I feel a knot in my stomach
‘I haven’t met anyone like you, honestly if I say I haven’t had any relationships I would be lying but nothing compares to what I shared with you.’
‘Because I was your first?’
‘It’s deeper than that and you know it.’
I sigh
‘I wanted to come and say bye, but I didn’t have time. I wrote you letters and honestly I thought they reached you, for a while I thought you moved on immediately I moved away.’
‘You know how deeply I felt for you, why would you think so low of me?’
‘You were quiet.’
‘What about Sean?’ I ask trying to compose myself
‘Why didn’t you tell me that you were pregnant?’
‘Ezra Sean is not yours.’
He chuckles
‘I know you, at least the image I have of you tells me that, that boy is mine.’
‘So you think I sat here waiting around for you right?’
‘One look at that boy and I knew he was mine.’
He pauses
‘So I am going to ask again, why didn’t you tell me that you were pregnant?’
‘I told you that Sean is not your child and I won’t have repeating myself.’ I say strongly
‘This is how you want to play right? I am doing a DNA test and when it comes out positive I am going to get full custody.’
I want to laugh
‘I dare you Ezra, really I do.’ I say
‘Watch me.’ He says standing up
‘This is how you want to play, go ahead.’
I am too upset to attend to any patients, so I lock myself in the office the rest of the day and bury myself in paperwork until it is time for me to leave.
I am getting home after 3PM and I am surprised to see Francis’ car in my parking lot. I get into the house and find him, Ezra, Mark and Sean playing fifa. Urah is in the dinning area having wine whilst Chisenga is reading.
‘Chisenga please take Sean to the park.’ I say putting my bag on the kitchen table
‘But mum.’ He begins and the eye I give him makes him say no more
She stands up and gets her purse and car keys, I wait for them to leave before I can say anything.
‘Babe are you okay?’ Urah asks
‘Hey baby.’ Francis says coming to where I am
‘Hey.’ I respond taking in his scent as he embraces me
‘Sorry we came unannounced we were in the neighborhood.’ Mark says
Ezra stands up.
‘Sean was telling me that he wants to attempt the seventh grade exams.’
‘He is my son and I make the final decision.’ I say
‘Exactly what I told him.’ Urah responds
Ezra smiles
‘Where is his father again?’ He asks
‘Ezra you have no right whatsoever to ask me those questions, that boy is mine and I raised him on my own and I won’t be answerable to you or anyone!’ I scream
‘Of course you are answerable because guess what, that child needs a father in his life and how long are you going to hold the truth from him?’
‘What truth?’ I ask with blood shot eyes
‘Chomi this is really not your business.’ Francis says
He shoots him daggers
‘Sooner or later Sean will have to know the truth and I swear to God I won’t rest until he does.’
‘Ezra what exactly do you want?’
‘I want my child Damn it!’
I see Urah look at me
‘Your child? You have the audacity to look me in the eyes and claim that he is your child, so you know the humiliation I went through at the hands of your mother? Being disowned by my own family? I had to build from the ground up and be both mother and child to him and you come from God knows here and claim him and you think I will sit on my ass and give him to you?’ I ask angry tears running
‘Ezra I loved you, I was willing to go miles for you and for us but you left. When I needed you the most you left without even saying goodbye! I looked for you. I did. I tried writing but all those bloody letters didn’t go anywhere because you didn’t leave an address and you honestly think I will give you my child just like that?’ I ask again
There is silence in the room and that’s when I hear the soft whimpers
‘So he is my father?’ Sean asks