The Bad Boy Diary: Episode 1 - 60???? (Season 1) : TOPSTER STORIES

The Bad Boy Diary – Episode 52

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Written by, Rejoice Jeremiah. C










Drake’s POV


I woke up with a banging headache.


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“Ahh!” I groaned and rubbed the part where it was pounding, then tossed around to realize where I was actually laying; on the floor of the sitting room just close to the bar counter, broken bottles scattered the whole place. My vision was blur.


I felt a pain on my wrist. I brought up my hand to see I got a little cut there. I sighed as I tried to carry my weak self up from the cold floor and I did but staggered back and luckily, my back collided with the couch back.


“Ahhhhh!” I groaned again and rubbed my head.


I carefully traced my steps to the front of the couch and layed on it with my hand still on my head.



“Ahh,” I groaned for the third time. I closed my eyes and stayed that way for upto twenty minutes before I got myself. The blur vision had cleared. The weakness had reduced but the headache was still there, pounding harshly.


I sat up and sneezed! My body generally felt weak. I felt nausea, like vomitting. so I stood up, that was when I saw the mess that I did; I puked on the floor that I slept on.


I sighed.


My phone layed on the bar counter. With my hand on my head, I headed to my bedroom. I got in and moved into the bathroom.

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I opened the WS and threw out everything. By the time I was done, I was gasping for air, but it haven’t ended.


I threw up again.


“Ahhhhhhhhhh” I groaned when it stopped. I flushed, sat on the floor, closed the WS, layed my head on the cover and placed my hand on my head.


‘I need to stop this damn headache and im so hungry. I feel like my stomache is on fire.’


Few minutes later later, I was able to get up and walk over to the sink were I washed my face and mouth. I kept splashing water on my face.


I can’t believe how swollen my eyes were.


Last night was so horrible for me.


I sighed.


I wish it was all a dream but unfortunately, it isn’t.


I sighed again and walked out to my drawer where I found the drugs which I took to the kitchen.


My phone was still at the bar counter.


I got to the kitchen and dropped it on the small breakfast.


I quickly made a quick breakfast of tea and toasted bread, then settled on the breakfast bar to eat which after, I took the drugs.


I then layed my head on the table, refusing to think about anything and in no time, the headache subsided.



I cleaned up the dishes and counter,then I walked back to the sitting room and picked my phone. I tapped on the screen and the screen light came on. The time was ’10:05am’ How long I slept.


A new message and ’11 missed calls.’


I went through the missed calls first, Brenda called five times and Danelle six.


I sighed.


‘Danelle sorry for not picking your calls but I don’think I’ll do that anytime soon.’ I opened the text message and it’s from Brenda. I deleted it without reading it. This girl don’t wanna fucking let me be!


I dropped back the phone and headed back to the kitchen for a mop, broom, dustpan and bucket of a little water to begin a cleanup.


Once im done, im leaving.


I’ll search for a nice resort. At least I still got a week break. I know in a week time I’ll be able to stop this love that I have for Clara.


I walked back to the kitchen and picked out all that I mentioned, came back and proceeded to clean you the messed up place.




[Hours later:]


I dropped the last shirt and zipped up my box.


I checked the time, ‘3:30pm’


I’d get to Seashore resort before 5pm.


I picked my phone and every other stuff that I need to hold then I carried the box


down from the bed and dragged it along as I walked out of my apartment and


locked the doors up.




I was heading to my car when I sighted Mrs Roger. She was outdoor and she stared at me.


I waved at her then opened my car trunk and dropped the box and closed it back. She made to come but I entered my car and zoomed off, not wanting to answer her too much questions and her long talks. That would cause a delay.


I drove into the road.


Im gonna misd maymack for awhile, but it’s better than being her and facing this bitterness and pain.


I hope she realize why I left or maybe I don’t want her to. Whatever! I don’t care about that anymore.


I drove into the next road.




[Hamilton High School]


*Danelle’s POV*


I was rushing to Mr Derick office for my phone when I heard Tessy’s voice behind. “Nelle wait!!”


I stopped and waited till she got to me.


“Heading to Mr Derick office?” she asked.


