The CEO Is Her Body Guard: Episode 1 - 65 : TOPSTER STORIES

The CEO Is Her Body Guard – Episode 63

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Sasha stare at the so called uncle.


“You….how could you….you lied to me…to Gem!” She yelled


“No….i never lied you know….I just spicy up the truth…..look Sasha…..”


“Don’t you dare touch me!!!” She yelled. “Am going to tell Gem, she deserves to know the truth”. As she was stepping outside the men block her way.


“Now if I were you Sasha….

I’ll be begging for my life…..

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what do you mean

….you won’t kill me……

!” She shiver as the man draw out his dagger. “You can’t


kill me……



why are you so evil???”





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“Poor thing…..

now am being the bad guy…..

it’s okay

….I’ll make it quick and sharp…..

maybe after killing you I’ll


tell Gem it was……

what was his name again?, Ahhhh, I’ll tell him it was n




oh Noah….

and Lionel….

?, Is that their name….

hahahahah” he laughed.



“I won’t beg for me life…..

go on take it…….





His eyes darken as he drive the dagger into her heart………



I was in daze…..

“I don’t believe you…..but if what you’re saying is true I have to.confirm on my own……” I said


“Then let me came with you” Leon said.





“I can’t…..

am going alone….

uncle doesn’t know I’ve cleared things with you yet….

if he knows he’ll me












“Mommy are you leaving again” Liam asked as he stare at me from the stairs. I nodded “I’ll be back soon!” I said


“No……!!!” He yelled and throw the books away in his hands. He ran and grab my hands, pulling me down on


one knee and


“Baby……I’ll be back”


“Promise???” He asked and release my neck. “What are you waiting for mommy…. promise me you’ll be back”




I will be back but




not today…..

” His eyes when down.



then tomorrow?” He asked, his voice was crack.


“Am not sure!” I said





next tomorrow?”



“I don’t know baby….




what about the next next tomorrow?” I could help but smile at his childish question.


“I’ll be back……

” I said



“Then promise me….

I don’t care the day but just promise me you’ll be back!” He started crying.


“I will….

mommy will be back and you can show me your amazing books….or and we can have a mother son


date together…

daddy can come too!” I said and he smiled while crying.


“I can’t let you go again mommy….

am sorry!!” He said and grab my neck in a tight hug.



Leon look at me. “Liam….I’ll be going with mommy….and i promise to bring her back to you….” Leon said. I


never agree that he’ll.go with me.


“Really daddy?” He asked and release me.


“Yes…..I’ll bring mommy back to you okay?, Now all you have to do is wait…..okay?” Leon said and Liam




I look at Liam again. He was crying and calling mummy. My heart hurts… but I’ll be back.


Our car drove pass another car that was entering the compound.


“That looks like old Mrs and madam!” Noah said. I was shocked, I wasn’t ready to face those two.


“Just keep on going” Leon said and Noah nodded.


“You know you don’t have to come with me!” I said breaking the silence.


“Am your husband…it’s my responsibility” he said and admit….my heart moved.




“No buts Gem……I’ll roast that’s head of his and feed it to my dogs if what Noah said is true!” Leon said.


We first of all got to the barrack but we were told they were not there.


I decided we go to his house.


“Is this your uncle’s house?, It look weird!” Noah said and I frown.


“Mind your manners” i said and knock on the door. No one answered. I used much force to knock and the door was opened.


“Weird!!?” I said more like a question to what Noah said earlier. The house was empty.


“Have your seats….I’ll go look around” I said and walk through the corridor “I wonder were they are?” I


whispered to myself.


I took my phone and called Sasha. Her line was ringing. I could hear it ringing. Did she forget her phone in the room?.


I walked into the room. Something almost fall me down. The ground was slippery. A look closely to the floor.



it was covered with blood……






I tried to calm myself









… I trained soldier but when I opened the bathroom door.





I saw Sasha…….









talk to me Sasha….

please talk to me” I cried.




Leon and Noah all ran to me when I screamed.







oh no……

!!!” Leon yelled.







please… please don’t do this to me please…..


you can’t live me!!!” I cried.. . My


head buried on her chest as I cry.









Gsem!!!” I heard her called my name. I put both my hands on her injury to stop the













“Call am ambulance!!!”











am done for…..










he’s the wan….


he did this to me….





” I cried out her name.







“You must catch him for me…..

so i can rest in peace……” She said






but please don’t leave…..






“Am sorry Sasha.. I really wanted to meet your son before I leave…….

Leon…. please… please protect her….














!!!!!, Sasha……


No….no!!!!, You have to come back……

I can’t let you leave me…..




, He must pay…..

he will pay!!!!!” I yelled and took a gun.




gem calm down”









“Move out of my way!!!!” I yelled and pointed the gun at Leon.


We started hearing foot steps, thousands of them. Just them my uncle came to use in Black suit.


When I saw him I pointed the gun at him but he smiled.



“You’re really going to kill .e?, What?” He said he was so comfortable



“You dare kill Sasha!!!” I yelled






“,He deserve to die!” He yelled “come to uncle baby…..

put the gun down…….

” He said.


“You’re not my uncle!!!” I yelled







guess you already know” he said and brought his gun out and so those his men.


“Let’s take this slow and ready……


I don’t want to hurt you Jolene!” He said and I shot the gun….the bullet


lander on his shoulders.







“YOU DARE!!!!!”, He yelled in anger……….























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