Age Doesn't Matter: Episode 1 - 30 : TOPSTER STORIES

Age Doesn’t Matter – Episode 9

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IT WAS SUNDAY afternoon, I was at home doing nothing but watching TV and stuffing my face in food. My mom was at home, but she’s asleep


Well that’s what I thought when a knock came in at our front door.


And I saw my mom walking across the living room to get it.


“Hi a very good afternoon to you ma’am!” I heard a very familiar voice and I found myself rushing to the door.


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“Neil?” I said when I got there.


“Oh hi Elsa.” he smiled from the door.


“HI… What are you doing here?” I asked.


He smiled “Oh I had to meet someone around this neighborhood and I decided to stop by and say hi, I’m leaving anyways”.


“Leaving? Come in please!” my mom chimed in. “No, no need I’ll be leaving soon!” Neil persuaded. “But still…


“Mom, He said he’s leaving soon.” I interrupted and Neil’s eyes turned to me.


I quickly analyzed what I was wearing, and my outfit wasn’t appealing at all.


But it’s just Neil.


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“So I’ll leave you two alone.” My mom said and did as she said.


“So…” Neil smiled. “You mom thinks I’m staying, I just came to say hi”.


“Yeah I know that!” I smiled.


We both remained quiet until he said “Well I’ve seen you, we’ve both seen each other, I’ll also be seeing you tomorrow!” He stated and I nodded. “Yep!”


“Okay then,” He said and made it out of my porch waving happily to me.


I waved back and slowly close the door.


I got back to where I was before and continued with the movie was I watching.




It was nighttime,


I was drying my hair with my hair dryer when I received a message from Neil.


I carefully dropped the dryer and picked up my phone to see what the message was talking about.


*I’ll come pick you up at eight in the morning for my graduation ceremony*.


*Okay! I’ll be waiting* I texted back.


I continued with my hair and when it was dry, I found myself on my bed ready to sleep when another message came in on my phone.




“Who the hell is this?” I squeezed my face as I tried to think whose phone number it might be .


*Who is This?* I asked.


And suddenly had one person in mind.


Could it be Jason? I thought!.


*Your best friend from high school… Mary* The person replied, Mary, I had no best friend or friend named Mary, who the hell is this sham.


*Is this you Jason?* I texted. I knew it was him but I had to be sure.


*Who is this Jason you speak of, it’s me mary* the person replied.


I knew it was Jason.


*I know it’s you Jason!* I texted and added some sentences to the sent text. *Happy birthday though, three hours until your birthday, so I’m actually first to wish you*. *Thanks* The person replied.


*Oh wow Mary, I didn’t know your birthday was tomorrow too, I was actually about to send that


message to someone else I didn’t know you’d reply me thanks* I wrote and let out a small giggle


when the message wrote sent and seen.


He thinks he’s smart.


*Okay I can’t do this! It’s me Jason!* He surrendered.


*I know* I replied.


*Okay can I call?* he asked.


*Sure!* I replied and in about three seconds my phone starts to vibrate and the same number was at the top of my screen.


I placed the phone on my ear “You have the guts calling your teacher by this time of the day!” I said into the phone.


“But you said I could call!” His phone replied.


“I said that doesn’t mean I want you to really call me!” I basted.


“Okay, but I’m not going to hang up, so that’s that!” he said, his usual rude way.


“Okay what do you want?” I asked.


“Nothing actually, but I just wanted to know if you’re preparing for your boyfriend’s graduation ceremony” Jason asked scornfully.


I sighed. “Did you call to them me that?”


“Yeah, of course, why else will I ca-


I cut the call before he could say another word and shoved my phone under my pillow.


I felt my phone vibrate, followed by it’s message tone, but I ignored it and drifted to sleep.




“Hon… Elsa, El, dear, honey, baby, wake up!” I heard my mom’s voice said and I slowly opened my eyes to see my mom’s face above mine.


“Hmm?” I was confused.


“Yeah, so you need to get your butt up, Neil has been waiting for you, I think for the past thirty seconds!” My mom said and I gasped and sat up.


“But he said he won’t be here until 8:00pm to pick me up!” I said.


“Well it’s eight minutes past eight!” my mom said and I found myself running out of the bed and immediately into my bathroom.


“Okay honey, make sure to lock the door before you leave!” my mom yelled while I was taking a shower.


“Okay!” I yelled back.


After bathing, I scanned my closet and picked one of my nice dresses, well it’s nice but not pretty, well at least it’s still okay!.


