Doctor’s Romance: Episode 1 - 31 : TOPSTER STORIES

Doctor's Romance – Episode 31

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Caroline’s POV????????????????????
We watched from the CCTV…. The quarell between Grace and Jane… Then grace taking my car away…
???? oh gosh.. Honey.. Grace might be in danger.. That Jane is crazy…” I said to mich…
???? calm down candy, I and the guys have this hunch that Jane had something to do with the mess Alice and Lucas are now..*to the security agent* uhmm plss monitor Jane’s movement right before the wedding” mich said showing the security agent Jane’s picture…
It started few munites after the groom arrived at the wedding and alighted…. Jane was seen carrying a bag.. Black bag, and wearing a hood…. She moves towards Lucas’s car…
???? why Lucas’s car??” I asked..
???? relax candy” mich said
She opens the boot and… Oh my gosh a BOMB!! Not just one… Many of them… She planted them in the four corners of the car…
???? that was one clean job.. Security alert the others.. Detain that lady called Jane” mich odered and the security agent made a quick call and returned back….
We continued watching from how Jane called someone to exhibit the video… Her and Felix talk then Grace’s crying moment…
We were fast forwarding it when
???? stop!!” I said and the security agent halted…
Grace was sneaking inside the same car that was bombed… Oh gosh!!!….
She might be in danger….. Not long after.. Lucas rushed out angryly with Alice following him from behind… He also enters his car and zoom off, not knowing that grace was in too….
More so, they are both oblivious of the fact that the car they were in was bombed…
???? oh gosh?!! Mich… Grace and lucas are in trouble… Gosh.. Rachel plss help me… Mich.. Oh gosh…” I began screaming…
???? relax candy…*to the security agent* check Jane” mich said
We saw Jane when she pressed the button… Gosh.. Thier car has blown up by now..
???? now it’s time to kudnapp Audy” Jane said…
Oh no!!! My sister…
???? mich.. Mich… I can’t let her take my sis, that girl is crazy…. No!!” I said and about to dash out when mich held me…
???? it’s too dangerous there plss.. Don’t” he said..
???? no… It’s my sisters freedom at wrisk .I don’t give a damn!!” I screemed just then, mich phone rang…
An unknown number so he put it on loud speaker…
???? hello is this micheal Montenegro??” The voice said
???? yes sir.. Any problem?” He said aloud…
???? two patients were being rushed to our hospital munites ago… One was Burt beyond recognition at the Verge of death while the other sustained a major injury and still uncouncious… ” the voice said and I froze!!
???? what??” Mich screemed
???? sir.. You presence is needed immedietly.. You need to sign some papers for the surgery..” The voice said
???? what hospital is that??? I’m coming to transfer him to the city hospital.. Now!!” Mich said… By now, tears was dropping from his eyes…
???? ok sir.. Buh pls make it quick.. The remaining patient might die too… This is los Vegas hospital..” The voice said..
???? wait.. One is dead already?? WHICH ONE??” Micheal shouted in agony now.. I held him.. I was beginning to cry already…..
???? we don’t know sir, buh we think… We think.. Just come over first and fast” he said and hung up…
???? guys.. We really need each other now, lucas and Grace are in godforsaken damn mess now… We have to separate.. Candy, you and Celine are to bring Alice safely to our hospital…Rachel, Rita, use your skills to fight Jane.. Make sure you rescue Alice.. Don’t hesitate to shoot if you have to…* Rita and Rachel bring out guns suddenly* Charles Charley… Call the police and help capture Jane and detain felix… Mike, you’re with me, let’s go save lucas and grace…” Mich said and we parted ways…
Jane’s POV????????????????????…
I was running and shooting as fast as I could, I haven’t found Audy yet buh I knew where to find her… Security agents were all over the place releasing bullets.. See what grace have caused.. Everyone is now after me….
I raced towards Lucas’s apartment about to enter when two ladies.. There aren’t just ladies.. It’s Rachel and Rita… They where with guns and knives.. Let’s see if they can fight karate…
I dropped my gun and brought out my knife too, I carry it wherever I go…
They smirked, drop thier guns and brought out knives too.. We started our combat… The security fools seems to have lost track of me… Giving me the opportunity to deal with this fools…
I used alot of skills I acquired but this two seems to be really good… Kicking me down at every interval.. I finally succeeded in knocking them down and about running in when one of them shot me on the leg…
???? oh shit!!” I exclaimed tryna drag my leg up as blood oozed outta the bleeding leg…
