The Baby Contract: Episode 1 - 29 : TOPSTER STORIES

The Baby Contract – Episode 26

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Charles’s men led Deville and his friends out of the warehouse,when Deville saw that they were far from where Charles and the others were,they turned against the thugs and beat them up,

“Let’s tie them up and dump them somewhere no one will see them.” William suggested, they tied the men up,

“Instead we can get your men to clean up this mess while we go find those two friends of our.” Deville said to Archie,

“And calling the cops to arrest Charles and his crew before they leave,won’t rest till I see those bastard rot in jail.” He added,Archie nodded,indeed that was the best idea.

“Deville !” They turned to the direction of the caller,indeed it was Jake and Tim carrying Anne and another man Deville recognized immediately to be Fred,Deville ran to them and they gave the unconscious Anne to him,

“Guys,you saved Anne,you brought back my Anne.” Deville said with an excited and emotional face,the one Archie,William, Tim and Jake had never seen before,they one they never knew Deville has.Deville wrapped his arm around Anne and kissed her everywhere like a mother would do her lost child that has been found,

“I thought you said you’ve gat my wife and kids?” Fred asked, everyone turned to him,

“Guys,we’ve left them in the safe house.” Archie reminded the guys,they’ve forgotten about Fred’s family though even if they remembered they wouldn’t have gone for them because Charles’s men were with them at that time.

“Dev,take Anne to the car,Jake’s badly injured,he needs rest and Tim too,they’ve done a lot while I,Fred and William will go back for Fred’s family.” Archie said,

“And if you’re lucky enough to get to the airport,get Renato and the other guys to come back for us,they must be done with stuffs,you can also get the cops too,Renato would teach you how to get the cops attention down here.” He patted Deville’s shoulder and they separated ways.Archie took the guns of the toed men,gave one to Fred and held one himself and they went back to the warehouse.

Meanwhile Charles was very happy and quite surprised Deville left Anne for them without a fuss,

“I don’t think it was a good idea we let them go.” Frank finally said,

“Don’t be absurd,he left Anne for us,that’s what we originally wanted and he gave in,now we just have to call Millie and tell her the mission was successful like she had predicted.” Charles said,

“Hey you!” He called Dimitri, the man rushed to them,

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“Take us to Anne.” The man nodded and led the way while Charles and Frank followed him,

“What about the other captives?” Dimitri asked them,

“Yeah about them,don’t worry when we finally get Anne out of this country, well send them back to that guy.” Charles concluded. When they got inside,the whole place was a mess and all the boxes were opened,

“What happened here?” Dimitri asked,the two men outside ran into the room and they were shocked with the new shape of the room.

“Are you asking us,its obvious you’re a useless piece of shit,” Frank slapped the man and he staggered to the floor,

“Can’t you see those men just tricked you.” Charles said in anger,

“That’s the reason he asked us to free them and he won’t come back cause he already got Anne and the other captives.” Frank said, ow understanding what transpired between them and Deville a few minutes ago,

“And where are those bastards I sent with them?” Charles said,

“Aren’t you supposed to know,Deville must have killed them,” he turned to Dimitri and kicked the man’s groin,

“You’re a sweep,you’re useless.” He cursed,

“Now we’ve to go find them yourself,they mustn’t be far away yet.” He walked out of the room,Charles and the two men followed him.

“Get their guns.” Frank came out with Charles but were surprised to see some strange faces in the warehouse, the men charged toward them and took every weapon they had on them.Mere looking at the men,one could tell they are real thugs,underworld men, trained thugs with great martial skills,Franks swallowed hard as them walked away from him,

“Tie them up and make sure they won’t escape and if anyone of them try give you trouble,don’t hesitate to calm him down the best way you can.” The leader ordered the rest with an evil smirk on his face,the man looks so deadly with a brown dandy hair and his face look so rugged,

Must have been a thug all his life, Frank thought.

“Who are you and what are you doing here?” Charles asked angrily,the man came to him and slapped him hard across the face,Charles lips bled immediately, this mans hands are made of something else,something heavier and stronger than metal,

“That’s who I’m am,I’m Renato,your friend here,” Renato pointed to Frank,

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“He should have a memory with that name, I’m I wrong?” Frank was confused,there’s a familiarity to the name but he couldn’t place it,

“You tend to have a bad memory Frank,you’ve forgotten about me so quickly.” Renato said,Charles turned to Frank,

“Okay,let me give you a hint.” He opened the top buttons of his shirt and showed Frank his left breast, a rough tattoo was there,like something written with hot knife,it was a F sign,

“Remembered me now?” Frank gasped,

“Re…na…to.” He stammered,

“I know you won’t forget so easily.” Renato said with an evil smirk,with this look he can kill under the count of three but he wouldn’t now,Archie had warned him earlier to control his actions and his anger,

“You see this mark?” He asked Charles showing him the mark on his left breast,Charles nodded,

“This bloody cunt gave it to me.” Charles gasped, he never expected Frank to be this heartless.

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