Teens' Heart: Episode 1 - 96???? : TOPSTER STORIES

Teens’ Heart – Episode 36

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#Chapter 36
Story by, Rejoice
#Alexandra ‘s POV
Dear Diary,
Im writting with tears rolling down my eyes.
Ms Ashley had been fired.
I just don’t know what to do…
#I_closed my diary and rested my head on it as I cried.
But the next day, I was eager to get to school.
I brushed my teeth too fast, had a very quick bath and couldn’t eat cos I had no appetite.
I don’t care how I wore my socks or how I packed my hair.
I just needed to get to that freaking school.
“Alex please be careful. Don’t try to fight with anyone please.” Lili said as I rushed out.
She’s been telling me that ever since I woke up.
“I will” I said and rushed out.
A cab came by and I entered.
“Ellas High School.” I said.
“Who doesn’t know by its uniform. Hahaha” He said.
“Are you a finalist in the school?” He asked.
I frowned,
“Can you just drive and don’t ask me questions huh!!” I screamed at him.
“Oh, fine fine.” He said.
I sent a message to Steph.
I took a cab. I’ll tell you why when we see.
#I_sent .
She replied few minutes later.
It’s okay girl. I’ll be in school soon.
#l_got to school, paid the cab driver and rushed into the school.
I walked to my locker, threw my bag in, closed it back and rushed to the class..
and great!
The bitch was there, in his seat with his right leg on his desk.
No Chris, no Molly.
I rushed to him.
He looked up and let out a smirk smile.
“Why are you here? Your seat isn’t around here, have you forgotten huh?” He said.
“How could you do that to Ms Ashley? How could you let your dad fire her!!” I yelled so everyone hears.
Mutterings began.
Oh my God! Ms Ashley fired?
Ms Ashley fired?
What’s she talking about?
Jeremy fired Ms Ashley?
Oh my world! Why? I love Ms Ashley!
He chuckled.
“You think I can’t fu.cking do that isn’t it?” He asked, smiling.
“You are a monster. And people like you don’t deserve to be in the world!!” I yelled.
He smiled.
“You were trying to prove stubborn, So I gave your ass a little whip? How painful is it huh?” He asked, smiling.
God! I just feel like strangling him.
Killing him.
Ending his stupid life!
“You’ll regret this!” I said before turning to walk away but a hand grabbed my wrist.
I turned and it’s him.
I pushed his hand off with the greatest force I’ve ever felt within me.
“Get your filthy hands off me!” I barked.
Everyone watched.
“Watch your tongue girl or I’do beat up up right here.” He said.
I scoffed.
“Fuck to hell! Someday you’do get fired just the way you did to Ms Ashley.” I said.
He laughed.
“A boss can’t be fired in his own company. Im the heir to everything my dad owns. You see. So I’ll kep firing anyone that I wish to. People like you, little snail” He said with a smirk smile.
I glared at him, turned and walked away, with no where else on my mind but the principal’s office.
I met Steph on the way and she ran to me.
“Hey girl whatsup?” She asked.
“I need to see the principal.” I said and walked ahead of her.
“Why?” She asked.
I stopped and turned to her.
“Ms Ashley had been fired.” I said.
She gasped.
“Oh my God! That bitch had made his dad fire her.” She said, and followed me to the principal’s office.
We walked in and I walked straight to the principal.
Steph stayed back at the closed door like she’s scared.
He looked at me.
“What can I do for you student?” He asked.
“I wanna know why Jeremy has so many rights in this school.” I asked, waiting for his answer.
“What rights?” He asked.
I grabbed the school magazine on his desk.
Why did he had to look so cool and nice here in this book but he’s just too proud, arrogant and heartless in the real him?” I asked, staring at him.
He stared back at me.
“Why did you had to lie about him being the school most proud student! When he hardly stays for classes!!?” I asked, raising my voice
“And why did Ms Ashley had to be fired!” Steph yelled from the door.
“Yes! Why did she!! She never deserved that! but your rude punk of a Jeremy made her get fired!” I said.
“That was the school proprietor’s order.” He finally spoke.
“The proprietor never wanted to fire her but Jeremy made him to! Why’s he so heartless?” I yelled.
“Jeremy is the heir and there are orders that he make that must be obeyed.” He said.
“Firing a teacher with no offence huh?” I asked.
“If needs be.” He said.
“Ms Ashley can’t be fired!” I said.
“She is, we’re sorry.” He said.
Tears gathered in my eyes. But Steph dragged me out of the principal’s office before they could fall.
“She’s fired and there’s nothing we can do about it.” She said as she pulled me down the school hallway and followed me right into my class.
Chris was in now and he just looked up and stared at me and at Steph as well.
The bitch still had his leg on his desk.
“Just ignore them okay.” She said as I sat down.
“I cant believe she’s fired and never coming back.” I said.
“The bitch is probably thinking his everything now.” She said.
When Steph left for her class.
I turned and just stared out the window. Even when the History teacher came in, and began teaching.
I never listened.
I just stared out the window.
How was this chapter?
Dont forget to like and comment
Goodnight all. we’ll continue tomorrow
Love ya all
From the Author of, My Personal Taste

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