The CEO Is Her Body Guard: Episode 1 - 65 : TOPSTER STORIES

The CEO Is Her Body Guard – Episode 61

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Liam glared at the old nanny.


“You want me to tell Dad that mommy hit me right….?” He asked and the woman smiled. Liam walk towards the door and step outside his room. “Sorry nanny…..I’ll never lie to daddy”


Before she could hold Liam he was already shouting.


“Daddy…….daddy…..daddy nanny is a witch…..daddy!!!!!” Liam started running down the stairs.


I heard Liam shouting when I was about to reach the door.

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“Liam!!” I yelled and run back into the house tracing his voice.


Leonel held Liam voice.


“Isn’t that my son?” He asked and before Noah could react Leon was already at the door.


Both Leon and Jolene got to Liam almost the same.



…..” He called since Leon was closer to him. “Nanny is a witch!!!”


I walked closer.



what happened to your face?” Leon asked as his face darkened.

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“It’s nanny….., She hit me and ask me to lie to you that mommy did!” He said.



My anger was unleashed. “She hit you?” I asked not minding the words that follow. I didn’t wait for his answer I climb upstairs.


She was standing by the door….I walk closer to her and landed a hot slap on her cheek……. immediately another followed. She was about to fall backwards but I pulled her back and grab her shirt.


Leon watched Gem….he eyes were no longer round and cute like his little kitten. It was bloodshot and




Jolene grab the woman’s neck……I was going to kill her she dare hurt my child…….


Just then a strong hand hold my hands tight.


“Gem let go” Leon said.


“No….no…am going to kill her!!!!, She dare hurt my son!!!!”, I was not myself….. looking at the woman it was like I was killing myself….. killing the Gem who abandoned her 7 months old baby……


“Gem……..” Leon know she wasn’t going to let go. He raise his hands and hold her face making her look at him.


“K….Kitten….” He whispered.


He called me the name I’ve been dying to hear…….my grip released from the woman’s neck….I could hear her coughing.


“Am……am sorry,… Leon…….I……”


Leon grab her as she was about falling. “Gem gem!!!!!” He yelled


“Mommy!!!” Liam yelled.


“Carry Liam inside…I’ll take care of her” he said and carried Gem…..


He wanted to take her to the guess room but…..he didn’t know when he arrives at his room…..


She was sweating all over….. continuously….she kept on shaking.


Leon called Noah and told him to call Doctor Chen.


Noah and Leon waited in the room.


“No….no….” She whispered in her sleep “take me back……. please…….take me back….. please…..”


Leon find the word strange but Noah understand it all.


Doctor Chen frown. …


“You found your wife?”


“Just do your job and stop the useless question!” Leon yelled.


“She’s on drugs…’s a drug which normal help her relax… a sleeping drug but….this drug she’s taking it


too highwhich made her clear her memory abit. She’ll be fine….I’ve injected soon syndrome into her drip…it


will flush her system….she’ll be fine” he said


Leon went back to his study room. Noah came to join him shortly after.


“Sir ain’t you going to ask me get condition?” Noah asked


“Why should I?” Leon asked







“I saw how worried you were minutes ago…..






“I don’t know Noah….

I don’t want to be that Leon anymore….the Leon from two years ago…..

I don’t want her


close to me










“There is something you have to know about Gem…….



…’s a video clip…..

I can’t tell you with


my mouth……

just watch” Noah said







“What’s in the clip?” Leon asked.







“Just watch sir……

I’ll leave you alone now……






Leon fixed the memory card on his USBC and insert it on his laptop……….

he watch quietly…..

it was Sasha ….it


was his torture house……

why was Sasha in his torture house?





“She didn’t leave…..

we….we took her…..we drugged her and carried her out…..she wanted to come


back……but we made her scared…..Gem never wanted to leave……..


Leon was speechless………….





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