What Dreams Are Made Of: Episode 1 - 25 (Season 1) : TOPSTER STORIES

What Dreams Are Made Of – Episode 8

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Next day Chrissy went back to Swaroski House and was met by a guy who explained her the entire process of her managing the shop at Regency Palace. He



was sweet, unlike his boss, and had no problems in answering her queries. She listened to the rules and regulations carefully and then finally signed on the dotted line. After the legal formalities, she was told she would be accompanied to the hotel with one of the hotel employees to show her the place.


She was waiting in the meeting room, when a beautiful woman, in her late twenties walked in. She was wearing a beige coloured knee length skirt with a matching short jacket and a black top inside, her hair were set in fashionable bun at the back of her head. She smiled at Chrissy and introduced herself as Linda Fox. She was in-charge of all the retail outlets at Regency Palace and would be taking Chrissy to the hotel.


Chrissy immediately liked Linda. She had an easy-going attitude but appeared very particular about her job. They left together in her car. She took her around the hotel and introduced her to almost all the staff members and many of the guests staying at the hotel. She knew all the staff members by first name but Chrissy wasn’t surprised by this since she saw Linda had a very friendly behaviour and she loved interacting with people. She was in the perfect job which suited her personality.


But Chrissy herself was a different story altogether. She was awestruck at being inside the majestic and almost colossal hotel. It was named palace for obvious reasons, for that is what it essentially was. Each and every thing about the place was splendid. They went around checking out different floors for two hours and still there was so much more to see, when Linda announced she was famishing and they needed to take a break.


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Chrissy didn’t feel she could eat anything but agreed for her.


Inside the exquisite cafe at the hotel, they sat at a table at the far end and Linda ordered for them. Chrissy didn’t interrupt because she was still lost in the magnificence of the place. She felt like a fish out of water in this place. How the hell is she going to even survive in such a place; let alone do well?


In spite of the cool conditioning, sweat was breaking at her forehead. She felt, Nikloi Swaroski had intentionally given her this shop because he knew she wouldn’t survive here. She remembered his veiled threat from yesterday.


Suddenly, she felt Linda touching her hand saying, “It’s okay”. She came back from her zoned-out state and gave Linda a puzzling look. Linda laughed softly and said, “I am saying it’s okay to be overwhelmed by the grandness of this place. It’s



written all over your face. But you should not worry. You will get used to all this very quickly”.


Chrissy lowered her eyes and said, “I am not sure. I have never even visited such a place in my life, forget working”. Somehow it was easier to confide in Linda. She didn’t seem intimidating like her boss.


“Oh that’s nothing. There is always a first time for everything and for everyone. I am sure if Mr. Swaroski has asked you to take up this shop here, it would be right. He never makes a wrong move”, she said.


It’s definitely not a wrong move, if he wants me to fail, Chrissy thought worryingly but in spite of Linda’s friendly nature she couldn’t express these fears to her.

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Once through with their tea, they continued with the tour, meeting more staff and some of the guests on the way. Chrissy noticed that the guests, men and women both, were elegantly dressed. Even the staff had very smart uniforms. More people she met, more she was concerned about her simple green cotton top and black trouser. She could see she really needed to work on her wardrobe, if she had to work among with these people.


She was still in thoughts, when Linda showed her in a small shop next to the spa on the ground floor. Entering it, she immediately realized it was her shop, her Dreams. She was surprised by some of the pieces that were already on the display. They were truly gems


. The shop was beautifully designed and she fell in love with it instantaneously. It was worth all the pains she suffered at the hands of Nikloi Swaroski. It was truly Dreams for her.


She told Linda how much she loved the shop and Linda was happy to see the young girl so excited. She inspected each and every piece of antique in the shop and Linda explained to her the functioning of the shop and told her that she could count on her for any support needed at the shop.


Chrissy thanked Linda for her time and the guided tour of the hotel with all sincerity. She was rally grateful to have a found a friend in Linda and felt she would be able to make things work with her support. However she still needed to



solve one problem and that was about her clothes before she could start working there.


She had seen multiple people during the day to understand how odd she looked amongst them. She genuinely needed to change her style to suit this place. Nikloi Swaroski’s words were still playing in her head. Not sure if she should ask for Linda’s help in this, she hesitatingly asked her if she could suggest a place where she would be able to buy some formal clothes.


Linda was more than happy to help and said, “Don’t worry. I know just the place. In fact I will take you there myself”. In spite of Chrissy’s resistance, Linda took her to one of her friend’s boutique close by. At the boutique, Chrissy was soon awed by the dresses. She tried to mention to Linda that she wasn’t looking for very expensive clothes, to which Linda smilingly replied that these were not really very expensive plus they were on stock clearance sale. To her utter joy, Chrissy found some wonderful dresses, which still made a dent in her pocket, but one that she would be able to manage somehow.


She was not planning to buy more than one or two but Linda insisted that she buys more saying they were a catch and suited her well. She had also suggested some daringly cut blouses and gowns but Chrissy had put her foot down, settling for the sober and demure ones. She was extremely conscious of trying the clothes one by one but even she had to agree these clothes look wonderful on her and gave her completely different and smart look. She selected a beautiful dress for Alice and Linda picked some dresses as well.


Finally with her hands full of her shopping bags, she left the place. It had been a long day but after a very long time she had enjoyed herself. She loved her work but there was nothing else she did. So this was an unexpected change which surprised her with how much relaxed she felt. Somehow she started feeling guilty for spending so much money on self but when she reached home, both her mother and sister were really happy to see new clothes and her new side. She was always serious and busy. So they welcomed this new Chrissy, very similar to the way she was before things went rough for them. Alice was over the moon when she saw her own dress and gave Chrissy a tight hug.



After ages, Smith ladies were all laughter and Mrs Smith inwardly thanked God for gracing her Chrissy with this happiness. The young girl was burdened with too many responsibilities at such an early age and sometimes she wished things could have been different for her dear Chrissy. But at least they were happy today and they slept together in that bliss.


Chrissy completed all the nitty gritty of shifting her shop to The Regency Palace and was set to start afresh. With heavy heart she handed over the keys of her shop on Wednesday to Alex. The man was sympathetic to her and she was glad it was him and not Jake Tilly to whom she had to give her keys. On Friday, she even went and watched the demolition from a distance. Alex had strongly advised her not to come to the site but she couldn’t not come.


It was difficult to watch but she was made of stronger stuff. She knew the shop was and will always be close to her heart since that was the place where she started her own business. It was set up by her, designed by her and run by her. But she was also practical. Things had changed, life had moved on and it


was time for her to move on as well. So she bid her last farewell to the place before it was pulled down in front of her.


Alex saw her sad eyes but decided not to comment looking at her solemn face. Chrissy thanked him for his silent understanding and left when nothing remained of her shop.






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