The Pink Clouds: Episode 1 - 10 (Season 1) : TOPSTER STORIES

The Pink Clouds – Episode 10

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About five minutes later, Richard called her back.




Richard: Why are you still up? Are you missing me that badly?



Janet : Not really. I was just worried that you my friend will get spoiled by a bad girl, that why I just called to warn you.



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Richard: Is that so?




Janet : Yes of course. So don’t misunderstand my intentions.




Richard: Is okay my lady.




Janet : Where are you right now?



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Richard: I’m in Agric department.




Without hesitation, Janet quickly stood up and changed into the clothes she wore earlier and walked out the room. She walked to the main road and couldn’t find a taxi for it was very late. She started walking heading towards where Richard told her he was when she saw a vehicle approaching.




She quickly stopped it and asked for a lift.




“Where are you going in this very late night?” The boy who was driving asked.




“I want to go and see someone,” she replied.




“Your boyfriend, right?” He asked.



“Yes,” Janet replied.




“He must be such a lucky man to have a girl such as yourself out her bed by this time,” The boy said.


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“I think he is,” Janet replied.




They drove for ten minutes before arriving at the place at about 1 am.




“Thank you for the ride,” Janet said after she had walked down from the car.




“You are welcome,” the boy replied.


When she arrived at the place, she found Richard trying to leave.




“Oh my God, what brings you here at this very time?” Richard asked looking very surprised.




“Don’t you dare judge me when I say it. I just wanted to see you,” Janet replied.


Richard was about to say when Janet interrupted him.




“I say don’t judge me,” She said.




“Hey, I am not trying to judge you, I just want to commend you on your bravery,” Richard smiled.





“Do you care to sit?” She asked pointed at the bench under a tree next to him.




“No I don’t,” Richard replied.


They both sat down the bench facing each other.




“So how was your day?” she asked.




“It was great,” Richard replied.




“Of course it will be great, you got yourself a very cute girl,” Janet said.




“Come on, she is Prof. Grace’s daughter.


Her mother hired me to be teaching her Mathematics and Physics,” Richard replied.




“Really? Of all the teachers in the world, why would she hire someone as young as you to teach her daughter?” Janet asked.




“So you think I am too young to teach her?” Richard asked.




“Of course you are,” Janet replied.




“Okay, so you are suggesting that I stop teaching her?” Richard asked.




“Yes of course,” Janet replied.



“If that the case, you will be paying me 50 thousand Naira monthly. Because that’s what I earn for teaching her,” Richard replied.




“Wow! That quiet lovely,” Janet replied.




“Oh yes it is,” Richard replied.




“Is already late, I don’t think we should be sitting here,” Richard suggested.


“Yes you are right,” Janet said and stood up.


They walked out of the Agric department waiting for a vehicle to come.


“Aren’t you scared of the night to come out alone?” Richard asked.




“Why should I be scared? We are not living in a jungle to maybe think I will be attacked by a lion,” Janet replied.




“Don’t you know that there are humans more dangerous than lions?” Richard asked.




“Well, this is first time I’m hearing it,” Janet replied.




“I wonder what kind of world you live in. Or perhaps you are pretending not to be aware on purpose, right?” Richard asked.




“Why would I do that?” Janet asked.




“Well, if you have not forgotten, there have an attempt to rape a girl last semester in the night when she walked out alone,” Richard narrated.




“Oh yes I do remember,” Janet replied.




“So tell, aren’t these kind of people more dangerous than the lion?” Richard asked.




“Of course they are,” Janet replied.




“That’s why you should avoid coming out very late in the night like this,” Richard advised.




“Thank you for your concern,” Richard replied.




“You are welcome,” Richard replied. “But you know, I was dying to see you that I couldn’t resist it,” Janet replied.




“Really?” Richard asked.




“Yes of course, and you should be glad I care that much about you,” Janet replied.




“If there is word that would describe how I’m feeling, I would use it,” Richard replied.




“I’m glad you appreciate it,” Janet replied.




They waited for more than 30 minutes but there was vehicle. Instead, the place had gotten very quiet as if it was the noisy university it used to be.



“I don’t think we can get a taxi,” Richard said.




“What do you think we should do now?” Janet asked.


“You know we the only have one option left for us, don’t you?” Richard smiled.


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“Do you mean I should sleep at your place?” Janet asked confusingly.




“You are such a naughty girl. You must have a dirty mind to think that’s what I have in mind,” Richard replied.


“Well, the way you said made it sound dirty,” Janet laughed back.


“Don’t worry, I can walk you back,” Richard assured.


“That will be very nice of you,” Janet said.


