The CEO Is Her Body Guard: Episode 1 - 65 : TOPSTER STORIES

The CEO Is Her Body Guard – Episode 19

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Leon look at me one more time and said.


“Whatever you have heard, whatever you have seen…’s just a misunderstanding”


“You going to stay with your fiancee and lying to me you’re with your family, was a misunderstanding?’ I asked.


“What?, I really was with my family. I arrived yesterday…..I wanted to surprise you…..but….but she call, I


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didn’t wanted to go….. but I went anyway, not because I still love her…’s because I want to make things


clear to her. Fine….I still care about her….but my feelings for her are gone….. look what I feel for you I’ve


never once felt for Rose when we were together. Gem I can’t rush to say I love you now because am still trying to understand this feeling. Please Gem don’t make me do this” he said.




Seeing I wasn’t saying anything he signed the papers.


“Here…..I’ve signed them….you’re happy now right?”


I took the papers from him and tore them into pieces. I didn’t wait for him to react as I quickly hug him and press him hard to myself. I felt him hands caressing my back.


“Leon you’re crazy….don’t live me….I can’t live without you….” I cried.


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“My little kitten….you scared the hell out of me. I can’t afford to lose you….” he said.


“So…you won’t use me anymore and pity me?” I asked.


“I’d only love you and pamper you…..I want to spoil you alot” he said and kissed my head.


“What about your fiancee?”


“Ex……Ex fiancee…..and i have nothing to do with her” he said.


“Am a faithful little wife….you can’t be a cheating husband!!” I said


“I won’t… you’re my little wife” he said and smiled. “Kitten I thought you were innocent….I never knew you


were this hot tempered, maybe I should change your name to Tiger….”


“No….I love kitten….!!” I said.


“Hahahaha….you’re too cute” he said.


“Leon…I want to go home….I hate hospital”


“Done!” he said.


Rose was angry. She couldn’t reach him.


“Leonel…..I did everything for you….. everything!!!!, now all the glory goes to a mere girl….a cheap actress…..a


slut…..a bastard…….I’ll break you Gem…..I won’t let you have him Gem……even if I have to go to hell….I don’t mind.” she said.


She pick her phone and dial Kelvin number again but it wasn’t connecting.


“Fuck Kelvin we’re are you!!!!” she cursed.


“Leon we’re are we???” I asked as our car drove into a very big and beautiful estate.


“Our new home” he said.


“There are rumors that Mavis Leonel lives in one of the most expensive estate in the country and he wholes it. Don’t tell me….this….this is….”


“Yes…..Mrs Leonel….” he said and entangled my hands in his. My little hand fit perfectly.









am afraid I’ll disappoint you. What is your family don’t like me???” I said.



you’re moving into my home…

our home….not my families” he said


“I know but

…what if they say am poor….


you know….Leon!!!”


“Don’t worry grandma already loves you….

and for the rest of my family I don’t give a damn what they think”


he said





















no buts….

okay???” he said and kissed the back of my palm.


When we got into the house

….I froze. My mouth was opened. Leon look at Gem. Her jaw was dropping. He


quickly push her jaw back to her mouth.














“Huh????, Leon am not dreaming right?” I asked.



you’re dreaming…..

and you’ll wake up soon” he said


“Really???, but I don’t want this to be a dream….

I don’t want to walk up” tears filled my eyes. Seeing she was


been sad Leonel quickly say.







kitten am just joking….

it’s not a dream….

am here am real” he said but she cried even more.


“You don’t get it Leon. I…..

am not perfect…..

I feel am not felt for you…..I mean Leonel Mavis has always been


my crush….

and you….








calm down…..


” he said and sat down as he drag me to sit on his lap. He caress my back as I



rest my head on his bold shoulders crying.


“I know this is quite a rush kitten….but just know that….am yours and you’re mine…. always….am still your


leon” he said.


Leon went to his torture house. He saw Kelvin. His men has beaten him black and blue.


“Leon….Leon.. please am sorry spear my life please……” he cried


“Spear you????, did you know how much you cost me???, how dare you!!!!” he yelled……….



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