The Pink Clouds: Episode 1 - 10 (Season 3) : TOPSTER STORIES

The Pink Clouds – Episode 23

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Richard woke up in the morning feeling like the previous night was a dream. He couldn’t remember the last time he was feeling so happy like that. When he looked around the room, he noticed that almost everyone had gotten ready.




“So you are finally up,” Thomas said.



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“Yes I am,” Richard replied as he stretched his arms.




“Achuba told me that you had a pleasant night,” Thomas said.




“Indeed, it is one of the very best nights of my life,” Richard replied.




“Really?” Thomas asked.



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“Yes really, let me take a bath first, I will tell you when I come out,” Richard said.




As they were about to leave for their morning lectures, Richard received a message from Alice.




“Rebecca is not going to lectures, we’ll be having some fun at home” the message said.




“I’m going to see Rebecca,” Richard announced after reading the message.



“Really? What about the lectures?” Thomas asked.




“To hell with the lectures, go and meet her Richard, I totally support you,” Achuba motivated.




“Thank you,” Richard replied happily.




He walked out their hostel and headed to Prof. Grace’s house. At around 9 am, he arrived at the house. As soon as he arrived, he messaged Alice that he is at the gate of the house. About five minutes later, she went out to go and get him.




“Good morning,” she said to him.




“Good morning, how are you?” Richard asked.




“I’m okay,” she replied. She talked to the security guard and he allowed to go in.




When they got into the living room, Richard saw Rebecca sitting on the dining table, while Amirah was sitting on a dining chair besides her. She was wearing a short white transparent gown that rarely reach her knee. Richard looked into her and smiled as he walked to her. Irresistibly, she smiled and looked at him as he walked to her.




“As a medical student, aren’t you supposed to be more serious than this? Bunking lectures so much unlike you,” Richard smiled as he walked to her.




“I’m going to be busier than the bee starting tomorrow, I just want my friends to have a good time before they leave. Speaking of seriousness, I learned from an engineering kid that was once serious,” Rebecca smiled.




Confidently, Richard sat beside her on table beside her. Suddenly, her heart started beating faster as he got closer to her. When Richard inhaled the scent on her body, it took him back to six years ago and a lot of memories sparked within a second. It was unique that only she had it.


“I missed this perfume,” Richard said with his eyes closed.




“Really?” Rebecca asked.




“Yes really,” he said as he opened his eyes.




“Stop playing around, why didn’t you go for your lectures today?” She asked.




“Well, I’m free today,” Richard replied.




“You don’t even know how to lie,” she smiled.


Amirah silently stood up and went to the living room without them realizing.




“Actually, I am thinking of changing a department” Richard announced.


“You must be kidding, right?” Rebecca asked.




“I’m really serious,” Richard replied as he stopped smiling.


“Why? Tell me what the problem is, if it is money, I can help you with some,” she said.




“No is not about money, I want to be an entrepreneur and I don’t computer engineering is the right course for me,” Richard said.



“Why do you want to be an entrepreneur?” She asked.




“Because studying computer engineering will only make a civil servant in the future. And you know their is a high rate of unemployment in Nigeria and it is projected to get higher in the future because more people are graduating from the universities,” Richard explained.




“But being an entrepreneur will not guarantee you success, many have tried and failed,” Rebecca said.




“But some have tried and succeeded, entrepreneurship is all about risk taking,” Richard said.




“That’s why I don’t longer regret running away five six years ago. It made me realize something big that wouldn’t have realized if I have stayed,” Richard explained.




“Tell me what it made you realize,” Rebecca asked.




“Getting employed and earning salary is not a success, but rather a slavery. You can get fired at anytime and your income remains the same,” Richard said.




“But if even if you run a business, something unfortunate can happen that can ruin your business,” Rebecca said.




“That’s the difference between an entrepreneur and a civil servant, we don’t rely on a single source of income,” Richard responded.





“You speak as if you already are an entrepreneur,” she laughed.




“I am, since I already have decided to be one,” Richard laughed back.




“So, do you think I as a medical can be an entrepreneur?” Rebecca asked.




“Absolutely, I’m surprised you asked me this. Haven’t you heard of private hospitals before?” Richard asked.


“Of course I have, but the idea of running my own hospital has never come to me,” Rebecca replied.




“Well, you know you will earn much than what you will paid in the public hospitals,” Richard explains.




“It seems like you have gotten smarter,” Rebecca complemented.


“Thank you,” Richard smiled.




“You said an entrepreneur does not rely on a single source of income, how do you think that will work for a medical doctor?” Rebecca asked.




