I Loved The Wrong Guy: Episode 1 - 31 : TOPSTER STORIES

I Loved The Wrong Guy – Episode 31

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Episode 31


Some truths are not always revealed in the end,they just indirectly become part of


your life and you become used to it. This was so in the case of the Sampsons,no


one knew the reason their dad was that way and why he always beat his wife and


the slightest opportunity so it was a mystery to all of us too but just as I said


earlier, it became a part of their life and they eventually became used to being with


their mom. Some friendships are strong enough to withstand all sorts of hardships


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and that’s the kind we all look for.




“What type of Best friend would I be if I washed here for you Steph?” Jes said.


I looked up and saw my best friend standing there with Nora holding her hands.


“Oh Jes!”I said hugging her so tightly.


We hugged for a while and then Nora asked for her own hug too.


“I’m so sorry I wasn’t the best of friend to you like I should have been,I always let minor things get In our friendship and I’m so sorry for that. I want to make it up to you too. Look who I brought along” Jes said wiped her teear. “Williams!” I shouted


I ran into his embrace crying as his arms were spread open.


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I heard the news and I knew you’d need me here,well I don’t know what I’m supposed to do but I’m here for…” I cut him short,” you’re here now and that brightens my mood, thanks a lot Willy!” I said hugging him again.

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He caressed my hair and then went to rubbing my back saying,” you’ve been through a lot and you need healing. I’m not going to push anything, being here to see you happy will be enough for you. I’m willing to wait for you as long as it takes” Williams said wiping my tears


“I love you Willy! You’re the best” I said still tearing up.


Who would have thought Williams would be kind enough to send around waiting for all these time.


“This is Jeffrey,my… Well…my brother” I said to them trying to hold back the tears.



We all had planned to move on and were trying our best but like Williams said, it’d take time to heal.


“Where’s your mom?” Jes asked


“Oh! She’s in ward 6 with your mom and Benjamin too and yes his girlfriend,you haven’t met her yet” I said smiling.


Wow! Stacy’s still around? She’s stuck around for a while, she’s really a good person for wanting to be around Ben this whole time” Jes said


“Yes, yes! She really is” I replied smiling broadly.


Jeffrey and Williams got to know each other and Jeff was glad to see there was already someone who loved me more than he even did.


“Well guys,we still have one more thing to do and we need your help Jessica. We need to prove Fred’s really guilty with a DNA report of a cigar found in Anna’s room. Ann doesn’t smoke I can swear with my life about…” I was saying when Jes cut in ,” you don’t need to swear Steph,I believe you! Fred’s the owner of the cigar, I’m sure of it. He smokes babe,he smokes cannabis and tried to convince me into believing it was all part of the depression! Oh shit! That nigga is a mothefu.cker!’ “Calm down babe,all we need is something that’s part of him or has been used by him,you know..?”


“I got you Steph,some time after you told me that you found a cigar in Anna’s room, well Jeff told me. I told him I wasn’t going to help but then I remembered you and my dearest Annabel so I went over and managed to get a strand of hair so here it is” Jes said bringing it out of her bag.


“Yes!” Jeff said


We all gave each other a high five.


“Oh my God! What’s today?” Jes asked in shock “14 May?” Williams answered


“His flight is tomorrow so we need to hurry up. First things first, file a complaint suing Fred for murder and that will keep him here while we make other plans okay?”


We all agreed and then Jes and Jeff heafed to the forensic lab while Williams and I went to do the rest. We told Mom about it who was with the others in her room and they supported us. Ben asked if we needed any other help but we were good.


*The Mccalls POV*


“What’s this for?! Fred! Fred!” I shouted


“Calm down, you’ll get your blood pressure high my dear” my wife said but it wasn’t helping


Fred emerged and I questioned him


“What’s this Fred?! I s


aid slapping him


There’s no way a court order would be filled against him if he was totally honest. It meant he had a hand in the murder he was accused of too.


“Dad! I don’t know what happened, I’m being accused” I said trying to fake a tear but dad knew me so well.


“You’re lying Fred! Tell me the truth and stop that crocodile tears fast!”


I killed her but it was an accident,it was self defense she tried to force her self on me and I don’t know…”


“Self defense?! Huh! You’re such a fool!” I was already angered and the fact he was lying made me more angry..


“I’m calling our lawyer and just in case you do not know? You’re not leaving the country anymore until you’re proved innocent! That’s the law” dad said walking out.


“Oh my God! How did this get exposed. I know it has something to do with Stephanie! That bitch! I need to leave here ASAP” I said in my mind.


I packed some free clothes and stuffed them into a bag and was about leaving the gate when a voice halted


“Stop at once you son of a bitch!”


I looked back and it was Steph” oh shit!”


I tried running but then a bullet was fired and the cops weren’t playing around this time so I had to stop. More Interesting Stories Here @ Topster-Stories.


I was handcuffed and taken to a station.


You’re so going to pay for this you fool! I said kicking him in his genitals. “Calm down babe, please calm down” Williams said to me.


“Worse will happen to you once Jessica is here!” I said in anger.




We were all in court m,mom,Ben sir Victor or yeah my dad, except Jeff and Jes. They were still at the lab getting the reports.


“All rise. This court is now in session;” “You can take your seats” the judge said.


The proceedings went on with both lawyers trying to prove the other guilty.


I must confess, Fred’s lawyer was very smart but the truth was going to prevail,I pray..



Some of us were called to the witness box and I explained everything so well that the judge felt it too. Of course Justice for Ann!


Fred’s lawyer tried to manuever an evidence to suit himself but then…


“Excuse me! Please give me a minute my honor! I’d like to present some reports to you”


He nodded in agreement and Jes was signaled to go up to the witness box. She explained everything to him and the evidences we had with us were so powerful.


“After looking at Al the evidences presented and the statements of the witness,the court has come to a conclusion that Mr Fred Mccalls is guilty and is hereby sentenced to life imprisonment!” The judge said stading to leave “All rise!”


Yesssss!!!! Yes mom!! Yes! We all jubiliated!


Anna had finally gotten the Justice she deserved. We hugged one another and gave high fives.


This was a fictional story that seemed kinda real too because it’s something that definitely happens.i know some morals were learned.







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