The Fallen Angel: Episode 1 - 40 (Season 2) : TOPSTER STORIES

War Of The Supernatural – Episode 28

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Episode Twenty eight♦



Sapphira’s POV


I charged angrily at them – I lifted them up above the ground..


“Please let us go” they begged..


I tried to stop myself but I couldn’t – one thing is certain the moment I throw them off my hands, they will be as good as dead..


“You’re not a bad person right? Please don’t kill us” one of them begged as they tried to free themselves from my grip..


I don’t care anymore,I’m gonna do whatever pleases me from now onward..

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I let go of them – and they crash on the floor..


They lay there helplessly and bleeding profusely…


I immediately grabbed them by their necks and almost strangled life outta them..


Just then, Jeffrey appeared..


“Let go of them now!!” He yelled and I flinched back in surprise..


“Oh look who we have here! You’ve come to kill me right? Then go ahead, I’m ready for you” I screamed…


“I’m not here for fight..just let go of them” he calmly said..


“Huh..Why should I? Why do they have to remind me of the fact that I was abandoned? I’m not gonna let them leave here alive, never” I yelled and angrily charged towards them..

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But Jeffrey immediately, came in front of them..



“You’re not a I’m not gonna let you do what you’ll end up regretting later” he said..


“Out of my way Jeff! I’m no longer that weak Saphira that fell for you, so get the hell outta my way or you might get hurt” I roared..


“Get a hold on yourself’re letting your emotions control you”


“I said get out” I yelled and violently pushed him..


“Argghhhhhhhh” he yelled..


His scream struck my heart, making me come back to my senses..I immediately turned back into my normal self again..


“Jeffrey” I yelled and run to him..


He had hit his head on the glass window, so he was bleeding..


“Are… you…okay?” I stuttered…


“I just banged my head on a glass – so how can I be okay” he replied and covered the cut with his hand..


I looked back but the men are no longer there – looks like they’ve disappeared..


What just happened to me?


But why was Jeffrey’s scream able to stop me? – maybe I still love him..


“I’m sorry..I..I..don’t know what happened…” I cried as I took some steps backward…


“Don’t’s okay” he calmly replied..


“No it’s not okay! I’m a monster! How could I have hurt the man I love..I..I’m a monster” I cried and ran out..



I kept on running until I got to a field…


Maybe I should sit here..


I sat down there as the good memories I spent with Jeffrey and my family played on my head..


“No one cares about me! No member of my family bothered to search for me..Even mum has forgotten about me, I’m all alone now” I cried..






I pity her








The fallen Angel











By Authoress Ruthie

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