“Well, you can get involved in the distribution of pharmacutical products at the same,” Richard said.




“That’s absolutely a brilliant idea,” Rebecca said excitedly.




“I’m glad you like it,” Richard smiled.




“Have you eaten breakfast yet?” She asked.




“No I haven’t, have you?” He replied.




“No I haven’t, that’s why you have to allow me to go and make some,” she smiled.




“Permission granted ma lady,” Richard replied and she started laughing.




She stood up and headed to kitchen, while Richard turned and watched her as walked. Change hasn’t got much of her for the last six years, but it was like he was seeing her for the first time. He couldn’t believe everything was real.


“You can go to the living room and talk to Amirah and Alice, it might take a while before I will be back,” Rebecca said after turning back.




“Okay,” he smiled and stood up.


He walked into the living room and met Alice and Amirah


watching a movie on the TV.




“I can’t recall the last time I sat down and watch a movie like this,” Richard said as he sat beside Amirah.




“Me too,” she replied.


“So, since when did you become an expert on business?” She continued by asking.




“Some days ago,” Richard smiled.




“That’s wonderful,” she replied.



“Thanks you,” he responded.


“So, when do you plan on going home?” Alice asked.


“As soon as this semester ends,” Richard replied.


“I guess your sister would be extremely happy to see you,” Amirah commented.




“Or perhaps very angry,” Richard replied.


“Of course she will be angry because you left for six years, but she will be happy that you are back,” Alice said.


“Yes you are absolutely right,” Richard replied.




“How are things working out with Rebecca?” Amirah asked.




“Absolutely perfect, I don’t really know I should thank you,” he commented.




“It really makes us to you together,” Alice said.




“Thank you so much, your arrival makes it looks I’ve been taken to the past,” Richard said.




“Don’t just make the same mistake of letting her go,” Alice adviced.




“I will never let go this time,” Richard vowed.




They talked for about an hour until Rebecca called their attention.





“Breakfast is ready,” she announced from the dining room.



“Alright we are on our way,” Amirah replied and they all stood up and headed to the dining room.


“What’s the last time you cook?” Alice asked as they sat.


“About a month ago I think,” she replied.


“Wow! You really are a princess,” Amirah commented.


“Please stop exaggerating it, is because I and my mom are always busy that’s why she hired a cook,” she explained.


“Really? Where is the cook now?” She Alice asked.


“She had already cooked and left, she will be coming back by noon I guess,” Rebecca replied.




“Where is the food she cooked?” Amirah asked.




“Is in the kitchen,” she replied.




“I’m glad you cooked by yourself, because I love your food,” Richard commented.




“Really? She not even that great when it comes to cooking,” Alice opposed.


“Really? The last time we had a coming competition, who won?” Rebecca asked.




“That’s because you gave me a faulty stove with expired food stuff, everything was set up before we even began,” Alice said.


Rebecca burst into a serious laugher.




“Do you hear yourself? You never run out of excuses,” she said after she stopped laughing.



“So even competed,” Richard commented.




“That’s how they have been since when we were very young, they love competeting against one another,” Amirah replied.


“What about you?” Richard asked.




“I don’t have time for their childishness,” Amirah replied.




Alright that’s enough, let’s eat before we continue with all of our noises,” Rebecca said. She opened the flask containing the food revealing the content. It was some fried yam and egg.


“You still haven’t changed,” Amirah said when she noticed the content.




“Oh yes I haven’t,” she smiled as she served the food on plates. She distributed to everyone and went back to the kitchen to get some tea.




.”You sure are the best cook in the world,” Richard commented after taking his first bite. By that time, she had returned from the kitchen.




“Thank you,” she smiled as she sat down.


“I don’t blame you for choosing yam to be your favorite food,” Richard continued.




“Only nuts would blame me,” Rebecca smiled.




“So you mean we are nuts?” Alice asked.





“Without a doubt, yes,” Rebecca said giving her a playful look.



After their breakfast, they went back to the living room while Rebecca headed to kitchen with the plates they used. She returned to the living room soon after washing them.




“You will surely make a good house wife,” Amirah commented.




“Thank you,” replied Rebecca as she sat beside her.




“Can we do something fun? I’m begging to get bored,” Alice replied.




“How about we play checking the fool out?” Amirah suggested.




“No, that will be very childish,” Rebecca replied.




“And what type of a game is checking the fool out?” Richard asked.




“It is a game we used to since when we were in primary school,” Alice replied.




“And how is this game played?”