They started walking and headed towards Janet ’s dormitory.


“You know, if one sees how the quiet this place is right now, one will think that this place will never be noisy during the day,” Janet said.


“Yes, everyone must have gone to sleep,” Richard replied.


“Do you know what?” Janet asked.


“Walking like this, reminds me on the day we nearly got into trouble,” Janet said.


“Oh yes it does, I can recall how you cried that day,” Richard laughed.




“You are such a liar,” Janet argued.




“Are you trying to deny the fact that you cried that day?” Richard asked.




“Yes of course, as far as I could recall, I didn’t cry,” Janet replied.



“Well, I can recall playing my hand on your mouth in order to stop you from crying. That is something I can never forget for the rest of my life,” Richard revealed.




“Really?” Janet asked.Kindly share out more interesting stories from using the floating social media icon button at the bottom of the screen.




“Yes Janet . It was the first time I cared of someone other than myself despite the fact that I was in trouble,” Richard said.




“I have never been scared in my life like I was on that day,” Janet replied.




“I still can’t understand why you have to go to such parties in the first place,” Richard said.




“I have told you, I was taken there by a friend and that will never happen again,” Janet replied.




“What about playing snooker with boys?” Richard asked.




“Are you jealous?” Janet asked.




“No I’m just curious,” Richard replied.




“If I say I will stop talking to them, what will get I in return?” Janet asked.




“Anything you wish to have,” Richard replied.


About 30 minutes later, they arrived at Janet’s dormitory.



“It’s really strange that I don’t feel sleepy or tired at all,” Janet announced.




“Me too,” Richard replied.




“I have never been so happy in my whole like when I’m with you,” Janet announced.




“Really?” Richard asked looking very surprised.




“Yes, I wish you would also feel the same,” Janet continued.




“Of course I do feel the same,” Richard replied.




“You don’t really understand what I mean, do you?” Janet asked.


“Of course I do,” Richard smiled.




“Is a good thing you know, I think I will go from here,” Janet replied.




“Alright then, I will see you in the morning,” Richard announced.




“Okay, good night Richard,” she said and turned to walked her dormitory. Richard folded his arms and watched her as she walked to her dormitory.




When she got to the gate of the dormitory, she turned and ran back to Richard.





“What happened?” Richard asked.




“Don’t you have anything you wish to tell me?” she asked as looked into his eyes.


Richard became speechless and couldn’t come up with a word to tell her.




“Good night,” she sadly said and turned to go back.




“Do you love me?” Richard asked her. She turned and looked at him for a moment without saying a word.




“I think I will be lying if I say I don’t love you,” Janet replied.


“Really?” Richard asked happily.




“But promise you are not going to hurt me,” Janet replied.




“I Promise I won’t,” Richard assured.




“Alright Richard, good night,” She said and ran happily to her dormitory.









About a month later, Rebecca had a test in mathematics and physics. When the result came out, she was among the best in her class. Everyone was so surprised including her teachers.


“I wish Richard could teach me too,” Alice said to Rebecca when they were out for break.

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“Well, I think he is the teacher in the world,” Rebecca commented.




“Really?” Amira asked.




“I have never once thought in my whole life that I will be very good in mathematics like this,” Rebecca explained.


The three of them were sitting on the veranda of one of their laboratories.




“Well, I think you are lucky your mom has hired him to teach you,” Alice said.


“Yes, that’s why I am so desperate to show her my test,” Rebecca replied.




“Your mum is going to be very happy with you,” Amira commented.




“Of course,” Rebecca smiled.




About 30 minutes later, their break ended and they went back to their class.




few minutes later, their Mathematics teacher came and all the students stood up and greeted him.




“Sit down please,” the teacher ordered.




“Can someone clean the board please?” the teacher said when he noticed that the board was all written on.




“I was very displeased by all of your performance in my test. You will be writing an external exam by next year, do you think you can achieve something at this rate?” the teacher asked and the whole class could not reply.




“I highly recommend that you sit up and study harder,” the continued.




“And Rebecca, you did incredible. I have never expected such performance from you. I believe you can be the source of motivation to every student in this class,” the teacher commended.




“Actually, I wouldn’t have done it without the help of my private tutor,” Rebecca replied.




“Do you mean the boy that came here the other time?” the teacher asked.




“Yes, Rebecca’s answered.




“Not bad, he is actually better than I expected,” the teacher said.




“No, he is actually the best,” Rebecca uttered without realising and all the class glared at her with surprised.




“In mathematics I mean,” She continued and the teacher laughed at her.