“Yeah, to get my phone. He took it when the exams where about to commence and now I have to go get it before he leaves,” I said. “Let’s go then,” she said and we began.


“Last night I kept calling Drake but he wasn’t picking up. Im damn worried,” I said.


“Do you have to tell me again? I was there with you. Im worried as well,” she said.


“I think something’s wrong,” I said.


“Like what?”


“I don’t know. I’ll try his lines again.”




We walked into Mr Derick’s office and after too many questions and long explanations, I got my iphone back and we walked out.


“Look at Neil, I guess he’s done with his papers too,” Tessy said.


I looked over to see him approaching to us with his phone in his hand and his backpack which hung loosely behind.



‘Okay why is Tessy smiling like some idiot and why is Neil giving her such a look? I smell something really fishy which I’ll need to find out but that could wait, im more worried for my sister and Drake.


“Hey bae,” Neil called and kissed my cheek. I gave him my worried look. He stood before us.


“Tessyyyy,” he prolonged her name with a smile and she smiled back at him.


I inhaled.


“Neil how was your exam, ours were cool tho,” Tessy said.


“Cool too,” he said and looked at me.


“You seem worried Danelle, what’s wrong?”


I sighed. “My sister, i’ve been trying to reach her through Drake but he haven’t been picking up. Im trying his line again,” I said. “Oops! what could be wrong,” he said.


“I don’t know,” I said and dialled his line again. It rang and rang, then stopped. I sighed, “He’s still not picking up. Im so worried sick. Not just for my siater but him too,” I said.


“Come on bae, it’s okay. Maybe his been busy. Let’s go grab pizza,” he said. I hesitated before going.


I still kept trying Drake’s line but he wasn’t picking up.


‘God. What’s really wrong!’




We got to the school cafeteria and we bought pizza and milkshake with chocolates.


We found an empty table and Tessy already sat beside Neil.


I sat opposite Neil. Im not worried about this now,.im more worried for my sister and Drake.


I called his line again, same story.




*Drake’s POV*


“Drake Alvin, a week lodge,” I said.


“A minute sir,” the female receptionist in sparkling white shirt and black bowtie said.



She did all the necessaries and layed out the payment amount. I paid and sighed up and she handed me a leaflet and the keys to the lodge room.


With a sweet smile, she said, “Welcome to Seashore resort and have a wonderful stay here sir.”


“Thanks,” I said and walked out then began my walk to the second two storey building. According to the information that the leaflet gave, Drake Alvin’s suite is room 104 which is located at the second storey, the fourth room at the upstair.


I glanced at the large and long swimming pool at the right with a long sports and gym hall behind it. Few people were swimming and there were others emerging from and going into the sports hall.


I got to the second storey and followed the staircase leading to the upstair and then to room 104.


From the balcony, I could see the large garden graced with lined up tall trees and beautified with different species of flowers, sorrounded with beautiful lovers seat, relaxing chairs and even wooden chaised longue and benches, and standing lamps stood beside each seat.


It was too beautiful. I wonder how beautiful it’d look at night when the lampstands are on.


I walked into my room and it was a bit dark so I put on the lights.


Wow, nice one.


The bedroom furnished with a king-sized bed decorated with sweet looking covers, duvet with upto five pillows, a cream coloured bedside table with a bedside lamp ontop then beside the lamp is a magazine. At the right side of the bedroom is a cream-coloured wardrope with mirror doors, after it is the door to the ensuite.


At the right of the bedroom is a conjoined suite made up of a two sitter couch, a sofa and small table with a flat screen TV on the white wall and above the TV stood two medium wall frames, one the painting of a rising moon and the other a sketch of a horse.


I walked to the magazine and picked it up and glanced at the mag cover.




Recreate your stay!’



I opened the first page, pictures of the resort environment came in view including the beach behind the lodge buildings.


I dropped the magazine and walked to the window and drew the gold and cream coloured curtains. Fresh scent of beach waters and sand filled my nostril as I glanced at the beautiful beach not so far away from the buildings. Few people were there.


I closed back the curtain and fell on the bed.


“I’ll be fine here,” I said and pulled one of the pillows behind my head.


