Frenemies: Episode 1 - 10???? : TOPSTER STORIES

Must Read: Frenemies – Prologue

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{Less Than Friends,Less Than Enemies}



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Solely Written By;


Author Bella








Romance,Humour,Thriller, Adventure.



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Before we start I have to warn you,get ready to laugh your ass off not to mention


It’s suspense filled ….Okay let’s go .









In Simple terms,A friend is someone you like,An enemy is someone you dislike…Right?



Now what do you call someone who’s neither an ENEMY nor a FRIEND,Someone you just got a bad vibe on the moment you met,someone who you have to talk to


yet don’t want to .



Acquaintances Perhaps??




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Well I call them





Its a mutual agreement really,Stay out of my way,I stay out of yours,Our paths should barely cross.


We ain’t friends,we ain’t enemies either.


Just two people with different mindsets and opposite goals,but to every agreement


there has to be a breach one way or another .


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