Average Boy: Episode 1 - 21 (Season 2) : TOPSTER STORIES

Average Boy – Episode 31

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Chapter 31



Beck Oliver’s POV



Nothing can explain the type of choking I got in my chest when she lifted that picture up. It was the last thing I wanted her to see. It was the last thing I wanted to see. How come that picture is still here?


Tessa: why can’t I see her face clearly


I swallowed a lump and ruffled my hair


Me: sweetie, maybe you should get your hands off the dust. You’re gonna get sick


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She shrugged and dropped the picture in the drawer


Me: what were you even looking for?


Tessa: bonding glue


I went to my shelf and brought it out


Me: I used it yesterday and forgot to drop it back into the drawer


She stood up from the ground and took it from me


Me: make sure you wash your hands


She nodded and walked out


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I locked the door and slumped on the bed. Thinking far and wide



Benedict’s POV



I brushed my hair down and wore my sunglasses. I was going to the airport with mom. We’re leaving for Mexico today. Her concert is in a week but we need to be there from now


I’m so excited about this. It’s somehow the first time mom and I are leaving the country together. It’s usually only me going for movie shooting or her, for music sake


This time it’s us, for music and family sake


Oh I forgot to say my hair was already long. My hair grew fast the past two months. Now I just need to trim it frequently and always keep it intact like Mace Coronel


I finished dressing up and I pulled my luggage downstairs. Mom was talking with Ken, her personal bodyguard. I gently sat on the bottom of the staircase and watched them. After awhile, mom turned round as Ken left


Mom : hey, you’re ready?


I stood up


Me: super-duper ready!


Mom: then let’s get moving.. Whoaaa


I pulled my luggage to where some guards were staying. One took it from me and I walked to my mom


Me: which hotel are we lodging at?


Mom: it’s a secret


I shrugged and walked with her outside the house. We entered our black car and drove to the airport.


When we arrived Mexico, a black limo ride was waiting for us.


Me: is that new?


Mom: yeah, two days old





Me: smooth


We entered and drove to a house. It was a personal house mom bought. But it was already heavily guarded by men wearing suits and ties and sunglasses



Tessa’s POV


I entered the dinning room and met dad setting the table.


Dad: sorry baby, it’s just bread and butter and jelly sandwiches. There’s no time to make large breakfast and we might still eat in the plane


Me: it’s okay by me. I’m just so so excited. It’s gonna be my first time on a plane


I sat down and he placed two plates in front of me. Then a cup of coffee


Dad: then get too excited or you’ll miss the fun.


I chuckled and he sat opposite me


Me: I’m going to buy lots and lots of gifts for my friends when we’re coming back


Dad: I wonder who I should buy something for


Me: Miss Guello


He glared at me then laughed


Dad: you’re right. I should buy something for her. Maybe a bouquet of roses. A fancy dinner in a restaurant when we’re back too. Then maybe ask her to be my girlfriend and later my wife. She’ll make the best mom for my daughter


I became irritated. The food I swallowed was trying to come back and the thought of her making breakfast for me everyday, with the big wort on her cheek made me feel like puking. I ran up to the bathroom and threw up real bad. I could hear dad laughing so hard



I finished, washed my face and came back. Dad was laughing. I gently sat down and drank all my coffee.


Dad: next time. You won’t mention her name


Then I spoke in Spanish


Me: I learnt my lesson the hard way. Now I can’t even eat


Dad: pooh! Sorry


He chuckled and ate up. I just drank more coffee and picked up my bags for the plane


When we got to Mexico City, we took a taxi to the hotel. On the way, we got passed by a black limo.


Me: OMG! A real Limousine


Dad: you like it


Me: I love it!


Dad: how about we get into one before the end of….


Me: this month


We looked at each other and began to laugh.


