Mr Irresistible: Episode 1 - 16???? : TOPSTER STORIES

Mr Irresistible – Episode 16

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✓✓Episode Finale




the process of kissing I stretch my hand


and grab the gun lying on the floor. I


direct the gun to her face, she look frighten


by the gun. no time I finger the gun but


there was no sound, shebi gun dey make


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sound when you shoot? she bite her lower


lips and land me heavy punch on my pretty




can someone get me mirror, she cut


my both legs from the floor. I landed


with my back and my head hitting the floor.


I groan in pain, she attacked me with


bare hands squeezing life out of my neck.


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Sam’s voice stopped her from taking my


life, I cough profusely.


Sam: bro are you okay? *folding his fists*


Me: yo..u blind?




Deborah is the one leading in punches


and one mind is telling me that I should


join them and fight. ofcourse I deleted


and formated the thought, five policemen


joined Sam. to subdue the witch. Call 911


and the death bodies were all taken away.


Years past I didn’t visit Baba or return


the properties of the devil who knows which


witch is lurking around, after learning


how to stop womanising in a hard way,


I work on my addiction with a sex therapist


and a psychologist. Sam. start losing weight


and the pox growing on his body, are you


thinking what am thinking, I invited him


to my office.


Me: do you know you are losing weight and having pox all over your body *he nodded* do you have a will?

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Sam: will ke, I no get pikin, or you be my pikin?


Me: you know say I like that your house and eehhh… that your new car, that is all I want from you.


Sam: I no get hiv oohh.. is just infection and chicken pox due to unprotected sex.




why? Chichi return back from State.




slept in the Airport to be the first to set


my eyes on my wife. I saw her with a little


boy, I can see the shock and surprise on


her face.


Chichi: am sorry baby *I hugged her again*


Me: you didn’t bother to come visit me in the hospital, for that 7rounds *she giggled like a school girl* nobody f–k me like my woman *I grinned*

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Chichi: all you know is sex *she touch the little boy beside her on the shoulder* here is your son.


Me: my boy *I carried him* you look cute like daddy, hope you won’t be like him.


Chichi: ofcourse he won’t belike you.




imagine iffa I no use condom I for don


become father Abraham. with 20sons.














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