Mr Flirt: Episode 1 - 22???? : TOPSTER STORIES

Must Read: Mr Flirt – Episode 17

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Episode 17


© Simrah Saeed


✨ Tamara ✨


Wait what? Convinced? Don’t tell me I fell for Nina’s trick again….


I glanced at the mischievous lady who was grinning at me …


I could have known but why will she even trick me here in the first place ?


” Thanks Dad, anything for my family ” Nina said winking at me …


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” Make yourself comfortable Mara, don’t be scared we aren’t going to harm you ”


Mr Nathan assured while I smiled nervously before sitting down beside Nina nudging her


” Well then, brunch will be ready in a few minutes. Did you need anything before then? Like water, juice or something ” Mrs Nathan asked while I shook my head shyly…


I wanted to meet her but not unprepared. God! Sometimes, I regret meeting Nina at first



” No ma’am I’m okay ” I replied


” You see, you happened to be our daughter’s friend which equally makes you our daughter so feel free to call us mum and Dad okay ?” He informed ..


I sighed in relief knowing that they are not as tough as I thought ….


But what will happen if they know I’m their son’s girlfriend?

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Will they hate me? And Ryan, where is he? As much as I am eager to see him, I’m scared he won’t be happy to see me


” Yes s..Dad ” I corrected immediately putting on my best smile


” Good, you should get used to it because you will be a part of this family soon daughter ” he said while his wife nodded in agreement..


I couldn’t ask but what did he mean by that?


This is getting me scared and confused at the same time… I feel they have something under their sleeves …


I still strongly believe they wouldn’t hurt me ” And Nina? ” Mrs Nathan called …

She wasn’t even with us as she was busy with her phone ..


Isn’t she crazy? To bring someone and forget her here…


” Yes mum ” she replied placing her phone on the couch ” Where are your brothers?” She asked


Oh! Their elder brother Jeremy.. this is really a case being the center of attention .. how much i hate that, it can make me pass out geez!




” They are at the firehouse together with Nate ” she replied sharply beaming with a smile …


I don’t get why she’s all excited and some minutes ago, she wasn’t with us … Typical Nina…



” Go call them please ”


” Alright mum ” she said standing up….




Don’t tell me she’s leaving me with them..


Our eyes met as she gave me a sheepish smile .


” I will be right back with your Romeo babe enjoy your time with my parents ” she whispered into my ear running out of the house ..


I shook my head at her behaviour facing mum and dad awkwardly…..






. (Written by Simrah Saeed)












✨ Ryan ✨


I glared at the two big heads laughing at my situation..


It isn’t in any way funny to me


Dad can really be impossible with his decisions sometimes like now …


He’s really serious about my marriage in three weeks to the lady i haven’t proposed to..


Isn’t that out of point?


” Congrats bro, you are leaving the bachelor life for me finally ” Nate said in a mocking tone


” Dare talk again and I will punch you” I threatened going closer to the fireplace while he laughed


” You ought to be happy Ryan” Jeremy chirped


Yeah, that’s true, I ought to be happy! Yeah I’m happy about getting married to Mara but.. there’s nothing that has been done, no proposal, no arrangements to meet her father and my greatest fear is rejection


What if she doesn’t want to get married now? And what if she doesn’t want to get married to me in specific ?


Only this thought is enough to sadden my heart …


” Guys ” Nina beamed coming towards us. I won’t be surprised, she’s always happy like nothing is her problem in this world ..


” What’s with the happy mood candy ?” Nate asked ” Guess what” she grimaced


” Spill it already Nina” Jeremy said impatiently as all our eyes fixed on her.


She took a deep breath


” Mara is here and mum wants you all in the house ” she squealed in excitement


What? Mara? Here? How?


My heart began racing..


” What? How?” I blurted


” Well, I did the usual bro ” she said laughing… God! Is this Nina really my twin? She’s so mischievous



” You mean Mara? Oh my! I have been a bad brother! I need to see her already ” Nate dramatised as I stayed quiet in my place


” Wow! It will be an opportunity to meet with my sister in-law for the first time ” Jeremy added standing up together with Nate …


” C’mon little bro, let’s go ” Nina dragged me with her …


I’m happy I will see her again but… My family.. goodness! I hope they won’t embarrass her and make her feel uncomfortable








We came in to meet only Mara seated on the couch ..


She looks extremely beautiful goodness! Like her beauty increased during the holidays or is it because it’s been a while I saw her?


” Sis ” Nate called hugging her tightly while I groaned . He shouldn’t be hugging her that way


” Ow! Nate” she called back smiling widely


I ran there dragging Nate away from her ..


