What Dreams Are Made Of: Episode 1 - 30 (Season 2) : TOPSTER STORIES

What Dreams Are Made Of: Episode 39

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Chrissy shivered and turned around towards the door involuntary as it closed with a loud thud. She had insisted on speaking to Nikloi all alone but now that they were alone, her bravery seem to be deserting her. She was still looking at the closed door in a daze when she was spun around harshly against a solid wall.


Nikloi was holding her arms tightly, forcing her to look up to his face. But the look on his face, terrorized her to her core. “You should have left when you had the chance”, he said through his teeth. He eyes were red with anger and he was breathing fire down his nostrils.


This was the first time Chrissy was seeing him like this. Never had she experience this form of him. Not even when he had been extremely upset with her. This was a different Nikloi, one she had never known.


“Nikloi..I..”, she tried.


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“What did you want to say to me that you couldn’t say in front of others? Or should I ask what did you want to do?” He taunted her, pushing her body against the door.


“No, please.. aah..”, pain shot through Chrissy’s arms as he increased the pressure on her arms.



But Nikloi didn’t seem fazed by her pain. He seemed to be burning with rage. Chrissy was paralyzed under his acerbic attack. She had not expected such hatred from Nkloi. But she had find a way to stop him somehow. She had to make him see sense else they both would be destroyed in aftermath of his rage. She struggled to free herself but Nikloi’s grip only tightened around her arms. She knew she couldn’t overcome this brute force and had to do something else.


“Nikloi, please listen to me… none of this is true… I did not do anything wrong. I don’t know what Richard told you or why but you must believe me… I am telling you the truth”, Chrissy struggled to say it in between her pain.


“Such innocent face. You almost sound real with that face”, he moved his hand from her arms to her face. His fingers softly caressed her skin. And in spite of their situation, Chrissy felt a hot wave shot through her body. Her body involuntary gravitated towards him. His hands moved from her face to her throat. He traced her exposed collar bone with light fingers. Chrissy’s breath was stuck in her throat. “This is what you wanted?”, he asked her huskily.


“Nik..”, she sighed unable to control her emotions. “I…”


Nikloi hands went around her waist. He drew her even closer and she felt his touch on her exposed back. Her skin burned where his hands were spread out. Her own hands moved up of their own accord and rested on his shoulders. Just when she thought her Nikloi was back, she heard his voice crashing all her hopes.


“Oh you had me there. I had almost fallen for that innocence, thinking it was a reality. But now I know, you are nothing but a farce. A calculating fraud who thought she had a chance to get back at me through Richard Susshell”

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Those words pierced her ears and her heart. Her eyes went large at the disgust in his voice. He was staring at her with cold dark eyes.


“You never thought your dear Richard would give you away, did you? But you forget, this is not your world. If I depend on Richard for getting the right coverage for my hotel, he depends on me for far more things, money for example for



running his empire. And his need is much bigger than mine. So try as he might, he cannot ditch me for a Nobody like you!”


Nikloi’s words were making every second unbearable for her but she couldn’t do anything to stop the outbreak.


“Now everything is falling into place. I had seen the two of you getting cosy at every opportunity. At the yacht and even today! You were sticking yourself to him even though you acted as if you are made up of glass when you were with me. Did you like his touch? Did you shiver on his bed like you did with me?”


“Stop it. Please…”


“Can you imagine what I had to endure to see those pictures of yours with that rascal? When he told me that you had approached him to tarnish this launch party in his papers?” Nikloi screamed.


“Here I was, trying to


make it special for you while you were always plotting my destruction. Did you plan it on the yacht? Was it before you were in my bed or after?”


“Nikloi, please don’t say that”, she pleaded to him.


But he didn’t seem interested in anything she had to say.


“I was a fool to think you were different. You are nothing but just another bitch willing to sleep around to get what she wanted”, Nikloi spit out in anger. His words cut through all her defence mechanism. She felt exposed and bleeding. No, this couldn’t be happening to her.


“Stop it. You don’t know what you are saying”, she begged him to stop hurting her.


“I was right about you all along. You use men as it suits you, like all other women.


You are all the same”.





“Why should I treat you any different? I should have taken you long back. You were only worthy of keeping my bed warm for a few hours”, he gritted the angry words out.


