The Fallen Angel: Episode 1 - 40 (Season 2) : TOPSTER STORIES

War Of The Supernatural – Episode 9

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Episode nine♦



Saphira’s POV


I’m so happy today because Jeffrey is coming over to our house..


Oh! I forgot to tell you that Jeffrey is now my boyfriend..


Since the day I met him, I couldn’t stop myself from falling for him..


I mean who wouldn’t fall for my Jeffrey?Although he might be rude sometimes but he is cute,loving and knows how to keep a woman happy..


He has everything I want in a man..simply put,he is a perfect boyfriend..

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My joy knew no bound when he confessed his feelings to me..I can vividly remember that faithful day;






It was already school over when I received a call from Jeffrey, asking me to come meet him in the school canteen..I couldn’t say NO to him so I had no choice than to sneak out to the canteen..


I met him seated in one of the tables..


“Hi” I greeted..


“Hi! Thanks for coming”


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“My pleasure” I replied and sat down..


“But why did you ask me to meet you here? My bodyguard must be looking for me, I’m sure she will find me any time soon” I inquired..


“Uhm..I have something to tell you”


“I’m all ears” I replied..


“Uhm..I…uhm..i” he stammered..


“What’s wrong? Don’t hesitate to tell me,I’m here for you” I said and hold his hand..


“I love you..I know it might seem strange to you but trust me since the day you saved my life,I can’t seem to take you off my mind..why do you think I kept on calling you? Why do you think I kept on visiting you at school?it’s because I love you..I LOVE YOU SAPHIRA” he said staring deep into my eyes..


I was shocked at his confession..


I really don’t know what to say so I kept mute..



“What’s wrong with you Saphira? You love him right? So you should be happy,don’t let this opportunity slip off your hands” my subconscious said…


“I know you’re shocked right now,so I won’t rush you..when you’re ready to talk just let me know..I’m ready to wait for you even if I have to do that all the days of my life” he said..


He stood up and made to leave..


“I love you too” I blurted out,making him to come to a halt..


He quickly turned back and ran to me..


“Thank you baby..thank you” he excitedly said and gave me a tight hug..




I have been inviting him to my house but he kept on refusing.. Yesterday was different,I threatened to break up with he had no choice than to accept..


I can’t wait to introduce Jeffrey to my parents..


I quickly rushed downstairs..


“Mum! I hope everything is ready..he will soon arrive” I called out,overwhelmed with happiness..


“Yes baby..but” mum replied..


“But what mum?”


“Is it necessary to bring him to the house..I don’t have a good feeling about this” mum complained..


“Come on mum! You’re just overreacting..Nothing will go wrong okay?”


“You’re just so stubborn” mum said and heaved a sigh..



“Get ready every one, I want today to go smoothly..I will also go get ready” I said and ran to my room..


Mirabel’s POV


We were all seated, patiently waiting for Jeffrey to arrive..


The door bell suddenly rang..


Looks like he is here..


Since the door was automatic,mum pressed the open button on the door’s remote..


The door opened to reveal the same guy I met on the mall who was speaking with Saphira..


Immediately my eyes fell on him,I suddenly had a quick trance..




I saw Saphira lying helplessly on the floor,she was bleeding..There was a man standing close to her with a sword in his hand..I took a glance at his face and to my surprise the man was Jeffrey..






“Saphira!!!!!” I screamed out as i became conscious again..


I was breathing heavily, completely gripped with fear..


What just happened?


Whats wrong with me?


Why are my seeing things?


“Mirabel what’s wrong?” Mum asked as they all rushing to me including Jeffrey..


“Don’t you dare touch me” I angrily yelled and violently pushed him away..


He almost fell but was caught by Saphira..


“What was that for? Have you gone mad?” Saphira yelled..


“Saphira…he…stabbed you..he is..a bad person” I stammered,pointing at Jeffrey..


“What? Have you gone mad? ” Saphira yelled in exasperation..


I don’t know how to explain this to them..I don’t think any one will believe what I’m saying..


“Saphira trust me, he is a bad person..He is a monster,he doesn’t love you..he is..” I said..


“Stop it ” Saphira screamed and gave me a hard slap..


I was shocked..


I held my cheek as my tears welled up…


For the first time my own sister raised up her hand on me all because of a stranger..







I don’t understand what’s going on


Who can tell me what’s really going on here



I you all…




The fallen Angel






( super natural )




By Authoress Ruthie


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