Love Of My Life – Episode 19
Episode 19
“Welcome to south Africa my darling” Richard shouted
“Wow sweety when did you buy this house?” Annie asked as she tour the compound “Last week babe….want to take a look at our bedroom” Richard winked at her
“Come on that can wait , later, let me…..” Annie was interrupted as richard scooped
her up and carried her in a bridal style
“You are the best thing that has ever happen to me” Richard kissed Anita on her lips
“You are the best husband a woman can ever desire.I love you Richard” Anita kissed him back.
Richard broke the kiss
“I love you more” he kissed her passionately and the rest was history *3 months later*****
“Richy…” Annie called out
“Yes honey” Richard sat next to her
“The baby want to eat pizza and drink yoghurt” Anita raised her brows “Baby want to eat? Or you want to eat? Richard teased her
the baby, that what she feels like eating” Anita mused “She or he? Richard scoffed
come on hungry and you are arguing about the baby gender” anita sob “Oh no,please don’t crying.okay I will go and buy the pizza” Richard ran out *30 minutes later****
“Babe here is the pizza” Richard placed it on the table “I don’t want it” Anita shrug
“You don’t want to eat the pizza again?
yes the baby lost her appetite”
“Her? Come on Anita please go for a scan checkup so we can know our baby gender” Richard pleaded
“No scan,I know it a girl. Guess what? Anita smiled
you just want to change the topic.I can’t guess though ” Richard muttered “The baby want to eat catfish pepper soup” Anita said joyously
“Catfish pepper soup not pizza anymore? Richard asked to be sure. Anita nodded her head
okay go and dress up so we can go together.if I buy the catfish pepper soup and bring it home the baby might just lose his appetite”
“Richy,she is not a boy she is a girl” Anita yelled
“Okay,okay,okay,a girl.please babe can you and our baby girl go upstairs and dress up” Richard said pathetically
“Okay” Anita stood up from the couch and head to their bedroom
********minutes later******
“Annie what is the meaning of this? Don’t you want to go again” Richard eyes traveled round Anita body as she stood close to him
“I want to go na,am all dress up.let’s go” Anita dragged his hand.
Richard freed himself from her
“Did you take a look at yourself before stepping out of the room” Richard sighed
“Yes I did….anything the matter? Anita stared at him
yes,how can you wear my overall shirt and this long skirt with a cover shoe,not even a sandal or heels but a covet shoe. No make up,no powder, no lipstick.Annie are you alright? Richard touched her neck
Anita removed his hand from her neck
“So you don’t like the dressing” she asked him
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“It doesn’t makes looks like you are going a insane” Richard blurted
“So you are indirectly calling me a mad woman” Annie half yelled
“Not that,okay babe I don’t want to start an argument let’s go inside the room so I can pick a dress for you.” Richard grab her hand
Annie freed herself
“Leave me,did I tell you u didn’t see those cloth in my wardrobe.this is how I feel like dressing I don’t look beautiful without make up abi
“No it not that.but how do you think people will see you.imagine you see the headline ” ex super model Anita dress like…..”
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Annie cut in
“Dress like a mad woman,do you love them or me?
babe this isn’t going good..please let change the cloth,fine don’t do any makeup you are beautiful with out it” Richard pleaded
“Am not changing it” Anita stood folding her hand in an akimbo style
“Fine then, Richard pick up his car keys.I will just buy the pepper soup And bring it home”
Anita watch as he drove away,what is wrong with my dressing now? Am I not okay like this
*******minutes later
You are back? Annie ask as she watched Richard drop the plate of catfish pepper soup on the dinning table
“Yes am back” Richard replied not bothering to look at her
“Well I lost my appetite” Anita said
“Okay” Richard said without looking at her as he walk into the room “What is wrong
with him? Is he still angry? Anita thought
She was about going to the room when she percieve the aroma of the catfish pepper soup
She stared at the plate on the table. It scent is so tempting.
Richard even if you are angry with me I won’t starve my baby girl” she concluded and devoured the food