Drama Queen: Episode 1 - 10 (Season 1) : TOPSTER STORIES

Drama Queen – Season 1 – Episode 10

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EPISODE 10 (Finale


Season 1






At the flower boys house, the flower boys opened the studio door and got shocked to see TedyA standing in front of them, grinning with his hands akimbo.


“Tah da!” he said.


“Wait Tedy, did you sleep in here?” Jeff asked.


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“What do you think? I woke up as early as five.” he said and walked over to Michel.


“Hyung must be proud of me today.” he said looking at Michel then touched Michel’s cheek. “Oh wow.. You look so beautiful. Did you apply natural makeup in your dream?”


Michel smiled. “I think I did. You were there too. Just that you left.” he teased.



TedyA made a sad face. “Oh my.. It must have been that crazy alarm bell. I wanted to be the first to be here.. Ahhhsh…”


A hand removed TedyA’s hand on Michel’s cheek.


It was J guy’s.


“Whattt?” Tedy sneered at him.


“We should start practicing.” J guy said.

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“Yeah I know. Tch..” TedyA sneered at him then smiled at Michel. “Did I try today?”


“Keep it up but you don’t have to wake up by 5.” Michel said.


TedyA grinned. “Really. What of six.. Six -thirty?… Six – forty.”


Michel pulled the pullover hood over his head and zipped the pullover up.


“Okay guys, come on.. Let’s begin.” he said.






Li Sugar walked in and met Angel and Bebé sitting on the couch of the sitting room.


“Hey girls, morning.” she said and headed towards the staircase.


“Hey Sugar, where did you go to so early in the morning?” Angel asked.


“To see Michel. Found out that relocated. Angel do you know about that?” Sugar said.


“Yeah.. Best told me. It was sort of a secret.” Angel said.



“Wow.. I’m glad you do. And I’m sure I can get the address from you, right?” Sugar said.


Angel stood up and walked to Sugar.


“Girl.. Do you really think this would work out? Why not just…just go on with Leo. He’s one of the best guys I’ve ever seen. Let Michel be.. I’m sure Michel had forgiven you a long time ago but I’m not sure if he can accept you back.”


Sugar chuckled. “Of course he will. For this past months, he’s been patiently waiting for me. You watch and see how it turns out.”


Angel turned to Babé, “babé aren’t you gonna say something?”


“I got nothing to say. Sugar isn’t someone to be convinced to stop whatever she had decided to do. Let her go on. She might be right about Michel waiting for her besides he never got another girlfriend.” Babé said.


Sugar smiled. Satisfied with Babé response.


Angel turned back to Sugar. “What about Leo?”


“Well you wanna know now? Fine, you will. I and Leo’s dating was a game. We had a contract to date for three months in order to revenge on Michel but then it exceeded.. We’ve called it off and I’m going back to my Michel.” Sugar broke the truth to them which left Angel and Babé in utter shock.


“Let’s have practice in an hour time.” Sugar said and with that she walked upstairs.


Angel and Babé looked at themselves.


“Did I just heard right?” Angel asked.


“I was about asking same too.” Babé said.


They gasp.


“What! – what!!” They both exclaimed and ran upstairs to Sugar’s room.



“Sugar, how could you do something like that. Michel did everything he could to make you see that he wasn’t doing anything with that Daisy Camilo.” Angel said immediately they walked into her room.


Sugar turned to them with tears in her eyes.


“I never believed him. All I wanted was to hurt him. I have no idea what got into me. It’s like I was bewitched.” She said


“What happens now.. About Leo? Did he really accept the break up…” Babé asked.


Sugar turned back, facing her dressing table mirror.


“Yes he did. Everything is fine. I just need to go back to being Michel’s girlfriend. I believe he still love me and would accept me back. I’m ready to do anything to have him back. I really love him.” Then she turned and walked to Angel. “Please Angel, you need to help me. I need the flower boys new address.” she said.


Angel exhaled. “This kind of stuff shouldn’t get to the tiniest public.”


“Of course it can’t.” Sugar said.


“Why asking me for the address. I’m sure their relocation must have gotten to the public.” Angel said.


Sugar grabbed her phone and searched through.


“It isn’t on the media yet.” Sugar said.


“Xspark did try making it a secret. I guess they would public it soon. Why don’t you wait till then. Best would be really disappointed in me if I give it to you. I promised him the secret. I’m sorry Sugar, I can’t give the address to you.” Angel said and walked out.


Babé exhaled. “Can we still have the practice this morning?” She asked.


Sugar inhaled. “Yea..yea”


“Alright..” Bebé said and left.


Sugar threw her phone angrily on the bed.






[Flower boys house ]


The door opened and Mr Park walked in with two delivery men.


Best sighed. “At long last, it arrived.”


“Ahh I felt like I was going to die of hunger.” Jeff said and yawned.


“I thought sleeping was better than hunger.” J guy said.


Jeff gave him a hit on the head. “Don’t play with me now.”


TedyA smiled at Michel and touched his nose “Im obsessed with your nose. I wish mine’s like that.”


J guy stretched his hand and removed TedyA’s hand from Michel’s nose.


