Bupe (Gift):Episode 1 - 10 : TOPSTER STORIES

Must Read… Bupe – Prologue

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Sometimes,its good to give without expecting anything in return.


When you give with all your heart,God will add or give more than what you gave.

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Some rich people consider poor people to be worthless.they want to give and expect something in return that may ruin their lives.




Others have no say,even when a rich person does something bad to someone with low status, the government and society will condemn the poor person because money talks.




People forget that,everyone is equal in God’s eyes.


Other people look down on those who have made many mistakes in life forgetting that,some of them it’s not their fault but they just find themselves in the messy.


People forget to say that we are human and bound to mistakes and does not belongs to God only.

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She is Bupe which means gift.she had gone through a lot.she never set her eyes on her parents since she was born.


She grew up with her grandmother from her mother’s side.


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