“A certain topic is chosen, and players are asked to call the names of things or words in that topic. Any player who fails to think of a name or word when his or her turn arrives losses,” Alice described.




“That sounds quite easy to me,” Richard said.



“Is actually not, we will be arranged in a circle. As soon the first person calls a name of a thing, the person next to him or will call a different thing without any delay and the next person will also do the same. More interesting stories available @… And that’s how it will continue In a circle. No reputation of words, and if you delay for more than a second without calling a name, you will be marked as the loser,” Amirah explained.




“That sounds fun to me,” Richard said.




“No I think is very childish,” Rebecca insisted.




“Is fun to be reminded of your childhood I think,” Richard smiled.


Soon, they started playing the game. They laughed out loud as they played and teased one another. Richard felt like everything happening was in a dreaming. Throughout the game, he couldn’t take his eyes off Rebecca. He felt like it was all a fantasy and everything will disappear any moment. They played for hours until they were exhausted.




“Who is hungry like me?” Rebecca asked?




“We all are hungry,” Alice replied.




“I would to cook, but I’m exhausted,” Rebecca complained.

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“How about the other breakfast the cook left?” Alice asked.




“Actually, I’m thinking of getting us some pizza,” Rebecca announced.



“That will be very great,” Amirah announced.




“I can’t go out like this, look at what I’m wearing,” Rebecca said.




“Why don’t you give Richard the money so that he can go and buy?” Amirah suggested.




“That’s a brilliant idea,” Rebecca replied. She ran to her and came out with her purse. She opened and handed Richard ten thousand naira along with her car’s key.




“Can you get go and get us some pizza?” Rebecca asked.




“I would love to go with you,” Richard said looking into her eyes.




“I would love to go too, but look at what I’m wearing,” Rebecca responded.




“You don’t have to go out of the car, besides I noticed that the glasses of your windows are tinted,” Richard replied.


As she looked into his eyes, she felt an invisible force drawing her to him that she couldn’t resist his request.




“Okay, let’s go,” she replied and they headed out together.




“Are you really going out like that?” Alice asked.




“Of course I am,” Rebecca replied.



“I pray you should meet your mother their,” Alice said.




“Your pray is definitely not answered,” Rebecca replied.




They walked to her car and she opened the passenger’s door and sat at the back so that she won’t be seen while Richard sat at the front. And soon he drove out of the house.




“The last time we drove like this, you didn’t know how to drive,” Richard said.




“Yes, I was young back then,” Rebecca replied.




“So, who taught you how to drive?” Richard asked.




“I went to a driving school,” Rebecca replied.




“But I hope you have never hit something?” Richard asked.




“No, but I almost fell off a bridge,” she replied.




“Is good thing you didn’t fall, I would have been in sorrow right now,” Richard replied.




They drove out of the onto the highway. They were close to the pizza shop when Richard noticed the highway police patrolling on the road.





“Oh my God, we are in trouble,” Richard announced.




“What’s the matter?” Rebecca asked.




“The police are patrolling on the road and I don’t have a driving license,” Richard said.




“What? How comes you don’t have one?” She asked.




“I don’t have a car, remember?” He responded.




“Okay, I think you will have to allow me drive from here,” she said.




Richard stopped driving and Rebecca crossed over to the front seat. As they were trying to exchange seat, Richard heart beat increases when they got really close. They both stopped moving and stared at each other. Suddenly, the urge of kissing her came to him at that moment. He felt something pulling him towards her that he couldn’t describe.




“Let’s go and get the pizza,” she said at last and moved to his seat.




When they got to the police, she showed them all that they need to see, and soon, they arrived at the pizza shop. Richard got down for the car and bought the pizza while Rebecca returned to her previous position. They headed back to the university after Richard came back.







They arrived back some minutes later and found Alice and Amirah already asleep.



“Wake up sleepy heads,” Rebecca said as she shook Alice and they both woke up.




“What took you so long?” Amirah asked.




“Hey, we were gone just for minutes,” Rebecca replied.




“That’s what you think, to us, you have been gone for centuries,” Alice replied.




“Perhaps you had some fun without us,” Amirah winked at her.




“Absolutely not,” Rebecca quickly replied and Alice and Amirah laughed at her.




They sat down and ate the pizza. As soon as they were done eating, Amirah received a call that there will be a verification at her place of work.




“What did they tell you?” Alice asked.


“I think we must leave now,” Amirah replied.




“Why can’t you leave tomorrow as we planned?” Amirah.




“I must go now, I will miss the verification exercise if I stay until tomorrow,” Amirah replied.











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THE pink Clouds



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