My Indoor Holiday – Episode 9
Chapter 9 (Finale)
Isa’s POV
She got to me and slapped me hard accross the face.
I winced in pain.
She tore the colar of my dress and smiled at something on my neck.
What’s that?
The necklace dad told me never to wear off?
Does it have anything to do with the crystal?
“There you are, little crystal. You are mine now!” she said but as she tried to grab
it, blue sparkling light shone from the necklace and ascended on her face.
She screamed out, staggered back and fell down.
I gasped.
The light faded back, just then the magic locked handcuffs which held my hands loosened and I fell down, breathing hard.
The glass cage holding Henry broke down and melted away.
He fell down.
“Henry!” I called and was struggling to my feet when the long door flung open and aunt Kiki, with the police men and Elizabeth in handcuff came in.
“Isa.” aunt Kiki called and rushed to me, hugging me.
“Henry.” I said weakly.
“Yes yes.” she said and helped me to my feet.
“Where is he?” she asked.
“Over there.” I said, and pointed at him.
I rushed with my last strength to Henry.
The police stared at me with confused eyes.
I know they don’t see him nor do aunt Kiki.
“Henry” I called but he wasn’t responding.
“Take off the smoke and the fire.” Elizabeth said.
aunt Kiki rushed forward to do that but Elizabeth halted her.
“Don’t! she’s the only one that could touch that.” she said.
I rushed to the pot and put off the fire and the smoke stopped then I dragged the pot far away.
“His spirit will wake up now.” Elizabeth said and just then, Henry opened his eyes.
“Henry!” I called and rushed to him, hugging him.
He’s so cold but I didn’t mind.
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I didn’t mind the stares from the police men.
“Isabel.” he called.
“Henryyy” I called excitedly.
“Thank you.” he said.
“Not yet till you are back to your body.” I said.
He smiled.
I looked at Elizabeth, “Take us to his body, to my cousin and every single soul you are holding captive.”
“My sister is dead.” she said.
“She’s the only one who can unbid the cast she placed on them.”
I glanced at her sister who layed dead on the floor, then back at Elizabeth “I have the crystal!” I said.
“It won’t unbid the spell.” Elizabeth said.
“It will!” I said.
Henry grabbed my hand “Are you sure you can?”
“You wanted me to. I can’t give up when we have won already.” I said and made to carry him.
“No, im fine. Though im gonna be light in your hands but you are weak.” he said.
“What of your ghost powers?” I asked.
“I don’t think I can have them again but im sure I can disappear.” he said.
I nodded and stood up.
He did too.
“Take us.” I said to Elizabeth.
She walked ahead with two police men by her sides.
“Go through the walls.” she said and immediately went through it.
The police men backed away.
“Go!” I said and one shrugged and did. He went through.
The second did, followed by I, Henry, aunt Kiki and the three other police men.
We found ourselves in a large room like chamber.
With lined up glass cage and in these cages were bodies, each body in one.
“My mom. My dad.” Henry said immediately.
“Regina!” aunt Kiki shouted.
I scanned but there was no Henry’s body among.. others, we do not know.
“Where is my body, I can feel it.” Henry said.
“Where is Henry’s body!” I asked Elizabeth.
“This way” she said and began walking pass the glass cages.
We followed her along and soon she got to a larger glass cage, tall up to the roof.
And in there was his body.
“My sister is the only one who can unbid the spell, break the cage for his spirit to
get back in but she is dead now..” Elizabeth said.
“There must be a way to do this.” I said.
“No other way.” she said.
I walked towards the cage and pulled off the necklace.
I then strectched the locket towards the cage hoping some magic will happen but nothing happened.
I repeated it but it wasn’t doing anything.
“It’s not working.” I said sadly.
“I told you.” Elizabeth said.
I tried it again but it still didn’t perform any magic.
I sighed with tear drops from my eyes.
I need to do this.
There must be away out of this.
This crystal should work.Kindly share out stories from using the floating social media icon buttons on the bottom of the screen
“I feel something bad coming Isa!” Henry said.
