The CEO Is Her Body Guard: Episode 1 - 65 : TOPSTER STORIES

The CEO Is Her Body Guard – Episode 57

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The closer I walk towards Leon the heavier my steps become.


Meanwhile Liam close his eyes tight and used all his strength to hold me. He wasn’t going to let go….I wonder


if he knows…….


The commander yelled “hurry up soldier!” I quicken my steps.



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!” The commander salute to Leonel but I brought my face low… looking at the ground…..

Ruth ran to











“Oh my prince am sorry…..

I never should have left you…

come here!” She said trying to carry Liam but he


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turned his face away and bury his head on my neck.







….he seems to like you!” Noah said.





“You have to go with them now!” I whispered to the kid….

oh Liam…..




“Come here Liam!” Noah tried to pull him away from me but he scream





Leave me alone!!!” Noah was surprised….

Leon heard Liam scream, he was talking to the


commander but he quickly walk to us. I quickly bury my face down. Praying he doesn’t recognize me.


“Is everything ok?” He asked






Liam is just being clingy to this soldier here and he refused to let go of her” Noah said and Leon frown.



seems like my son likes you…..I’d want to see your face” he said and I got goose bumps. There is no


way am showing my face. Just then Liam pulled out of my neck.





she’s mommy” he said and everyone froze.





“Liam don’t say nonsense” Noah said “sorry sir it’s my fault I never should have…….

” Liam suddenly pulled my


cap and drag my mask off.






“See!!, Am not lying!!!”……..

I quickly pulled him down…..

I didn’t know what to do….

I wish the ground would


just open up and swallow me. My eyes met Leonel…..his reaction, his emotions I couldn’t read.




it’s….it’s really you!” Ruth said







” I didn’t know what to say and Liam hugged my legs smiling





I found mommy….

let’s take her home” he pouted. Leon didn’t take his eyes off me. The way he


looks at me send fear and shiver into my veins. “Daddy I want to take mommy home please…..



Daddy?” Liam kept on calling.






The car was silent. Liam cling unto me like glue. “Mommy you wont leave me again right?” The question stabbed my heart like a sharp dagger. I blink endlessly not to cry.


“Am sorry!” I manage to say.


“Mommy I don’t want you to leave….Daddy too” he said and my eyes met Leon. He was just plain.


“Liam…..” I called him and hugged him. I tried and tried not to cry but it was no used.


“Don’t cry mommy…. grandma said pretty girls shouldn’t cry” he said…….


We got to Leon Villa. By then Liam was already asleep. Leon hasn’t said anything to me. He just kept looking at me. I carried Liam.


“I’ll show you to his room!” Ruth said and I nodded and followed her.


It was like heaven….His room was full of many toys countless of book….it was incredible. His bed was….I don’t


even know what to call it… was amazing. Ruth press a button and the bed seem to open like a cover. I place


Liam on the bed but he hugged my hands.


“Mommy…..” He murmured and smiled. Now I saw the resemblance between him and Leon.


After he was in a deep sleep I pulled his hands away from mine, gave him a kiss on his head and left the




Leon was already waiting for me.




“You hid yourself so well… you’re just going to show up..and then what” his voice was calm…. really calm and low but I could still feel he was irritated and angry.


“I’ll go….am sorry…..I’d…..leave” i said


“Why Gem…..why!?” He asked with still his calm voice.


“Am not Gem…..and I don’t know Gem….she died two years ago……” I said and tears run down my face. I


quickly wipe them off. I shouldn’t cry in front of him.


“This is funny!” He said and started laughing….I know he was mocking me.


“I have to go!” I said.


“What about Liam?” He said and my step froze. “How could you be so heartless……so heartless Gem?, He


wasn’t even 9months old but you left….

you left your child…..

our child….

now he finds you and he’s very calm


but your still what?, Going to leave……

?, I don’t care about you anymore

…..I’ve not shot a gun at you only


because Liam wants you…..

, How could you!!!!”






“I didn’t leave okay?”








“Then what did you do?, Oh…I forgot….

you died, and reincarnate?!!!!!” His voice was now loud.


“You would never understand Leonel……

the guilt I felt……

the pains I felt…..

am not worthy to be his



…..I can’t be his mother… sins are killing me…


and I won’t let him pay for my sins as am doing


for my parents…..

!!!, Am leaving!” I said and walk out of the house.




The next day Liam woke up. He ran out of his room calling his mother……



“Uncle Noah…..

where is my mom?” He asked, he was shaking all over….

at the same time sweating.



she left…..


don’t worry…..








Liam collapsed on the floor.





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