“Well, then I suggested you guys should all hire him to teach you, maybe he can transform you like he transformed her,” the teacher said.


“Actually, he is very busy. My mum hardly convinced him to teach me,” Rebecca responded.




“Well, then I think you should count yourself lucky,” the teacher said. He started his lesson after that. And each time he asked a question, he pointed it directly at



Rebecca first and she will confidently answer it. It went on like that until the lesson was over.




After school was over, Rebecca couldn’t wait to get home. All that she kept thinking about was showing Richard her scripts. She took a taxi together with her friend Amira to home.


“I have never seen you this excited before,” Amira noticed.




“Yes, because I have never gotten such an incredible result in my entire life,” Rebecca responded.




“You should be happy, because your mum will be very proud of you,” Amira said.




“Yes you are right,” Rebecca smiled. “And Richard will also be proud of you,” Amira continued.


Rebecca did not say a word; she only looked at her and smiled.




“Alright, I will meet you after I have eaten,” Amira announced after they have gotten down from the taxi.




“Alright dear, I will be waiting for you,” Rebecca replied and they both walked to their houses.


When Rebecca walked in, she found her brother sitting in the living with his uniforms and books thrown on the floor.




“How many times do I have to tell, always keep your things in your room, not in the living room,” Rebecca nagged.



“I don’t really know what kind of dirty human being you are,” Rebecca said as she bent down angrily to pick his clothes from the floor.




She took everything she picked to her brother’s room. From there, she went to her room and lied on her. She was feeling lazy to even get up and change the uniform she was wearing.




Even on her bed, she kept thinking about how happy Richard will be if she shows him her result.




About 30 thirty minutes later, she finally gathered the courage to stand up. She stood up and went to wardrobe. She changed into a black gown and a black skinny jeans and then went to the kitchen to get her lunch. It was the rice and beans that she cooked in the morning before she went to school. She somehow lost her apatite as she started eating.




She took the food back to the kitchen and covered it. She went back to her room and lied on her. She was expecting Richard to come around 4 o’clock. All that she wished for at that time was see Richard. Around 3 o’clock, her mother arrived back from work. She quickly ran to the living room and met her.


“Mum, you won’t believe what happened,” Rebecca cried out as she ran to her mother. “Tell me what happened,” her mother asked. “You will see it for yourself,” Rebecca replied as she ran to her school bag that was kept on the dining table.


She opened the zip of the side pocket of the bag and brought out two papers and ran to her mother with them.




“Here, take a look,” she said as she gave.




“Oh my God is this really yours?” her mother asked. “Of course it is,” Rebecca replied.




“This certainly is the best thing you ever did,” her mother complimented.




“It is mum,” she smiled back at her mother. “You should keep it up, I promise I will surprise you at the end of the term,” her mother said.







Around 3:30 pm, Richard was called by their class representative. He was told that there will be an important gathering of students from their department by exactly 4 O’clock. He tried to explain to him to that he will be busy, but the class representative insisted that this way too important than what he will do.




At last, Richard finally gave in and agreed he will go. Around 4 O’clock, Richard took a taxi and went to his department. He was surprised to find out that all the members of his department were present at the hall he was directed to go.




“At last, you have come,” the class representative announced.




“Yes I have, did something bad happened?” Richard worriedly asked.




“Not really. Do you remember that lecturer that said he will never teach us again when your girlfriend’s phone rang in his class?” The class representative asked.




“Well, we have finally convinced him to come back and continue teaching us. But he said as our punishment, he will give us a test on the quarter of the content of the course. We tried looking for some to come and assist, but everyone seemed to be busy. But your girlfriend said you can help us,” the class representative said.



Richard looked around and noticed Janet sitting far behind them. She smiled at him after their eyes met.




“I am not that good actually, but I will give it a try,” Richard responded.




He received the marker from the class representative and proceeded to the board of the board of the lecture theatre holding the course content in the other hand.







Rebecca had been waiting for Richard for almost 2 hours but he hadn’t showed up. As every minute passes, the urge to see him kept consuming her. She has never been so desperate in her whole life like she was at that time.




Everything became boring to her. She kept going round the house from her bed to the living, from the living to dining room, and back to her room from the dining room.




She wished she had someone whom she could how she felt at that time. Some few minutes after 5 o’clock, she walked out the house and saw Amira sitting in the place they usually sit. She walked to her and sat beside her.




“Hey, are you not supposed to have lesson today?” Amira asked.




“I am, but Richard hasn’t showed up,” Rebecca responded.




“Oh I hope he is okay,” Amira replied.





“I hope so,” Rebecca replied.




“Don’t worry, maybe he got caught up in work today,” Amira said.


