Adebimpe: The Facebook Girl – Episode 172
I checked my time and I realized I still had some time, I drove to the airport while Henry sent the details to my phone via sms. I received the package after following the process and informed Henry on phone. He was so happy and requested I should take it to bimpe and deliver it to her. I sat in my car and wondered why bimpe wasn’t calling me by herself and it was Henry that was doing the calling. I picked my phone and placed a call to bimpe before starting the car engine.
ME: hello adebimpe.
BIMPE: hi onihaxy.
ME: I got a call from Henry not quite long to help you in retrieving a package which I later did. I’m just surprised that you aren’t the one calling and it was him. why?.
BIMPE: yes onihaxy. it was actually a friend that sent the items to me and I was supposed to go and pick it up at the airport, but I am not feeling too fine.
ME: yes, Henry told me the same thing. but why didn’t you call me instead?
BIMPE: because I know that you won’t believe me.
ME: Hmmmmmm. It’s your handiwork that made me to be scared of you,
BIMPE: That was then onihaxy. I told you that I have changed.
ME: where is your maid?
BIMPE: she went out for jamb lessons.
ME: what about Daniella?
BIMPE: she is sleeping.
ME: Bimpe, are you sure that you are truly sick?
BIMPE: yes now onihaxy. why are you talking like this?
ME: because I know you to be cunny and full of funny strategies.
BIMPE: I’m serious jor onihaxy. When are you bringing it for me?,
ME: I”m on my way already ma.
BIMPE: ok dear.
I started the car engine and drove off to lekki and arrived at bimpe’s house a few minutes to 6pm. I decided to park my car outside of the gate because I din’t want to stay long at all. I switched off the car engine, locked the car and walked towards the gate to Henry’s house, different thoughts began to run through my mind.
” I’m here in front of the lion’s den again”
” I can remember how I almost became a murderer on my last visit”
” yes, I remembered how i was given a drugged wine”
” I remembered I made the mistake of trusting bimpe ”
” do I really know what she is up to again today?”
” I just hope I’m save”
” or should I drop the package with the gateman to deliver it to her?”
” I think that one will be better”
” but what if she reports me to Henry or Betty again?”
” I don’t think bimpe is actually sick”
“but what if she is truly sick?”
” should I go inside? or call her on phone to meet me outside?”
” what if she had place a charm at the entrance and she is just waiting for me to cross over?
” what if she forcefully lock me up in the house?”
” what if she has another ulterior plans and motives?”
” I will make sure I didn’t eat or taste anything in that house”
” I will make sure I didn’t even sit down”
I stopped thinking and walked close to the gate. The gateman opened the door for me and told me to enter. with much fear in me, I knocked on the main door and heard adebimpe’s voice from inside 2 minutes later saying “who is there?”, I replied ” it’s me onihaxy”. she came closer to the door as I could hear her foot steps from outside. she opened the door and I entered. I looked at the gown she was putting on and it was exactly the same thing with what she wore in my dreams when I dreamt of her recently. “This is a bad omen”, I thought to myself as I followed her into the living room.
BIMPE: welcome onihaxy, thank you so much.
ME: you are welcome Adebimpe. *****handed over her package to her*****
BIMPE: please have your seat and let me entertain you.
ME:No need for that adebimpe, I won’t be staying for long. in fact, I need to start going now as I have an urgent client to meet up with this night.
BIMPE: ****Smiled at me ***** haba onihaxy, when did you started having clients?
ME: I’m serious bimpe, My bank gave me a target of 2 million naira deposit, I I have to meet up with someone this evening who will bring the deposit. in fact, I was on my way when your husband called me. I hold him in a very high esteem. otherwise, I wouldn’t have honored his message.
BIMPE: you aren’t a good liar onihaxy. you and I know that the clients and targets of a thing is nothing but lies.
ME: I have to go now bimpe.
BIMPE: Hold on and sit down, we have something urgent to discuss and its very important that we discuss it today.
ME: What is it? and why can’t we discuss it later, maybe on phone.
BIMPE: it can’t wait onihaxy, its a matter of life and death.
ME: *****scared***** life and death?, what is it all about?
BIMPE: if you want to listen, please sit down.
ME: *****sat down*******
BIMPE: ****smiled**** henry and I are planning a family Christmas vacation , I don’t know if you can come along with us, all your expenses will be taken care of.
ME: Vacation?, to where?
BIMPE: Miami. please!!!!!
ME: Is this the matter of life and death you are talking about?
BIMPE: No, I’m not there yet, let’s discuss this one first.
ME: Ok, I won’t be able to come along because my fiancee and I already planned how to spend the Xmas break, we are going to akure and ekiti respectively. so, tell me the life and death issue.
BIMPE: Ok, there is also another arrangement for my delivery in USA. I should be travelling when my pregnancy is 8 months old, please can you come with me?,
ME: why me?, why not Henry?
BIMPE: I just want you to be with me during delivery. we would arrange it as if we are travelling for separate missions and end up hooking up since we are in the same region and you are my only family around.
ME: what about my job?.
BIMPE: you can apply for a leave now. please onihaxy, just do this for me. please.
ME: I don’t think that will be possible, you know I just joined the bank as a permanent staff, I’m not entitled for any leave until after 11 months of working, that is it.
BIMPE: *****sad face***** oooooooooooh, there should be amother way now, I just want you to be with me during the delivery.
ME: is that the matter between life and death?
BIMPE: I’m sorry I lied, I just needed to get your attention. please now onihaxy?
ME: And what do I tell my fiancee?, where will I tell her I got the money to travel from?
BIMPE: you can tell her that its a sponsored trip by your bank or an NGO
ME: ok, I will get back to you later. let me start going home now.
BIMPE: Haba onihaxy, you didn’t even ask about the baby in my womb, its unfair ooooo.
ME: Ok, I’m sorry, how is the baby?
BIMPE: He is kicking fine.
ME: ******stood up****** my regards to henry when he comes back
BIMPE: wait onihaxy, I heard that you and Betty discussed about you meeting Henry’s father.
ME: yeah. we did.
BIMPE: SO, what are the arrangements on ground towards the meeting?
ME: We decided to wait till she is back so that we can all sit down and strategize.
BIMPE: That’s cool. I hope you know it won’t be an easy thing sha. considering the fact that she had been engaged to someone else before she travelled.
ME:Yeah I know, but I just believed there will be a way out.
BIMPE: you see now?, if only you had listened to me in the past, it wouldn’t have been complicated to this extent.
ME: listen to you as how?
BIMPE: let me take you to an Alfa who will perfect everything spiritually and Henry’s father will have no other choice than to like you but you refused.
ME: I just don’t engage in all these spiritual house things.
BIMPE: Ok oooo. its not too late sha, anytime you think about it and you are ready, let me know.
ME: I heard you. let me start going now.
BIMPE: wait onihaxy!!!!!!!.
ME: bimpe!!!, I can’t wait any longer, if there is any other thing to discuss, let’s discuss it on phone or chat.
I had to force myself out of bimpe’s grip by insisting not to wait any longer, I got up and started walking towards the door while BIMPE was walking behind me. As I was about opening the door, Adebimpe pulled me back and kissed me………