The Neighbourhood Saga: Episode 1 - 20 (Season 1)???? : TOPSTER STORIES

The Neighbourhood Saga – Episode 4

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( This story Contains Adult Content (AC), Strong Graphic Language (SGL) which might be disturbing to minors and in some parts Graphic Violence (GV). Reader’s discretion is advised. Suitable for persons 18 years and above. )




I tiptoed towards the corner she had pointed expecting to see a huge black mamba with legs, only to find a whitish lizard basking on the wall. I could not hold my laughter. I started laughing out loud as I slowly picked the lizard from the wall.


“Are you not afraid of that snake?” Chrisham asked sounding scared.


“Chrisham, this is not a snake my dear; it is a lizard. Lizards are harmless.” I said calmly.


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“Just put it away please, I hate crawling animals; more so reptiles.” She replied.


I placed the lizard on the wall separating our compounds and it crawled over to my compound. I then turned and looked at Chrisham; that was when I realized that she had dressed up and was holding her car keys.


“Going out?” I asked.


“I have a meeting remember!” She replied.


“Oh! Right, I forgot. See you around.” I said and started walking away.


“Ham, thank you.” Chrisham said.



“You are welcome beautiful neighbour.” I replied and walked away.


I went back to my house and found Joy watching the movie I was watching.

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“That was fast!” I said.


“What?” She asked.


“Your sleep.” I replied.


“Oh! I could not get any sleep.” She replied.


“Will you take some juice?” I asked her.


“Yes please, I need something sugary.” She replied.


I walked to the kitchen and got her some cold juice. I then sat beside her and we continued watching the movie. She had changed her clothes and wore my short and my shirt. I decided to play blind and assume not to have noticed. The movie was horror based hence it made Joy to get scared every time there was a scary scene playing.


Every time she got scared, she kept on coming closer to where I was seated. Half an hour later, I could feel her arms around my waist.


“Should I change the movie?” I asked.


“No Ham, I am fine. But I hope you don’t mind me helping myself with your clothes.” She replied.


Joy had an incredible body, a figure like that of the fanta soda bottle but nevertheless Chrisham was a slayer of men’s eyes. We continued watching the movie and before we knew it, it was already lunch time. I did not feel like cooking but I had no choice since Joy could not manage to cook.



Before I went to the kitchen to make some lunch, I decided to know more about Joy; she seemed a decent lady.


“So, what do you do?” I asked abruptly.


“I am an actress.” She replied.


“Wow, what a coincidence! I am an author.” I replied smiling.


“Are you for real?” She asked sounding excited.


“Yeah, I have written a couple of movie scripts actually but not produced yet.” I replied smiling back.


“Can I see a sample of you write ups please?” She requested.


“Sure, why not!” I replied as I got up to go and get my sample of the script.


Just before I could get to my small library in the house, there was a knock on my door. I walked to the CCTV screen to check whom it was only to find Chrisham standing outside my door in company of a man who wore a blue tux.


I opened the door for them and Chrisham pretended not to have met me before; she didn’t want the guy to know that she had been to my place earlier.


“Hi, my name is Chrisham and this is my hubby Chris; we are your next door neighbours.” Chrisham introduced herself.


“Hello ma’am, hello sir. Kindly come in.” I replied.


They walked in and Chris handed over to me a bottle of wine he was carrying.


“This is to welcome you to the neighborhood.” He said politely.


“Thank you sir.” I replied.


“Please call me Chris.” He said.



“Very well Chris; this is Joy, a good friend of mine.” I replied as I introduced Joy.


“Joy, meet Chris and Chrisham; my new neighbours.” I added looking at Joy smiling.


I then decided to leave the three of them to mingle as I went to make lunch. I was making Pasta Napolitana and some Chicken Curry.


“Excuse me guys, I will be back.” I excused myself and walked to the kitchen.


From the kitchen, I had a clear view of the three of them. I could see Chrisham’s beautiful thighs from where I stood, she seemed a little bit uncomfortable . To calm down her tension, I decided to serve them some wine as I made lunch. I took my finest Moet and served them then went back to the kitchen.

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While preparing the meal, I realized that Chris would often stare at Joy with familiar eyes. Joy was shying off and trying to avoid an eye contact with Chris. I was not sure whether it was paranoia making me see things or was it that Joy and Chris knew each other…






Continues in the next Episode.


©Author George Haman

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