” That’s okay, remember she’s only mine ” I said sternly …


Everyone began laughing including Mara..


Very good! When did mum and dad entered in here?


My face reddened as i hid it in my palms..


This is so embarrassing.


” You are jealous Ryan” dad said laughing ..


Is it that obvious?


Now I’m the one being embarrassed!


My eyes met with Mara’s making my heart flutter..


I stared at her without blinking for a second…….


I took in her appearance as she gazed at me flushed red …


My Mara looks gorgeous, aren’t I blessed to have her all to myself? ..


” Eww, we are still here Ryan stop being all lovey dovey ” mum squealed.. My ears turned pink, my head became heavy….


I got lost forgetting everyone in here…. Just perfect!


I guess so long Mara is here, I will continue to embarrass myself .


” Where is my Juliet? I need to call her over ” Jeremy said making everyone laugh




It did ease the tension in the air…


” You welcome to our home sister in law” my head snapped to Jeremy the moment he uttered that word ..


He began scratching his head when what he said niggled at him ..


” Jeremy ” dad called while he shrugged..




” I forgot dad, it slipped out ” he said taking the course while the rest of us sat too



My bad! I didn’t even say Hi to Mara..


It will look so awkward with mum and dad here… Saying hi to her has more meaning to it…


I will want to hug her and take her lips into mine… That soft sweet lollipop lips I wish to kiss forever….


Have i ever mentioned her lips taste so sweet? Well! I wouldn’t mind kissing her and not eating …


” I said something Ryan ” dad said ..


Oops! I spaced out!


I don’t even know what he said !!



” Uhhm I’m sorry Dad! , What did you say?” I stammered.. I know he will have to insult me as an answer.


” How will you know what I said when you where busy gazing at Mara opposite you ”


Geez! Was I staring?


” I’m sorry ” was all I could utter


” Anyways, Mara is staying for the night and I want you in particular to show her round the mansion Ryan ”


This is good news! My face brightened up immediatetly.. Some times with my Mara


” Really? ” I enthused


” Yes son but we wish to speak with her before then ” mum added …


My heart raced sensing what she meant… Are they really going to do this? Gosh!


Mara is always nervous with new people around her and now my mum and dad wants to interrogate her?


This should better end well …


✨ Tamara ✨




” Sit down hunny ” mum said smiling at me..


I sat opposite them nervously with my head low…


I don’t know where this is heading to but I’m already scared …


I made a mental note of making good investigation before believing any of Nina’s word …


” Mara dear ” Dad called..



” We know this is sudden and you might be taken aback by our arrangements but know we loved you the moment we learnt you are Ryan’s girlfriend and I can see you both are in love” he said


Very good!


They knew all this while?


I don’t think there will be any embarrassment than this …. I smiled nervously


My faced turned crimson with blush but I seized to raise up my head..


” I did some research about you and your family day before and I was able to get to your Dad, thou we still have to meet officially. We only spoke on the phone ”


I stared at him while he exchanged glance with his wife…


Now they are confusing me…


From knowing I’m their son’s girlfriend to doing a background check on me and my family then getting to speak with my dad?


I rapidly blinked my eyes unable to understand what’s going on….


Why would they have to meet?


They saw the confusion on my face clearing their throats…


” Uhm, Mara hunny! We discussed something with your dad and he doesn’t seems to have a problem with it ” mum said and paused


” According to him, we have to seek your consent not him… We need a favour from you Mara ” dad added ..


My head snapped at them …


What could they want from me?


I anxiously nodded my head…


” O….okay..” i trailed off


” I Know it’s too soon but we have reasons for doing it and we will explain after everything is okay ”


” Please.. Mara get married to Ryan ”


” In three weeks ” …


My head began spinning……


What? Marriage? In three weeks ? This is a joke ……









Are you sure?



Trust me June she’s trusting me slowly



Good! Be quick enough to get her out of the way..





I hung up smiling to myself…


June is foolish to think I will ever kill the family I have looked for for years …




Mara is my cousin, yeah! She is .


I found out recently …


I lied to her about my parents being in South Korea, having a child and being in a gay…. My parents!


They are late and before my father died, he told me of his only brother Owen, like he said, his brother was adopted by a rich family to ease their financial situation.. after then, he Never sets his eyes on him.. He made me promised to search for him and


Now that I found him as Mara’s dad, June wants me to kill her?


I can’t believe I was thinking of killing my own sister …..



” I’m sorry June, this very Job is impossible, I rather kill you than being a threat to my sister…..






Mr Flirt

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