The Dreams Of My Mother – Episode 9
Episode 9
Madam Lagos named the child, Dayo and took care of the child, like a grandmother would do. When Dayo was a year old, she threw the biggest party in Oshogbo and even invited her son and his family. Her son, Gberan and his wife, Bella, just had a baby boy too, who was a few months younger than Dayo. The moment Gberan set eyes on Dayo, he liked the little boy, for he was comely and had a smile on his face for everyone.
Gberan: “Mother, you have such a kind heart, to take in a total stranger and care for her child , even when she is dead. I love you mother” he said and embraced his mother.
Madam Lagos: “I love you too my son. I also taught you to be kind, and I hope you learned from me because your kindness would be needed” she said and held her son’s gaze. Whenever his mother got like that, she always made a request that was more like an order.
Gberan: “What is it mother?” he asked
Madam Lagos: “I am an old woman, and there is so much an old woman can do. I want you to take Dayo with you back to Lagos. I want you to take care of him, like your own son, and give him the best just like you would do to your son, Ken” she said.
Gberan: “Mother, you know I have never been able to refuse you, but you also know how Bella is, I don’t know how she will take this. Can I talk to her first?” he asked with a worried frown on his brow.
Madam Lagos: “You can talk to her, but, regardless of what she says, you will take Dayo with you to Lagos.” She retorted, with a note of finality in her voice, and turned away with a frown. Madam Lagos had never supported Gberan’s marriage to Bella. She had seen in the woman, certain selfishness and her eyes were thirsty. She was the type of person that would do anything to get their desires. But Gberan had said he loved her and wanted her for wife, so she had no choice but to bless their union. However, both women had stayed away from each other’s path. It was the reason Madam Lagos rarely visited her son in Lagos. Even when she did, she stayed in a hotel throughout the duration of her stay.
So it happened that despite Bella’s hesitation, Dayo was taken to Lagos to live with them, as a son. A nanny was employed for him, as Bella had refused to take part in his upbringing.
Bella: “I have my own son, Gberan” she would say anytime her husband complained about her nonchalance towards the little boy.
Gberan: “And God has decided to bless you with another son. Why don’t you like the boy, everyone does” he would always try to persuade his wife.
“Yes that is the problem. Everyone loves Dayo, nobody thinks of my own son, Ken”
The child grew both in wisdom and grace. Gberan made sure he had the best of everything, at 3 he already could swim, play the piano, and talk intelligently. This only made Gberan love him the more, even more than he loved his own son. The little boy took Bella as his mother and Gberan as his father, even though his little mind always wondered why his mother, Bella was always cold to him. Who wouldn’t prefer Dayo to Ken though, where Dayo was affectionate, Ken was entitled, where Dayo was smart and wise beyond his years, Ken was dull and only thought of what was his.
Things came to a head when they were five years old, Dayo was already ahead of Ken in class, because he got double promotions. Ken began to envy Dayo, especially as he felt his father loved Dayo more. He took his complaints to his mother.
Ken: “Mommy, why does daddy like my brother more than me?” he asked Bella: “No my child, your father dos not love Dayo more than you. He loves you more than anything in this world because you are his, but Dayo is not” she said, as she kissed the child’s tears away. But in her heart she began to wonder if her
husband and his mother had not played a fast one on her. Why would a man favor another man’s child to his own child, except the other child was really his.
“Hay God, Gberan and his mother brought his love child into my home. Gberan impregnated someone and brought the child into my home” she thought as she stroked her son’s hair.
That was the beginning of misery for Dayo. Bella told her husband that the child didn’t need his nanny anymore, as she had decided to take care of him. Gberan was overjoyed to have his wife come around. But Bella did not take care of Dayo as she had said she would, she began to maltreat the boy. She would make the maid relax, while Dayo did all the chores, even wash clothes. She would also make the little boy go hungry and would only feed him dinner because she knew her husband would ask if he had eaten when he came from work, and Dayo was known never to tell lies. Gberan got a promotion at the office and became extremely busy, and Dayo’s misery got worse.
When Halima had told her boyfriend of the pregnancy, he had accepted and asked her to marry him, on the condition that she would convert to Christianity. Halima did not see any way out because she knew her father would disown her if she was found pregnant. So she told her parents that she wanted to marry a Christian. After the marriage, she left with her husband to America, where she gave birth to a baby girl and named her Cassandra. After ten years sojourning in the States, Halima and her family came back to Nigeria to live in Lagos. Her husband was employed as a regional manager in the company that Gberan worked. Due to Gberan’s high performance as a branch manager, he became close with his boss, Halima’s husband. The two families became friends, and Ken began to like Cassandra. However, Cassandra had only eyes for Dayo. Whenever she was with Ken, she would only ask of Dayo. This only fueled the animosity that Ken had for Dayo. Ken: “Mother, why does my brother take everything from me. He has even taken away Cassandra” he cried to his mother.
Bella: “He is a usurper, he is not your brother because I did not give birth to him” she replied coldly.
Ken: “I don’t understand mother. If he is not my brother, where did he come from?” he asked curiously.
Bella: “That I don’t know, but he is not your brother, and you should not allow him take anything away from you, not even your father’s love” she told the ten yeasr old Ken.
To be continued