The Fallen Angel: Episode 1 - 40 (Season 2) : TOPSTER STORIES

War Of The Supernatural – Episode 10

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Episode Ten♦



Pumpkin’s POV


Oh my gosh! What’s going on here?


Looks like Mirabel is a seer..


My baby has finally found her powers..


But what’s wrong with Saphira? Why is she acting this way?


“Saphira! What’s wrong with you? How dare you raise your hand on your sister?” I angrily yelled…

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“Sorry baby.. Does it hurt?” I calmly said,caressing Mirabel’s cheek..


“Mum! Trust me..that guy is bad” Mirabel cried..


“Hush baby! I trust you okay” I said and hugged her..


My baby looks really scared..


I wonder who this Jeffrey really is..



Could it be that he is….


No! No! That can’t be possible..


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“I can’t believe this mum! How can you take her side?” Saphira said as tears welled up in her eyes..


Lord which kind of test are you putting me through?


How can I choose between my daughters?


On one side is Saphira who is clearly blinded by love and the other side is Mirabel who is trying to save her sister from making a terrible mistake..


“Can you guys stop this already? I can’t believe this…so you brought me here to be insulted by your family..?” Jeffrey yelled pointing at Saphira..


“No baby! I didn’t know about this..I’m sorry” Saphira begged caressing his face..


“Don’t you dare touch me!! Maybe I shouldn’t have come here” Jeffrey angrily said and walked out..


“No Jeffrey! Please don’t go..please don’t go” Saphira cried and slumped on the floor..


It broke my heart to see my Saphira who was once a brave girl, lay on the floor crying her eyes out..


What has this Jeffrey done to her.?


“Saphira you’re not like this..what has happened to you?” I calmly said,patting her back..


“Mum I love him..I love Jeffrey!! Jeffrey has never shouted at me before but today he did that and it’s all because of Mirabel” she yelled..


“Calm down! Take it easy dear”


“No mum! I wont spare Mirabel today..I’m gonna make her pay for insulting my Jeffrey” Saphira yelled..


With anger clearly seen in her eyes,she charged angrily at Mirabel..


“Stop it!” Kizito yelled and stepped in front of Mirabel..


“Out of my way!” Saphira yelled.


Her eyes were slowly changing its colors to blue..


This isn’t a good sign..


If I don’t stop her now,she might do something she will regret later.. “You’ve to get a hold of yourself..what’s happening to you” Kizito asked.. “I said out of my way” she yelled and pushed kizito


But to our surprise the push was so strong that kizito tumbled on the air multiple times before dropping..


“Kizito!!! ” Jun pyo yelled and rushed to him..


Saphira wasn’t moved..


She kept on moving towards Mirabel..


Mirabel was already shivering and sweating profusely..


“Saphira!!!!!!!!” I echoed and made use of my powers to give her a supernatural slap..


Just as expected the slap made her unconscious for some seconds..





Saphira’s POV


I became conscious again..


I saw my brother bleeding..


I hated myself as all the previous events played on my head..


What was that?


How could I hit my own sister..


Even my brother is wounded because of me..


“Let’s take him to the hospital” dad said..


Dad and mum assisted him to the door..


“Kizito are you okay?” I said running to him..


“Don’t you dare touch me!” He barked, making me halt..


“I’m sorry..I don’t know what entered me..I didn’t mean to hurt you” I begged..


“But you did..stay away from me, you’re a monster” kizito yelled..


My heart shattered into many pieces hearing my own brother call me a monster..






This is getting more tougher than I thought..


Note: Never make any decision in anger…you might regret it later….





The fallen Angel










By Authoress Ruthie



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