The Bad Boys' Girl: Episode 1 - 32 ???? (Season 1) : TOPSTER STORIES

The Bad Boys’ Girl – Episode 21

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Episode 21



Violet’s POV



“Kyle!? What are you doing here? ” I asked angrily while staring at his smirking face.



“Came to see you of course. Mind if I come in? ”



“Actually I do mind. Can you go now? ”


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“Uh no. ”



“What do you mean no? Kyle! ” I yelled when he forced his way in.



“Leave my house this instant Kyle or else… ”



“But I can’t do that milady. It’ll be against all the code of conduct that servants are supposed to obey. ”



I sighed, trying to think of a way to get him out when I suddenly got an idea.



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Let’s see how he’ll handle being my slave.






❌Kyle’s POV❌



“But I can’t do that milady. It’ll be against all the code of conduct that servants are supposed to obey. ” I said bowing slightly with a smirk on my face.



The look on Violet’s face showed that I’d worn her down which had been my intention all along. I was going to spend as much time as possible with Violet whether she liked it or not. That way, I could easily charm her into bed.



Violet’s next words however cleared my smirk.



“Okay then Kyle. Since you really be my servant, I can’t stop you. Now if you don’t mind, I need a strawberry shortcake right now. ”



“Wait what? ”



“You heard me right servant… I’m hungry and I need a strawberry shortcake pronto. ”



“Wait you want me to actually do that for you? ”



“Of course. You are my slave after all. ” She said, her eyes twinkling with mischief.



Damn! She cornered me!



“Of course. ” I managed to say through gritted teeth before making my way out of the living room in search of the kitchen.



Let it not be said that I didn’t suffer for my art!





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“Kyle!!! ” I heard for the umpteenth time that day interrupting my chat with my friends.



Groaning, I made my way up the stairs to her room.



“What is it this time? ” I asked entering inside Violet’s room where she sat on her bed, a conceited self satisfied smile on her face.



“Can you clean this up? ” She said pointing to the floor where a large bowl of soup had been spilled on the floor.



“What the… How did this happen? ”



“Oh you know how clumsy I am. I hope I’m not being a bother. ”



I glared at her pointedly as I stepped out of the room to get a mop. I found one and stepped back into the room to clean up.



I was halfway through when the plate of rice Violet had been eating suddenly fell on the floor.



“Oops! Sorry about that! ” Violet said picking up the plate after making sure to spread the rice.



“Don’t forget to clean that up by the way. ” She continued still smiling.



I knew that by the smile on her face, she thought that this was going to drive me away but I had a surprise for her.



“Of course Miss. ” I said respectfully as I exited the room to bring things to clean the room. Once I was done, I asked her “Will that be all? ”



“Yes sure. Whatever. ”



I left the room all smiles.






Violet’s POV



Damn it! Why isn’t anything working? I thought that by now he’d be regretting being my servant for a day!



The fact that he’s around me alone is annoying and it’s creating all these weird emotions in me… I can’t risk having him around.



Come on Violet, think!



What could possibly annoy Kyle enough that he’d leave immediately?



Just then, I got an idea.




If I’m able to do it right, Kyle will be gone in a jiffy.



I just need to find him.



“Bernice, do you know where Kyle is? ” I asked once out of my room.



“I think I saw him around the pool before. ”



“Oh the pool. Thank Bernice. ”



Cautiously, I made my way to the part of the house where the pool was. I almost didn’t go there since I couldn’t swim and all.



“Kyle! ” I called standing a few feet away from the pool.



“Here I am. ” He answered swimming to the top of the pool.



“What do you want? ” I heard him ask but I couldn’t answer him. I was too busy staring at him out to hear anything else.



The guy was just plain hot. The hair, the face, the lips, the perfectly chiseled





“Violet! ” I heard all of a sudden ending my chain of thoughts.



“Are you done checking me out? ” Kyle was asking, a smirk on his face.



“What do you mean? I wasn’t checking you out. ” I replied clearing my throat as I looked away from him.



“Yeah right. What do you want then? ”



“I came to ask you for something. ”



“I’ll do whatever you want if you join me for a swim. ”



“I can’t swim Kyle so no. ”



“Let me teach you then. ”



“I’d rather not Kyle. ”



“Come on V! Don’t be such a scaredy cat. ”



“I’m not a scaredy cat. ”



“Then prove it and come into the pool right now. ”



“I don’t need to prove anything to you. ”



“That’s what you would say. Chicken! ”



“I’m not a chicken! ”



“Oh really? ” He made chicken sounds and faces at me.



“Oh fine. I’m coming in. ”



I sat by the pool dipping my legs in first. I breathed in and out before finally slipping my whole body into the water. Once I did, it was as though the water submerged me and I felt myself begin to go under until someone’s arms wrapped around me and brought me up.



“You’re doing it all wrong V. You have to let yourself go if you don’t want to sink. Be as light as a feather and you’ll float. Got it? ”



“Yeah.” I managed to say staring into his eyes.



With his arms wrapped around me, holding me protectively, I felt safe and for whatever reason I didn’t want him to let me go. I wanted things to just be as they were.



“So are you ready for me to let you go? ” I heard him say breaking our connection.



“I’m not so sure. Maybe it would be best if… ” I trailed off noticing the way Kyle’s eyes were fixed on me.



I fixed my eyes on him too, my gaze alternating between his eyes and lips.



He made my decision for me when his lips slowly began nearing mine.



Maybe it was our closeness that was affecting my thinking but this was one kiss from Kyle that I was looking forward to.



Just when our lips were about touching, someone’s words brought me back to reality.



“Violet, what are you doing? ”




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I said today’s episode will be sweet didn’t I?



Wait o


Was Violet dreaming again or did she and Kyle almost kiss for real?









The Bad Boy’s Girl


[ Playboy In Love ]




Written By Tyna

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