The Scar In My Heart: Episode 1 - 14 : TOPSTER STORIES

The Scar In My Heart – Episode 7

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(Part 7)




Hassan visited a boutique,super market and a food stuff stall,he bought lots of items,provision,clothes and jewelries for Ameerah. When he was taking them to Ameerah,he asked Aisha to accompany him to Ameerah’s place,Aisha was so happy and she also bought some stuffs for Ameerah.




*At the Hassan’s apartment*




Aisha and Ameerah were so happy to see each other,they handed the gifts they bought to Ameerah. Ameerah had prepared a very nice meal for them as hassan told her they would be coming. They all ate and drank and Ameerah was so happy.


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After they had eaten,Ameerah thanked them for their love,care and support. She asked after Hussain,and she was told Hussain is fine,she was happy to hear that.




I have gotten a job for you Hassan broke the news to her,you will be working at Halal international school not far from here,said Hassan.




Why a teaching job?she asked.




Well for now I want you to start with that,so you can find time to rest,you need a good rest,said Hassan.




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I agree with Ya hassan,Aisha chipped in. If you say so,said Ameerah.


Jazakumullahukhairan,she said. Waa iyaa ki,he replied.




Aisha decided to go help Ameerah do the dishes,while Ameerah thought of cleaning the room where they had lunch. And hassan went out to pray. After the ladies were through with their chores,they did their prayers also.




Ameerah was trying to switch on the TV. When Hassan walked in,he saw her and was lost in thoughts,he was staring at her,wondering why his brother dealt with her without mercy,she is beautiful,has a good sense of fashion,a good cook and caring,of all she is God fearing. He was lost in his thought. Aisha saw her brother staring,it was becoming too much,so she cleared her throat to get his attention,he was startled at that and so was Ameerah. Ya hassan! You are back,said Ameerah. Yes,he is replied Aisha,looking at her brother with a smile. I got us some fruit,said Hassan. Thank you,both ladies said.




After much talking,hassan and Aisha decided to take their leave. I must confess,I had fun today,said Aisha. Same with me,saidHassan. But we must leave,they both said. Ameerah thanked them for coming and accompanied them out.




*On their way home*



Ya hassan! I saw you today,said Aisha. I know you did,because right now you are seeing me,said Hassan.




I know you know what am talking about,said Aisha. I saw you staring at Ya Ameerah,you had a smile on your lips,Added Aisha. You can’t be serious,said Hassan.




Are you liking her already?asked Aisha. Hassan smiled without replying.


With much teasing from Aisha,hassan had a fun drive and they got home safely.




*At home*




Hussain,broke the news his plan to get married to his family. Hassan said to him,all the best and walked out. Aisha wished him good wishes and walked out also. His father prayed for him to be happy and his mother said I hope she will be good like Ameerah.




Hassan was on the phone talking with Ameerah asking her how she is faring and if she needs anything,when he was through with the call,he was startled when he saw Hussain behind him. Who were you talking to? Am sure it was a lady,with all the blush and smiles on your lips,said Hussain. Yes it was a lady,replied hassan.More interesting stories available You must like her a lot,said Hussain. Well! I kinda like her but I dont think I can love her, said hassan. But,why not?asked Hussain. Because i dont know it you and others will be happy about my love towards her,said Hassan. Who is she?asked Hussain. Let’s forget about that for now,said hassan. And both men changed the topic of discussion to the wedding preparation of Hussain.




Hassan visits Ameerah time to time to make sure she was comfortable. She was happy,that,he cared about her.



Ameerah!Hassan called. Na’am!she answered. I have something to say to you,said Hassan. What could it be?she asked. I dont know how you might find it,but I can’t hold it any longer,said hassan. You are making me restless,pleas tell me what it is,said Ameerah. Hmm!Hassan sighed softly. Its something that has been bordering me,pleas am saying sorry in advance…




“Not yet edited’







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