Chrissy felt someone had squeezed out her heart from her body. She stood there frozen hearing him say those cruel words to her. An acute pain spread out from the centre of her bosom and spread all over her body, paralyzing her on the spot. Tears of anger, shame and disgust had welled up in her eyes and she had no control over them.


All she wanted was to run away somewhere far off where his cruel words would not reach her. But her legs were dead. Her heart was dead. She wished she was dead.


Nikloi was still holding her trapped between his body and the door. Not that there was any fight left in Chrissy. His words had finally broken her. There was nothing she could do to make him see the lies Richard Susshell had fed into his mind. And Susan had used the opportunity to spread her malice deeper into his heart.


Why he had readily accepted their word against her was something she would never understand but it proved the shallowness of his feelings for her. She was a fool to hope in these last few days that there was more to it, than plain, simple lust. He desired her body. She came across as a challenge to him when she wouldn’t jump into his bed with a flick of his fingers. And he could easily believe the worst of her when the two most criminal minded people presented it to her in the forms of those manipulated pictures.


It was all over between her and Nikloi.


But that’s where she was wrong. Her sudden silence did nothing to calm Nikloi. In fact, her lack of response confirmed her guilt to him. He was outraged by her deception and ignored her tears completely. Deep down in his heart, he had wanted her to fight. To prove him wrong even though his brain had told him she was not worth it.


His eyes turned blood red and he fumed in anger.



“You chose a wrong guy to play your games this time. Your act is up and you won’t get away so easy!” he blasted.


Saying those punishing words, he pulled her body away from the wall and in doing so, snatched her gown off her shoulders. Such was the intensity of his force that her zip slipped open half way down on her back. Before Chrissy could stop, he had slid both his hands from her back to her shoulders and spread them around her throat.


Chrissy felt a burning sensation where his hands closed onto her sensitive skin but she couldn’t pull his hands away as her hands were trying to hold the bodice of her dress, freed because of the loosen zip, in its place.


“Nikloi.. no… s..stop…”, Chrissy had wanted to scream but only a hoarse whisper came out of her mouth. She was terrified of the mad look on his face, not knowing what he was capable of doing in that demented state.


“Last time I remember, you were quite enjoying my touch or were you faking that as well?” He taunted her scathingly.


Chrissy’s breath was stuck in her throat at the excruciatingly harsh words. Tears started flowing from her eyes but Nikloi was beyond any control. His hands moved down from her neck to edges of her dress that she was precariously trying to hold against her trembling body. He jerked her dress further down making her scream in pain, shame and fear.


She tried to run in the opposite direction putting as much distance


between their bodies. But the tight gown with little leg room, didn’t help in moving faster. As she tried to run away with both her hands still holding the dress against her breast, he caught her from behind encircling her waist with both his hands. She couldn’t push his hands away so as a defence action, she bent her body down, trying to escape his death tight grip but the action only made him come further close to her body, pulling his face on her exposed back.



His lips moved against her heated and quivering skin causing a dangerous wave all throughout her body. She felt exposed and vulnerable. She kicked and pushed but nothing could free her from that grip.


Pulling one hand from her waist to her back, he caressed her white skin, pushing the fabric further down her right upper arm, while his lips continued to roam freely all over back. His touch forced her to squeeze her body close, trying to hold the dress in its place, but the action had the opposite impact, loosening the gown around her body, making it easier for him to pull it further down.


Chrissy was terrorized to her core at the force of Nikloi’s actions. He was a completely different man with no regards to her feelings. All her efforts to save herself this humiliation were proving futile. But what frightened her most was her own yearning. In spite of being debased by Nikloi in worst way possible, she could not help but feel the strong sensation coursing through her veins with his every touch. She was using every last vestige of her strength to push him away but her inner self was aroused at the same time.


When he pushed his hand though her dress at her back, making way under her right hand and moved all the way to her front to encircle her right breast in his palm, she whimpered loudly through her lips. Her hands were still plastered over her breast but it didn’t matter because they couldn’t stop Nikloi from torturing her bud.


“Please.. stop..” she whispered.