Sound of sirens began to echoe…
???? you damn bitch!!” Rita said and approached me, dragging me up and giving me several blows.. Blood gushed outta my mouth.. Rachel regained herself and used a log to slice my legs making me to fall, I felt totally numb…
???? let’s go get Alice… Hope there out by now” Rachel said and they both left… The police were approaching so I had to do something…
Alice’s POV????????????????????
I have been sobing ever since… Then I began hearing gun shoots… Gosh!! What’s happening… Just then my door was pushed open outta it’s place…
???? arghgg!!!!” I screemed closing my eyes when I heared…
???? open up Alice it’s mW Carol.. Let’s get outta here while we can.. Your life is at risk” Carol said while Celine nodded..
???? what???? What about lucas, and our plan.. He should be back by now, why isn’t he back. Where is my fiancée” I said proving stubborn…
???? Alice stop being stubborn already.. Our plan was twated… Jane had a bigger plan ahead of us.. Quit worring about lucas, we don’t even know if he’s still alive” Celine said I froze on my spot
???? what do you mean Celine, what happened to my fiancée?? Lucas..” I called and rush to the window only to see Rachel and Rita battling with Jane..
???? gosh.. They can fight that..” I asked while carol flustered her hair in frustration….
???? let’s get going already..” Carol said dragging my hand, I flinched my hand outta hers and starred at her tears dripping off my eyes…
???? don’t dare command me Carol, now I ain’t leaving until you tell me what happened to lucas” I said firmly…
???? ok, Lucas and Grace where unfortunate to have been blown up by a bomb planted in Lucas’s car by Jane, now she’s on her way to kidnap you.. We’re fighting for you here plss don’t let our effort go to waste” carol said and I froze….
My lucas…
???? noooooo!!!!!” I shouted
Just then a gun shoot was heared….
???? let’s go girls” Celine screamed and we rushed out almost to the corridor when we met rachel and Rita dirty and blood stained on thier clothes and hands
???? guys Let’s get out now that Jane’s still down…” Rachel said and we walked for like ten steps away with Rita guarding Me from the back, when suddenly, Rita was shot on the leg making her to fall and jane grabbed me pointing a gun on my head!!!
Rachel rushed to Rita…
???? oh no, Celine take Rita to the hospital.. I’ll take it from here” Rachel said and Celine acted immedietly…
???? step aside…” Jane said and we all gave way… By now the police were sorounding us…
I could sight one of the police holding Felix…
We were in the open space.. I sighted Charles on one of the trees targeting Jane with his pistol… Charley on another tree opposite targeting Jane too….
If two of them should shoot from that high velocity of the tree at Jane.. She would die instantly…
And looks like both the police and Jane didn’t see them….
And now I’m trapped with Jane… I gotta do something to free myself.. Just then an idea struck me….
The police were pointing thier guns at Jane…
???? everyone guns down or I’ll shoot” Jane shouted…
The chief commander surrendered dropping his pistol while the others joined including Rachel, but the unknowns Charles and Charley still held thier position with thier pistols with them….
????You’re coming with me Audy..” Jane said and I nodded in agreement…
???? ok fine let’s go…” I said..
???? Alice!!” Carol said and I winked at her…
???? really?..” Jane asked smilling as her grip loosen on me a pit…
That’s what I was waiting for…
I suddenly bit her with all the strength I could muster as she wailed in pain ..
???? aghrgh!!” She shouted
Then I used my elbow to punch her belly and my right leg and hit her bleeding leg and released my self… Before she could stand up charley and Charles shot her at once making her to fall dropping heavily on the floor.. DEAD!!!!
Officers look around for the shooters but found none.. Turns out they already disappeared from the tree…
Her body was wrapped and taken far away from the church and maybe… Perhaps disposed…
I ran to carol and hugged her crying….
Fast forward????➡➡
Carols POV????????????????????… We arrived at the hospital… Turns out it was Grace who died….????????????????????????????
I cried and cried and mourned…
If you ask me, it’s all Felix’s fault… So I sued him…
Lucas was still healing…
He finally for healed and reconciled with Alice… He blames himself for the death of Grace….
If only he has listened to Alice….
Lucas and Alice got married again.. Then two weeks after Thiers,we.. I and mich did ours….
It was a lovely season……
Finally, we had peace as doctors… And began operations as usual….

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