“Do you want to pull his nose off?” J guy asked.


TedyA sneered at him. “It isn’t your business.”




The meals were rserved by two maids and soon, the flower boys were eating with Mr Park.


“Let’s cheer to a new flower house.” Mr Park said.


They raised their glass of wine and toast.


“When is Mr Kim coming back from Philippine?” Michel asked.



“Two days time.” Mr Park said.


“He must want to spend a lifetime there with all those ladies.” J guy said.


“He’s just gone on an arrangement for your concert in two weeks. Nothing more.


Tch.” Mr park said.

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“I know I know.” J guy chuckled.


But Mr Park, why isn’t the cook here yet? I really dislike restaurant meals. There is a little much salt in this one.” Jeff said.


“Mine as well.” TedyA said and turned to Michel. “Hyung, is there much salt in yours?”


“A bit.” Michel said and drank water.


“Ehm the lady suddenly fell ill.. According to the hospital, it would take her five days to be discharged then she can start her job.. So I would beg you guys to keep up with the restaurant meals for this five days.” Mr Park said.


“Ahh what is this.. I can’t take this.” Jeff said.


“What about the maids… What is this about the maids coming only some days in the week and not not sleeping over? Why did Xspark make such decision?” Best asked.


“Well, Bora’s case of letting Li Sugar in got to the ears of Director Xiao and he decided that. He says it would be safer for you. Only the cook sleeps over. The cleaners comes every morning and leave after cleaning. The laundry maids for each of you comes every two days. Only the cook lives with you guys.. I like the idea.. There’ll be more privacy than maids parading every corner. What do you think?” Mr Park finished.


“We are fine with whatever he said.” Best sighed.


“We? Talk for yourself, you punk.” Jeff said.


TedyA smiled at Michel. “Do you like the idea, if you do then I do.”


Michel shrugged. “It’s not a bad idea. Here is different so only us is a nice idea.” (Topster Stories) Recommend you to read more interesting and erotic stories from www.generalloaded.com TedyA clapped his hands with a wide grin “Yes. I like the idea as well.”


J guy rolled his eyes at TedyA “Ah, so annoying. He will never stop being a kid. Tch..”


“Disliking it won’t make any difference. Director Xiao had said it, no one can oppose. I gotta eat this jammed salt called food.” Jeff said and went on eating.




Mona Lisa was seen pushing her box tiredly with blue in her arm as she walked towards Silver house.


She had not eaten and she had nothing last night as well.


She was in a painful hunger. Blue’s food was remaining only three packs.


“Aighhhh I’m so exhausted but I will hold on. I’m getting there already. Just hold on a little more.” She encouraged herself as she walked on.


Soon, she got to the gate of silver house and it was locked.


She should press the gate security bell and someone inside would see her face through the security camera and press on a button beside it, the gate will automatically open and close back.


She was about doing that when she halted at the sound of a car starting inside then coming toward the gate.


Mona quickly stepped away from the gate and it opened.


The car drove out of the gate and drove pass her.


She saw the man in the car. His face looked familiar.



She tried thinking where she had seen him then she did.


“He looks like Spark5 manager.” She said..


She opened her purse and brought out her phone. She went through her gallery and saw the pictures where the spark5 members took pictures with their two managers.


Mona gasped. “He looked so much like Mr Park. What is he doing in silver house. Is he…is he the new owner with his family..?”


Mona dropped her phone back and remembering a secret gate, she used it.. There were cobwebs all over and she spent minutes taking them off, then bolted the small gate and crawled in, she took in her bag and Cat and closed back the gate.


Her father told her everything about Silver house.


She knows everything about silver house even the ones that Tenten doesn’t.


She grabbed her box and carried Blue and slowly and carefully, she headed to the door porch of the main entrance to the sitting room.


She have to be careful with the roof to floor glass windows.


She finally got to the door porch and began thinking whether to press the doorbell or not.


“Wait.. I have to google about him.”


She took out her phone and googled Mr Park, manager of Spark5 boys band.


She read that he’s thirty seven, married with three kids.


Mona Lisa sighed. “Why did he have to be the one to buy silver house. It just feel like I’m going to see the flower boys. If only I can meet his wife and get to work of begging her.”


She breathed in, out the pressed on the doorbell.






[Tenten and Rose residence]


Tenten was cooking in the kitchen while Rose fan herself in the sitting room while watching TV.


Rose comes from a rich parents who were friends with Tenten’s late parents. Rose parents pampered her a lot but she got thrown out by her father when she got pregnant with Tenten’s child.


“Honey, should I come and help you cut the onions?” Rose asked.


“No no my love. You will hurt your eyes and it might affect our baby. Just watch the TV.” Tenten said.


Rose sighed. “What? There’s nowhere it is said that cooking will affect my child.”


“Aigh stop talking as if you can cook. Allow me to do it all. I’m happy doing it.” Tenten said.


“Sure? What about the investment you made with silver house money?” Rose asked.


“I’ve not received an news yet. I’m hoping before the week ends, I will. Don’t worry dear. Everything will be fine once it do.” Tenten said.