Her voice seemed to trigger something in him and he pushed her around in his arms making her face him. Chrissy was too mortified to look up into his face because of her current state of nakedness and her wanton reactions to his touch. Before she knew it, he had pushed her body on the couch in the office and covered herself with his body.


Chrissy’s eyes flickered up at the suddenness of all it and looked straight into Nikloi’s eyes. They were dark, intense, with a strong fire burning in them. She saw an amalgamation of too many emotions all the same time. Longing, desire, anger, frustration and…. It was difficult to read all his emotions correctly but the passion


in his eyes was too strong for her to look away. She stared back at him unable to break the eye contact.



And when he closed the remaining distance between them by covering her lips with his, it was almost like she was waiting for it to happen. He deepened the kiss quickly, passing on his urgency to her through his mouth and she couldn’t help but respond to his fervent desires with equal passion.


His tongue created a havoc in her brain and his hands moved all over bodice, freeing her breast completely from their already hanging cover. The zip at her back had given away completely and her dress lay loose around her waist exposing her creamy white skin.


But she was beyond control now. The emotional rollercoaster she had been tonight was too much for her to switch any of her actions. Her hands were entangled deep in his hairs pulling him closer onto her. Her body was set on fire and there was only one way to douse it.


She knew it was not love and it was hurting her way too much but there was no way she could save herself from this hurt because stopping herself was no longer an option.


When his mouth moved away from her lips she moaned at being left but when her rosy peaks quickly replaced her lips in his mouth, she shuddered with the electric waves running through her body. His hands moved across her soft flesh and his lips followed, covering every part of her exposed body. It seemed he couldn’t get enough of her.


Chrissy didn’t know wha


t to do or say anymore. Her own emotions were in a mess. She only knew that she didn’t want him to stop. Her hands had spread out on his back and she forced him deeper onto herself, pressing her body deeper into the soft couch. Hot desire was oozing out of every pore of her heated body. She experienced a wild wetness between her legs, her inner most core.


Her sensations were guiding her on their accord, making her twist and wriggle under his body when she suddenly felt him going still. Apprehended by his sudden stillness, she looked up to see him watching her intently. A red hot colour spread all over face under that intense glare. Even though they were locked in a deep



sensual exchange few seconds back, now his eyes only conveyed a deep set hatred to her. His face was twisted and she feared what might come next, when suddenly he pushed her harshly away and left the couch.


Standing far away from her, he turned to give her a disgusting look over. His eyes went over her naked, quivering body before returning to her eyes but all they held for her now was contempt.


“Get out of my hotel before I soil myself further with your touch. You have proved you are nothing but a slut and I don’t want to waste my time on your types”, he spit out. His anger visible along the taut lines of his pulsating veins on his temples.


But Chrissy couldn’t focus on his anger. Her vision blurred with tears spilling out of her eyes. Her hands trembled as she struggled to pull her dress back in its place. Her mind was blocked to any of the senses. His cruel words crushed her soul and she was lost in the abhorrence. In spite of knowing he had killed her several times already tonight and that he took over her body only to spell out worst possible punishment to her, she was transported to an another world when their souls had actually embraced. Her heart had cling on to the smallest of the hopes that he would see her love, her true self when she exposed her deepest feelings to him through her body.


But it had all been futile. It was foolish of her to hope when all her world had come crashing down around her. And his last words were the last nail in her coffin. She had crumpled inside out, falling on her knees when she had tried to get up from the couch.


Tears running down her cheeks, she had finally stood up on wobbly legs. With shaking fingers, she had pulled the zipper up at the back of her dress. That she was failing miserably because of numbness in her hands was only too evident. But neither Nikloi nor she were concerned about her hands. She was too numb in her body and mind. Nikloi was standing far away with his back to her. He didn’t even want to look at her.


Somehow getting her dress up over her shuddering body, she walked towards the door. Tears of regret kept running down her face. Though she felt miserable, but she glanced over her shoulders to look at Nikloi’s distant figure. He was still looking away and with both his hands in his trousers’ pockets.



There was nothing left to say anymore. He had crushed her heart and soul and she was not sure if she will ever be able to recover from this deep pain that was emanating from her heart and spreading all across her body. Still she wanted him to look at her for one last time. But he didn’t budge. Chrissy held herself with both her arms and stepped out of his office, his hotel, his life.





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