Getting to the hotel, we were led to the estate. Our house was shown us. A big bungalow. Everything in it was so luxurious. There was even free Wi-Fi but dad had it disconnected. The water was constant, everything was just superb


When we got to the back of the house, I screamed at the sight of the twin pool

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Me: this is going to be so much fun dad!


Dad: the pool is tempting.


Me: makes me wanna jump in


Dad: there’s another house. For our neighbors


Me: we’re gonna have neighbors


Dad: yeah. The second pool is for them. And they’ll be here in a week


Me: I don’t want neighbors


I pouted


Dad: so do I. Neighbors are problems.


I chuckled and we went inside together.


The next one week was so fun. Dad was really happy. We played all the games and everything in the hotel. Well everything except dancing and karaoke night. He always made sure we went back to the house.


On the night of the concert, I told him I wanted to go and get some pills from the city. He didn’t let me, saying he’ll get them for me


I tried to convince him that it was a personal, girly stuff. But he didn’t let me.


I lost hope of going to the concert. That night was really unhappy. I went to bed early. I would have watched it but no TV. Dad had it removed


The next morning I woke up late, with a headache. I went down for breakfast. Dad said we were going to the eatery for breakfast so I showered and wore a blue floral dress with a bow tie at the waist


We took the motorcycle dad rented and rode to the eatery in the hotel. We had breakfast and dad decided to go grocery shopping. He said the things in the house were unhealthy for him.


He rode me to the house then left. I quickly brought out my phone to check the internet about last night’s concert.


I went to the back of the house and strode to the other house. The Wi-Fi was connecting while I was still a little away from the house.



I came closer and sat under a tree on the lawn. I was checking through YouTube when I heard a voice


Voice: hey


I looked up to see a young boy, with long dark brown hair and oval shaped face. His hands were in his pocket and he was wearing shorts and T-shirt, both Red in color


The face quickly sparked a recognition in my brain.


Or is he a look alike?


Me: hi


Boy: you stay here?


He pointed to our house


Me: yeah


I stood up and dusted my gown


Me: please.. What’s your name?


Boy: Benedict…


Me: ahhhhhhhhhhhhh


I was jumping and screaming. He was looking at me like I’m a weirdo. I stopped jumping. Wait, what if he’s not the one. It could be that the first name was just the same


Me: sorry. Continue… Your name.


He chuckled


Boy: I’m Benedict Oliver


I felt my eyes widening and widening. I thought they were going to pop out


Me OH my God! It’s really you! Gosh, it’s a great honor seeing you in person. I love your movies a lot


Benedict : thanks. It’s nice meeting you


Then my mind went far, he must have followed his mom for the concert. And I forgot this is a high class hotel. Celebrities come here a lot


Me: your mom. Is she..is she here?


He nodded and walked to the pool


Benedict : nice pool. I love the flooring. It’s sparkling


I felt like screaming again. Tori Vega is here. Tori Vega is here! What I’m I gonna do? I’m my idols neighbor. This is ama…zing…


Benedict : you haven’t told me your name


Me: uhh Tessa… Tessa Rudy


He smiled. That smile. That smile is so familiar. Benedict stole my dad’s smile. He looks a lot like him. I always wanted to tell dad that there’s a kid actor who looks like him and he’s American. But I know I don’t wanna be grounded, some things are better left unsaid


Benedict : you look a lot like my mom


Me: and you look a lot like my dad


His eyes widened


Benedict : really?


Me: yeah. A lot


Benedict : is your dad here?


Me: yeah. But he went out. And your mom? Is she in right now?


Benedict : she’s taking a two hour nap. For some reason


Me: I really love your mom. She’s my idol. I’m crazy about her


Benedict : obviously


He looked at my appearance and I laughed


Me: would you like to come inside?


I pointed to our house


He looked at their house then at ours


He shrugged


Benedict : sure


We went to our house together. If dad comes, I’ll just say it’s our new neighbor’s son. He doesn’t watch TV so he wouldn’t know him. Or his mother.














To Be Continued


Written by Hossy

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