Forbidden Passion: Episode 1 - 52???? : TOPSTER STORIES

Forbidden Passion – Episode 22

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Chapter 2 ⃣2 ⃣


© Ifeoma Silver .O. Ozoemene (Omaisabella)


Continuation From the Last Episode:


“Yes father, the idea came to me when I saw them together, and I have witnesses, those servants who are also cleaning the kitchen will testify against them once I call them out one after the other.” Tyler said with a matching smile.


“Now we have to wait until your birthday party which will be held in three days time and at night.” King Lucas told his son in pride.


“I can’t wait for father, being the next Millennium King is what I have always dreamt of.” Tyler said. “I can’t believe what has been my dream will be offered to me on a platter of gold by Beauty.”


“I too was surprised, I was not expecting it but I am glad she chose you and not someone else.” King Lucas said. “We will not miss this opportunity.”


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“No, father, we will not.”



“Then I must send a message to King Leon, no, I will message him myself to tell him you’ve agreed to his proposal and will invite him to your birthday party.”


“That is brilliant, father.” Tyler said. “I have to go to my chamber and rest. Whenever she is done, she will find her way out of the kingdom.”


“Go and rest my handsome son.” King Lucas said and watched Tyler turn and left his room. He smiled and removed his clothes completely and headed for the bathtub.




“Where will I start now?” Luke asked no one in particular.


“Start from where Latifah captured you, how was she able to do that?” Mari asks, staring at her handsome Mate.


“You know you told me never to go to her alone but that night, she pleaded not to tell you and that I should come to her chamber that she wanted me to see something….the Lily flowers.” Luke replied. “And you know how important it is to me.”

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The Lily flowers are a type of rare flowers only known by elves, eating one of the flowers will give the elves more strength and powers. Luke was a elf, half elf and half wolf.


“So what happened? Did you see the flowers or was it one of her tricks?”


“I realized it was one of her tricks, she told me to help her with your golden crown which I did. I didn’t know what happened next but when I did she was controlling me and later on, she told me herself you had passed her the throne.” Luke said.


“You know she made a replica of your crown so I had thought it was your crown not knowing it was a trap.” He added.


“I gave her my throne after I read your letter which you call me useless and barren for not giving you a child yet and that you have run away with someone else. In



your letter you said I should not look for you and that you are still in love with my sister but to forget my face, you have to leave everything behind.” Mari said trying to hold herself from crying when she remembered that night she read his letter. “I cried for years Luke, you hurt my heart with your words and I had no other option than to pass my crown to my sister since I am no longer interested in running the affairs of my kingdom. I built this and had lived here since.” She added.


“I am so sorry Mari, believe me I did not write any letter to you, I was trapped in that crown for long.” Luke said sadly. “How long have I….” He didn’t complete his words but Mari understood.


“You were gone for five hundred years now Luke.” Mari told him. “Latifah really tried in and I did not know you were trapped in the crown for years.” She added. “For five hundred years you’ve been with my sister, have you ever, you know, seen her naked?”


“Except for that last time when I mistook her for you, I haven’t Mari, believe me.” Luke replied to her. “You know I met Latifah before you, I and Latifah were just casual friends until she introduced me to you, I didn’t even know she had feelings for me.” He added.


“Why would she do this to me? I haven’t wrong Latifah before so why will she pay my kindness for this…” Mari asked sadly.


“I am sorry love, I should have listened to your advice when you told me never to be alone with Latifah. She made me do all her biddings, I had to go to the Millennium palace and fight Isaac and oh by the way King Reed is dead.”


“I know that already Luke.” Mari said.


“Jeff with the help of Queen Floral had planned together and poisoned king Reed.” Luke told her. “I even tried to tell Latifah once maybe she would free me but she didn’t give me a listening ear.” He added.


“You should also know that Floral and her handmaid are dead.” Mari told him.


“Really? Who could have done that?” Luke asked in surprise.



“I have no answer to that yet.” Mari replied.


“Have River been told of King Reed’s demise? Because I am sure everyone will want the throne, I just hope the news get to River before it’s too late.” Luke told Mari.


“Me too Luke.” Mari said. “I still can’t believe my sister would hurt me, I am going to teach her a lesson she will not forget in a hurry.” She added bitterly, thinking of a plan.


“Whatever you decide to do to her, I am in full support.” Luke told his mate. “But how did you know I was in the crown, how were you able to get the crown of her head?” he added wanting to know how.


“I didn’t know you were the one I had sense when I paid her a surprise visit today so I made a replica of her crown and stole the real one. Though she was still sleeping and I placed a spell over her which put her in a deep sleep.” Mari explained.


“I am happy that I could see your face again my love.” Luke said. “I am still bound to the crown.”


“Not for long.” Mari said and noticed how close they were. All these while, she didn’t know she was resting almost half of her body on Luke’s lap, no wonder she felt so much comfortable. Using magic to bring the crown which was not far from her, she said a spell and it broke, dropping it to the ground, it melted and turned into dust before fading. “Whatever spell she used in binding you to the crown is gone now.”


“Thank you my love, I will cherish you forever.”


“I have a niece living with me here, though she isn’t around.”


“A niece? But you don’t have any other relatives apart from your sister.” Luke said in surprise.


“You’ve been gone for more than five hundred years, a lot has changed Luke.”


“When am I meeting her then?”


“Soon, she went to meet her mate and I am sure she will bring him along to see me.”




Wolfe Crimson Kingdom:


Royal and Ariel were done and headed out of the kitchen.


“I will be going home now.” Ariel said once they were outside the palace compound.


“Thank you for helping me out with my chores in the kitchen.” Royal said with a huge smile. He has started liking Ariel and would love to see her again. “So when will I see you?”


“I don’t know but I will come tomorrow to see Tyler and you.”


The smile Royal was sporting faded at the mention of Tyler. “Okay.”


“Are you doing anything else again?”


“Maybe, why are you asking?”


“I would want you to follow me to my house and help me out with my house chores like I did with yours, I enjoy your company a lot Royal.” Ariel said in sincerity.


“Me too Ariel.” Royal said and continued. “Let me think about your offer.” He added pretending to think about it. “I will follow you to your house tomorrow if you still want.”


“Yes! Thank you.” Ariel said happily and out of excitement hugged Royal.



Royal was a bit surprised and put his arms around her waist.


Realizing their positions, Ariel releases her hold on him and moves away from his touch. She couldn’t deny the feeling that it felt right to be in his arms. Why wasn’t he her Mate?


“I have to go now Royal, bye.” Ariel said awkwardly and left without a second glance knowing fully well Royal was watching her.




Queen Latifah woke up from her sleep and touched her crown, something doesn’t seem right.


Sitting upright in her bed immediately, she quickly removed the crown from her head and placed it on the bed and started to whisper her magic spell.


And something unexpected happened….






Forbidden Passion (You’re Mine)



Unveiling River’s Identity (Part 13)


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