“I hope that it don’t pass this week. We need to go to Mona Lisa. Uhm honey,”


“Yes my love.”


“Do you have an idea who the new owner of silver house is?” Rose asked.


Tenten shook his head. “No, I have no idea. I only worked with the agents.. And it seem they didn’t want it known. I asked about three times but they ignored me.”


“Ohh..but why? Is the person some idol?” Rose asked.



“I don’t know. I don’t think too.” Tenten said.


Rose’s stomachs grumbled.


“Ahh I’m so hungry.. I eat a lot this days.” She said.


“Yes you have to. Our baby have to be healthy. Just give me five minutes more.” Tenten said.






“Did the doorbell just rang? It can’t be Mr Park, he’s left with his car.” Best was the first to speak as they stared at the door.


The cleaning maids were still around and they waited for the flower boys to give an order to go to the door.


“Okay.. Wait, whoever that is knocking on the door must have entered through the gate. He can’t pass without the gate being opened.” Jeff said.


“Unless…. the person used the opportunity while Mr Park was leaving.” TedyA




“Mr Park must have seen whoever it is.” J guy.


All their thought went on Li Sugar but they were scared to use ‘she’


“One of you should check who’s at the door. If there’s no good explanation, order he or she to leave and if he or she mentions about us, just give an excuse and shut the door OK.” Michel said.


The three maids looked at their selves, each of them afraid to go.


No one want to loose her job.


“What are you still waiting for?” J guy said.


One rushed to the door.


The flower boys stood up and went for a hide.


They were afraid it might turn out to be some reporter.


The maid by the name, Mi soo opened the door and saw a lady with blonde hair parked in two ponds.


A cat in her arm and a travelling box beside her.


“Wh…who are you? I’m sure you are in the wrong place.” Mi soo said, holding tightly to the doorknob to slam the door shut if she attempts to come in.


Mona Lisa saw that the girl in front of her appear like a maid and dressed like one.


Yes dressed like one.


“My name is Mona Lisa. Can I see the resident of this house?” Mona Lisa said.


Mi soo shook her head. “I’m sorry, you can’t. They are very busy right now.” she said and was about shutting the door when Mona Lisa halted her.


“Wait wait..”


“What.. I’m very busy myself.” Mi soo said.


“You didn’t tell me when to come back.” Mona said.


“I don’t know when you can come back. I have to go now.” Mi soo said.


“Wait wait.. Don’t close the door yet.” Mona said.


Mi soo sighed. She’s going to close the door this time and nothing will stop her.


“Can I at least know your master’s name?” Mona asked.



“If you don’t know their name, don’t look come looking for them. You are one of them right, I won’t open this door again. Tch..bye!” Mi so said and slammed the door shut.


Mona Lisa scratched her hair.


“What do I do.. What do I do.. Okay.. I know.” she said.


She breathed in, then out.


‘Go now Mona Lisa.’


“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! AHHHHH!! AHHHHHH!!” she screamed ontop of her voice and fell down.


The flower boys rushed out from their hiding places.


“What’s that noise?” Best asked.


Mi soo shook her head. “I..I don’t know. It must be her.” she said.


“Her Li Sugar?” Jeff said.


Mi soo shook her head. “No sir.”


“Open the door..” Michel said.


“What.. Whoever it is, she might be pretending just to get in.”


“Get the door open.” Michel said and Misoo rushed back to the door and opened it.


She gasped at seeing Mona Lisa on the floor.


“She..she seem to have fainted.” Mi so said.













Both the maids and flower boys rushed out and Michel on seeing her was shocked to see who it was.


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Blue without anybody noticing had ran into the house.


“Hey.. Miss, wake up are you okay?” Jeff said taking her hand.


Mona Lisa thought she was dreaming.


‘Why does that voice sound so much like the flower boys own?


Why’s the hand holding me feel like a special hand.


Maybe I should just keep dreaming.’


“What is this Maniac doing here?” Michel’s question confused everyone to look at him.


Mona Lisa gasped.


‘Michel.. That is Michel’s voice.. Open your eyes Mona Lisa. Open your eyes. This isn’t a dream. This is nightmare, open your eyes. This is nightmare.’


“What do you mean Michel, do you know her?” Best asked.


“This girl is a psychopath… She’s full of dramas. Get the securities to get her out of here.” Michel said.


‘What! Securities. Don’t wake up yet Mona Lisa. Remain still. This is a nightmare.’


“She’s not waking up.” Jeff said.


Michel walked over and kicked her slightly. “Hey you, wake up and get out of here.”


‘It’s him.. It’s him. I can’t breathe anymore. I can’t breathe anymore’


“Hey, quit the drama and open your eyes. Where’s that cat of yours.” Michel said and kicked her slightly again.


Mona Lisa opened her eyes and when she saw all the flower boys looking at her, she screamed and fainted for real this time.


“What? She fainted again.” Jeff said.


“I told you she’s a drama queen. She’s pretending.” Michel said.


Jeff raised her hand and it dropped. “I don’t think she is this time. She really fainted.” he said and without thinking twice, he carried her and hurried into the house.


“Get water.” he said.








Okay oo


Season 1 ends here.

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