Inheritance: Episode 1 - 4 : TOPSTER STORIES

Must Read: Inheritance – Episode 4

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Final episode


David got back to church so worried.. He couldn’t pray again after all he heard as he sat thinking of the way forward and where to start his prayers, he thought of calling the doctor to know about his wife’s condition. He called the doctor immediately and the doctor told him, his wife’s condition was not improving but getting worst. This was a disheartening news to David but the news of his wife woke him up to pray like he has never before in his life.


David knelt down in front of the alter and prayed.. He prayed until he was short of words and didn’t know what to say again.


While he was praying, he expected God to speak to him on what and what to do but God didn’t say anything throughout that day until mid night when he was praying another round of prayer again. David suddenly felt light as he was praying, as if some luggages were taking out of his body.


‘What happened? I feel light’, he asked himself as he checked his body over and over again.


Suddenly, he heard the voice of God.


‘You are free now’. That bad inheritance has been broken away from you and from your generation because you have stood in the gap and taken it upon yourself to pray to the one who have the ability to remove every bad and negative inheritance’. Go now, go and prosper and enjoy thy wife of thy youth for you have been librated and delivered.


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On hearing this, he started rolling on the floor, as tears of joy rolled down from his eyes, he praise and thank God till morning.


Very early the next day, he drove back to the hospital to see his wife.


On reaching there Juliana could now talk and open her eyes she was happy to see her husband, she wanted to move but was unable to.


Nooo, just lie down, you don’t have the strength yet, David told his wife



I missed you, Juliana said faintly.


I missed you too dear, David said wiping the tears in her eyes.


The doctor came in just then as he was doing that.


Good morning doctor.

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Good morning sir.


Good morning Mrs Juliana.


She smiled faintly


How is she feeling now doctor?


Sir, in fact am really surprised and I can say this is my first time of seeing a raw miracle, her health improved so fast in middle of the night without us even administrating any drug or injection to her.. Am very sure that by tomorrow she will be moving about.


Thank you Jesus! What about my baby? David asked the doctor.


The baby is perfectly fine too, the doctor said smiling.


Thank you Doctor, David said as he hugged the doctor.


Let’s thank God for this miracle and for divine healing..


Few days later, Juliana was discharge from the hospital.

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She was so happy to be home again, David won’t stop thanking God for what he has done for them especially for not making weep the second time over his wife.


Three months after Juliana was discharged from he hospital, she gave birth to a bouncing baby boy! It was on a Monday morning, that God brought this wonderful



gift to them. The doctor called David and broke the good news to him while he was at work. David left his office immediately to the hospital after the call.


He met his wife healthy and his son too.. He was so happy as he carried his tiny baby who was crying, around and kissed his forehead as tears of joy rolled down from his eyes.


You will be called INHERITANCE, because you are my inheritance from God..


David named his baby right there in the hospital smiling at the baby and his wife.


The End

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Good afternoon everyone , I know some people that are used to the kind of stories I post will be expecting this one to also be filled with lot of episodes but sorry to disappoint you because this one just got only four episodes.


It is not how far but how well. The most important thing here is the message it has pass on because it is really an eye opener to some of the things that we pass through in life.


I believe this story has given us insight to understand that some of the battles and challenges we face in life are not majorly caused by any witch or evil one but they are basically battles from our home and family linage that ought to be dealt with in the spirit realm.


I know after reading this, everyone of you will take the bull by the horn and pray to the Revealer of all secrets to reveal to you where your own battle rage from.


It is my prayer that God will fight our battles and break every evil yoke from us.


He will deliver and liberate us from every evil inheritance in Jesus mighty name.

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