I put on the dress and a pair of flats, I let my hair down and made it to the living room where Neil was waiting.


“I’m so sorry for keeping you waiting!” I apologized.


“No it’s okay!” He said standing up.


“Okay so we can leave now!” I said and he nodded.


I made sure I locked the door before following Neil to his car. He got the door for me this time and I got in.


We both hit the road and had a brief conversation, it didn’t take long before we got to our destination.


I got down from Neil’s car and the big beautiful building in front of my eyes with the name St.


Steve college made me gasp.


It was beautiful and made it kind of made me nervous, I really want to go to college so bad.


Hundreds of people people filled the whole place, all ages, families and friends.


“Oh here you are Neil!” I heard a voice behind Neil and I, and I turned to see Neil’s mom and dad. “Yeah, and mom remember Elsa!” Neil smiled.


His mom turned to me. “The Elsa?” she asked and Neil nodded shly.


“Oh my God, Elsa it’s so good to see you, again!” his mom said giving me a hug.


“Nice to see you too” I smiled.




The ceremony didn’t actually take the whole day like I expected and actually when each and every graduating student came out on the school podium to give a short speech, I almost cried, cause I felt and wished I was one of them, some talked about how it has been hard for them but they’re glad they’re graduating.


I congratulated Neil as he drove me home and he thanked me.


I was actually very tired and I couldn’t wait to go home.


When I got home Neil said he had to run cause it was four thirty and his family told him they all had something in store for him, so he left and I walked into my house.


I threw my purse on my bed and stretched my hand way down my back and unzipped my dress. I sat on my hand mistakenly pressed my phone, tapping the message app. It opened and I saw Jason’s message from last night still in ‘unread’.


I opened the message and saw what he wrote.


*Still… Thanks for wishing me a happy birthday three hours before my birthday, at least you’re the first and it covers your presence in my party*


I dropped my phone and sighed. Now I’m feeling bad.


I stretched my hand all the way down to my back and zipped my dress back up.


I stood up, packed my hair up, grabbed my purse and left the house… Again.




The normal thirty minutes drive to the Huggins residence wasn’t thirty minutes again but fifty minutes because of the traffic.


I got to the Huggins residence… Finally,


I pressed the doorbell several times but no one answered, I was getting frustrated, but I could understand the situation cause the music from coming from inside was very loud.


“What the hell did you think coming to a birthday party full of freaky teenagers” my subconscious reminded and I rolled my eyes and groaned.


I just wanted to be a nice teacher and attend my student birthday party.


The door finally opened after a long wait and I saw a young fine teenage brunette with brown hair and brown eyes.


“You must be Jason’s friend right, come on in!” she grinned, I didn’t have the strength to explain who I was, so I just nodded and walked.


The house was filled with teenagers and unfamiliar faces like I expected.


I didn’t even know what direction to walk to. Tall boys covered the whole room and skinny girls danced around the whole place, all of them wearing skimpy dresses.


I actually made it under the stairs which seemed less occupied and I looked around the whole room again and asked myself why I came.


I climbed the stairs and made it to the top, since everyone was glued to each other down the stairs, I made it to top of the stairs where seemed empty.


Someone touched me and I flinched and turned.


“Oh my God, calm down!” Mrs Huggins laughed.


“Yeah, sorry, I’m still amazed by the amount of people here!” I yelled over the music.


“Yeah I didn’t know Jason had a lot of friends until now, they started the party two hours ago and I think they’re going to bring down the roof soon!” Mrs Huggins said adjusting her expensive looking robe to cover her chest, which I eyed several times, it was just so… Rich.


“I love how they party, it makes me think of my days!” Mrs Huggins smiled.


“I don’t!” I said, in a way she wouldn’t hear it and the music covered it anyways.


I looked down at the crowd and at the centre was Jason, dressed in all black and wearing a golden sash that says ‘Birthday boy’. He looked happy as he talked to his friends about something, He and his friends laughed and pointed to a girl who was dancing like it was her birthday.


Jason looked up and his eyes met mine. He looked surprised but he smiled.


I waved and mouthed “Happy birthday” to him.


“But I am so glad you could make it Elsa” Mrs Huggins said dragging my attention from Jason to her.



“Yeah, well I am glad you’re glad I’m here” I smiled and she gave me a brief side hug and walked away.


I turned to the crowd but couldn’t find Jason, standing where he was standing before.


And then I turned to see him walking up the stairs towards me.














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