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“Yes, can we do something fun? Because I’m so bored today,”Rebecca announced.




“Alright, let’s go to the school orchard and get some fruits,” Amira suggested.




“That’s a pretty idea,” Rebecca responded.




They stood up and headed towards the orchard that was located at the extreme of the staff Quarters.




On their way, they met with David who also happened to be their classmate and a childhood friend living also in the staff quarters.


.“Hey, where are you girls going?” he said. When they turned, they saw him sitting at the frontage of their house.


“We are going to the orchard,” Amira replied. “Can I come?” He requested.




“Of course you can,” Amira replied.




“Thank you,” he said as he stood up.




“So how are you girls doing?” David asked after he had caught up with them.




“We are doing well,” Amira replied.



“What about you Rebecca? Why aren’t you talking?” David asked.




“Well, that’s the essence of our going to the orchard.


She said she is bored today,” Amira replied. “Wow, you ought to be exhilarated.


You impressed everyone at school today,” David said.


“Well, there is one person she couldn’t impressed,” Amira teased.


“Don’t you start it,” Rebecca interrupted her and Amira started laughing.


“Who could that person be?” David asked.


.“Don’t mind her, she likes fooling around,” Rebecca replied.


They arrived at the orchard about 10 minutes later. They plucked some oranges and guava and headed their way back.




“What do you think of this year’s inter house sport?” David asked.




“I don’t think I will be participating in any event,” Rebecca revealed.




.“Why not? You are the best runner in your house, why don’t you want to run?” David asked.




“Well, is just boring,” Rebecca replied.




“Then what about match pass parade?” Amira asked.


“I am not participating in anything,” Rebecca answered.




“What got into you today?” Amira asked. “Nothing, I just don’t want to participate,” Rebecca asked.



“Let her be, there is still time before the inter house sport, she might change her mind,” David said.


“Alright, I will see you guys tomorrow,” David said after they had gotten to his house.




“Okay, bye,” Rebecca said and they continued to walk home.


They arrived at their homes at about 6 o’clock pm. “Where have you been?” Her mother asked.


She was sitting with Emmanuel watching TV. “I went to the orchard,” Rebecca revealed.




Emmanuel quickly stood up and ran to her. “Did you bring something for me?” Emmanuel asked as he ran to his sister.




“Yes,” she said as she handed him an orange and a guava.







Richard has been teaching his mates for the past two hours. The listened attentively as he was teaching them.


It was then that some of them realised why he was recognised as the best student in their faculty.


As soon as he ended the lesson, Janet walked up to him at the stage of the lecture theatre.


“You know, this is the best lecture I have ever received in my life,” Janet complimented.




“Come on Janet , stop exaggerating things,” Richard said to her.



“I’m really serious Richard. I have been with many people in my life, but none of them can be compared to you. You are so sweet and full of amazements,” Janet complimented. “You know what’s really amazing?” Richard asked her.




“Until you tell me,” She replied.




“It is really surprising that a beautiful girl will say things like this to me. I always feel like I am dreaming each time I remember that you are my girlfriend,” Richard said.




Just then, they came across Janet ’s friend. “Hey” she said to them.




“Hello dear, how are you doing?” Rebecca asked.




“I am doing well,” She replied.




“Richard, this is my friend Fa…,” before Janet could finish saying the name, Richard interrupted her.




“Farida, right?” Richard asked.




“Yes of course, I’m surprised you remember my name,” Farida said.




“Didn’t I tell you before? he is very intelligent,” Janet said.




“Oh come on sweetheart, stop embarrassing me in front of other people,” Richard said. “That’s really the truth,” Rebecca laughed.




“Alright, I think I will leave you guys from here, I have somewhere to go,” Richard revealed. “Alright darling, we’ll talk later,” Janet replied.


Janet and Farida went to Riskat’s room and found her cooking dinner.




“We came at the right time,” Janet said. “Don’t you even think about eating my food, how do you expect yourself to feed Richard with such lazy attitude after you have gotten married?” Riskat asked.




“Oh I have even forgotten to ask, when did you guys started date?” Farida asked.




“About a month,” Janet replied.




“That’s good. I sense something strange about you too since the first time I saw you guys talking to each other,” Farida replied. “Really?” Janet asked.




“Yes of course, and it seem like you have made the right choice this time. He is the best boyfriend you ever had,” Farida said.


“That’s what I have been telling her,” Riskat interrupted.




“I already know that, you guys don’t need to tell me anything,” Janet said.




“Come on Farida, Come and sit down on the bed,” Janet said when she noticed her standing.










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