I took out my phone and found missed calls from Danelle.


I had switched the phone to silent mode while coming. I reswitched it to ring.


If she calls back, im gonna pick up.


I hieved a sigh.




An hour later, I had my bathe and pulled into a black jean short and white polo shirt with a fitting slippers.


A knock came and I went for it.


It was a receptionist with my ordered food.


“Thanks,” I said as I carried the tray graced with sweet dishes and drinks.


“There is a restaurant here if you don’t need orders sir,” he said.


“I know, be back in thirty minutes time,” I said.


“Noted sir,” he said and left.


I walked to the suite and settled to eat.






Forty minutes later, I was out, walking towards the gym hall.


It was night already but the lights sorrounding the whole place gave hunded percent of brightness.


I stared at the girls swimming as I did so.


I bumped into someone.


“Damn im sorry,” I said and picked up the towel which fell of-It’s a lady, in blue bikini.


Damn she’s hot, not just hot, she’s ebony with curly hair like Brenda.



Woah.. what a curve! with nipples pointing arrogantly through the small foamless bikini bra.


“Im sorry, really sorry,” I said and she nodded with a smile and chewed on her chewing-gum with her phone screen light flashing on her make-free face. “Hey quit staring at me that way,” she said with a chuckle.


“Ah im sorry, you are actually so beautiful and my eyes had to keep staring,” I said


with a smile.


She chuckled.


“Im Chelsea,” he said and stretched out her hand for a handshake.


I quickly took it and was amazed at how different our complexion is.


I can’t recall the last time I shook a black.


“Im Drake,” I said. She nodded and withdrew her hand.


“Seems like you’re new here, for some vacation or?” she asked.


“Yeah yeah kinda,” I said.


She smiled, chewing her gum.


Shit! she’s damn hot, my eyes couldn’t get away from her cleavages.


“Well I and my boyfriend have been here for two weeks now,” she said and my lusting over her died instantly at her mention of ‘my boyfriend’. I wonder why. “Oh okay, im here alone, cane today and speaking of your boyfriend, where is he?” I asked.


She glanced behind.


“Went to the restroom. I wonder what’s keeping him,” she said. “Oh here he comes,” she smiled.


I followed her eyes to see a guy in tight white polo shirt and white short.


He’s cute with long black hair packed in low ponytail and had tattoos all over his arms.


He got to us and I did expect some kinda irritating look from him but he just smiled at me.


“Hey man,” he said and got out his hand for a handshake. We shook hands.


“Im Evan, her boyfriend and you?” he said.


“Im Drake, arrived here today,” I said.


He nodded.


“Nice to have you here Drake, you care for some drinks?” he asked.


I smiled, “Yeah.”


“Let’s go over there then,” he said and we headed to the bar which is after the garden.


‘I guess i’ve found some new friends already’


We got to the bar settled on an empty table.


The bar of a bit dark due to the dim blue lights.


Evan ordered drinks and cigarettes.


“You smoke?” Evan asked.


“Yeah,” I said and picked one. Chelsea did too, suprising me a bit.


“Why looking at me that way Drake, I smoke,” she said and lit her cigarette “Yeah, she do whatever I do,” Evan said and lit his.


I smiled and lit mine.


The drinking and smoking made my night.


The two lovers were fun.




Hours later, I walked into my suite and took a quick shower, pulled into a nightwear and fell on my bed, feeling happy and sleepy due to the drinking and smoking.


I was about sleeping off when my phone began ringing.


I took it and it’s Danelle call. I picked it up.


“Hello Danelle,” I spoke first.


“Oh my God! what happened? i’ve been trying your line and you haven’t been picking up. I’ve been so worried,” Danelle’s voice sounded loudly from the phone speaker.


I smiled. “Im fine Danelle and sorry about your unpicked calls,” I said.


“Oh what about my sis? you are there with her right? can you hand her the phone please? I’d wanna speak with her,” she said.


I sighed. “Im not with her but trust me, she’s fine and happy. Goodnight Danelle,” I said and ended the call.


I switched off my phone and closed my eyes for a sleep.



Soon, I drifted to sleep.










The BadBoy Diary


( She Still Love Him❣)










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