Marked By The Sky – Episode 10
Episode 10
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Julie is a predator………………
Yes but have you heard of a good predator?a predator that eats other predator but doesn’t harm people. She got turned to that because of the pink fluid Rick injected her with.
She leapt from one building to another and she broke the hospital’s window squeezing herself in like a bird that lives on the roof with her tail sticking out.
Rick’s home
Rick opened the door tiredly and he closed it without even locking it from behind. He walked like someone drained all his energy…he removed his clothes and enter the bathroom to freshen up.
After a while he put on a loose fashion top and a loose trouser with drawstrings which makes him look like a boy in 20s. He slumped on his bed without even trying to cook cuz he’s so tired and exhausted. He dialed Nora’s number Rick:Hey babe what’s up?
Nora:I….I nearly died today
(He wanted to pretend like he was surprised but he’s got no energy to do that)
Rick:Really.?…uhh I’ve always warned you to be careful…so are you coming home or???
Nora:Just few hours to morning….the sun will soon be out I’m staying overnight
here I’ll come early tomorrow morning..I’ve really missed you Rick:Same here(in a distant voice)
Nora didn’t even hang up before Rick start dozing
Nora keep calling his name at the other end of the line but no reply So she hung up and Rick covered himself with the bedspread.
It’s 8:55 and Rick is still on the bed. Even his alarm didn’t wake him up today…he start turning from one side of the bed to another when a sweet smell dance pass his
nose and escaped through the door again. He sniff it in and he was able to figure out Nora’s soup . He removed the blanket and seems the curtains has been lifted up already which resulted to the light penetrating his weak pale eyes. He flinched and touch his head.
After recovering from the headache he went to the kitchen to get a cold drink.
Nora:You’re up!
Rick:Hun(he hum not opening his mouth)
Nora:Come here i made a soup for you
Rick:My modern female cop that acts like an old lady…. You got the recipes from
your mom right?
Nora:Of course we’re legend
Rick: Legend in making me late for work as well?…you stopped my alarm from ringing from 6:00 to 10:00..thanks for that
Nora: Rick I think you need a rest you’re a is Sunday you don’t go to work on Sunday
Rick:What? (He glance at the calendar )
Oh really?thanks hon.
Nora:Now eat while I prepare your bath.
Nora turn to leave the dining when her phone rang She picked it and tried to set it from being so loud
Report to work right now…we need to transfer the predator we captured last night to Seattle for supervision
Nora:Yes sir I’ll be there.(she hung up)
Rick:Its okay i heard everything already ..duty calls you’re free to go Nora:Sorry I’ll make sure to make it up to you.
Nora went inside and slipped I her uniform carrying her gun belt and wearing it on the way.
She slam the door behind her and drove away from the compound.
Rick:Cool now I’m left to myself..what will I do alone?
Phiu…a sound was heard like an electric object been disconnected from the main source. But it’s Fuya.
Rick:You????… You’re among the three people I don’t wanna see now Fuya:Who are they?
Rick:Nice question..the first is you,tge second person is you and the last person is you so I don’t wanna see you at all….how could you? You ran away leaving me all alone?
Fuya:I have no choice I told you predators are our only problem so I had to run because there is no way I could have helped you. That’s what Tutana wanna do before he died.
Rick:Your excuses won’t buy me… whatever I won’t buy your excuses don’t eat up my brain now go out
(He pointed towards the door)
Rick:am I even expecting you to leave through the door?…go back into that wall Fuya:I left something for you before I left I just hope it helps Rick:What?pardon?
Fuya:I transferred my powers to you but I don’t know if it helped Rick:Powers?
Flash back
Fuya start moving backward and she disappeared,yellow lights in a globe dropped from her and entered Rick’s nose)
Yellow light emitted from his head and a metallic claw came out from his knuckles)
Rick:Oh now I got it..I’m sorry…
Fuya:I’m going back home for a while be safe
Rick:What?you’re leaving me again?
Fuya:I’m useless to you anyway
Rick:Don’t feel bad im sorry
Fuya disappeared and Rick get this feeling like he was wrong.
He got dressed and decided to go and clean the mess at the lab.
Rick greeted everyone like it was his birthday.
He got to the entrance and noticed that someone is already in the lab. He quickly
opened it and saw Julie arranging the test tube in the test tube rack also cleaning
the beakers and pipettes.
Rick:Julie? You didn’t go home?
Julie:(she’s wearing the same cloth like last night)…yeah urhhhhh Sir why don’t you sit while i prepare Coffee..we can go drink in the park and talk Rick:ow…Owk!!
Julie went out and Rick switch on the TV
Rick increased the volume and he recognized the wrecked car on the TV.
Rick:That’s the taxi that….
Then Julie came in holding two cups of coffee and he switched off the TV Immediately.
Julie:Boss we’re good to go
Rick:I’ll be out in a sec.
Rick rushed over to his office the one he have access to and no other person can enter. He switched on the Recording Camera in the lab and checked last night’s footage.
He saw a creature Ash in colour with a tail and long head eating the predator he flung into the freezer last night. He almost puke but he held it back and went to the lab he opened the freezer but met nothing but a cool clean cold freezer.
He went out looking at Julie mysteriously.
Rick:(I’m sure the two predators that escaped from the forest killed the driver did Julie survived?)
Julie:Boss I heard a taxi driver was attacked last night thank God the old man dropped me home before dying
Rick::oh really that’s good for you.Julie you should go home early today I’m leaving.thanks for the coffee.
Rick left the lab and went to the road that leads to Julie’s house
Rick:She said the old man dropped her home before dying but earlier she look like she didn’t go home at all.and the freezer why is it cleaned? I’m confused I just hope it’s nothing that will be out of my control.
Mr Bush:(he’s speaking to oneof the officers) have you checked that brain eater? :Yes sir she’s still sleeping
Then their plane start shaking
Mr bush: What’s going on?
Nora came in reloading her gun
Nora:She’s awake and two police officers are down.
Mr Bush: We’re flying fir goodness sake she shouldn’t cause trouble on air.