I glanced at him and he appeared scared.
“Do this Isa! do it again. Focus is the key I think. Do it Isa! I think Juliet is
coming! she’s alive.” he said and my heart jumped.
I glanced at Elizabeth and I could see a wicked smile appearing on her face.
“She’s lying. I think this crystal can do this! stay focused. Do it Isabel. I feel juliet close now!” Henry said.
I breathed in and closed my eyes and turned to the cage.
”Stay focused.
stay focused Isabel.
What I wish is for this cages to open!
What I wish is to end the evils of the Holloways.
What I wish is to make magic from this crystal.
Stay focused Isabel… focus.”
The voice within me continued till it faded and I found myself in a large dark tunnel, fighting with fire. Im the water and ice.
The fighting continued and soon we began strong enchantments..
“A la a se ti enn ve.. fi ma le ku az! Dra ye re ek!”
The gravity of strength within me was too strong and soon Fire was becoming weak.
But she wasn’t quiting!!
My strength began fading but I kept fighting, blocking every ball of fire that is thrown to me with ice and water!
With my last strength I kept fighting.
Soon, she became too weak.. Her flames becoming smaller and delaying.
I molded the last block of ice and with the last strong spell and my last strength I threw it hard to her and she screamed and fell down. Her face appeared.
Juliet Holloways… she melted away with the ice.
I lost my strength finally and with a fulfilled smile, I fell down and passed out.
A hard slap on my leg sent me waking from my sleep.
I rubbed my eyes with bewilderment, staring from Katy to Ariana.
Then at the room.
It’s mine. My bedroom in my dad’s house.
Wait a second, Im in Chicago and not New york?
No.. where is aunt Kiki? Henry?
“Why staring at us this way Isa? aren’t you going for the Sunmay beach holiday anymore!!” Katy yelled.
I blinked.
“But.. I was in aunt Kiki’s house. My dad forced me to go there.” I said, not understanding the whole thing.
Arianna laughed.
“Oh silly! you must have been dreaming all through the night. Come on get up!
Your dad is taking us in his limousin. We must not be late!” Arianna said.
I raised my brows, “my dad?”
They nodded “Oh yes”
I sighed.
Was I dreaming all this while?
What’s really happening!
The holiday haven’t even started and dad is the one taking us to sunmay when he forced me to go to New york.
What about Henry? what happened!
Im so confused.
“Come on Isa, get up.” Katy said and dragged me up from the bed.
just then Jo, my maid rushed in, grinning.
“What the heck! don’t you have manners!” Katy yelled at her.
“Im sorry.” she said then turned to me with smiles, “Isa, the News just announced that your since lost cousin had been found!” she said and I gasped.
“Regina! She’s been found!” she said.
“Oh my!” I gasped.
“Woah!” Katy said.
“Your dad is dancing downstairs.” she said.
“Oh em geee! I need to see.” Katy laughed and rushed out followed by Arianna.
I looked at Jo and her smile faded at seeing the way I stared confusely at her.
“I think it was all a dream Jo.” I said.
“What dream?” she asked.
I sighed, stood up and walked out
Coming downstairs, I saw dad and the girls dancing.
That made me laugh.
He smiled at seeing me.
“Oh Isa, you can’t believe your cousin sister had been found!” he said.
“I do.” I said.
Just then the doorbell rang.
Jo went for it and opening the door, a guy in tuxedo suit appeared.
“Ohh Sir, the son of Sir Fred Leone is here. Come in sir.” Jo said.
He walked in and I gasped when I saw him.
“Henry!!” I screamed and rushed to him, hugging him.
“Excuse me?” he said and I raised my brows.
“You know me?” he asked.
I moved back.
No no no.. this is not happening.
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“Isa, do you know him?” Dad asked.Kindly share out stories from using the floating social media icon buttons on the bottom of the screen
I swallowed, “he was part of my dream.” I said.
“Part of your dream?” they all chorused.
“Yes part of my dream.” I said.
“Regina was part of my dream too.”
“Then tell us this dream.” Dad said.
“I will.” I said.