The Bad Boy Diary: Episode 1 - 60???? (Season 1) : TOPSTER STORIES

The Bad Boy Diary – Episode 47

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Written by, Rejoice Jeremiah. C




#Chapter 47










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Clara’s POV


I was asked to place my five fingers on the scan screen and I did.


Seconds passed as it scanned. My heart wasn’t beating cos I was sure that I have nothing to do with it. I was only scared about Dr. Campbell and Helen. I hope they ain’t dead!


It was still scanning but then it read; ‘ERROR, FINGER PRINTS NOT MATCHED’


I removed my hand.


“Your left hand,” Katy said. I obeyed and placed it on the scan screen.


It read same thing.


Then came a long silence.

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“She’s not the one,” sir edwardo said.


“Not yet, we still have two more scanning to do,” Katy said.


William stood behind, observing.


“Place your ten fingers,” Katy said. I breathed out and did.


It took much longer minutes this time.


Every second passed with low beeping sound from the scan system.


We waited.


Why was it suddenly taking too long?


No word was said excepr for the beeping sound.


My heart began raising. I was now scared.


Then came the BOLD written words in red. ‘ERROR, FINGER PRINTS NOT MATCHED.’


God! I felt a cold water of relief poured down on me.


I removed my hands.


“The last scan,” Katy said.


I suddenly developed a hatred for this female cop.


“Your face would be scanned together with your fingers,” she said and drew out a flat device from the system that began blinking dim yellow light.


“Place your fingers back,” she said. I inhaled and did.


“If this time, it reads error before three minutes time, then you are considered not a suspect anymore, but if it gets to three minutes and it’s still scanning then we have to look into that,” she said and brought the device very close to my eyes


My heart pounded.


The blinking light was affecting my vision so I closed my eyes.


“Open your eyes please,” she said.


I inhaled and opened my eyes.


The machine was still scanning.


A minute had passed, a minute and twenty seconds.


A minute and thirty seconds.


A minute and forty seconds


A minute and fifty seconds.


My heart was pounding so hard and fast. I felt it was gonna explode.


I was feeling nausea and so afraid.


Two minutes and twenty seconds.


Two minutes and twenty five seconds


It appeared.






I personally removed the damn device from my face! and she gave me a look that I didn’t care. All I care about was an answer to my question. I rushed to sir edwardo.


“Sir Edwardo please tell me Dr Tony is alright and Nurse Helen as well.” I begged in tears. I was in tears again.


“Helen Morgan is dead but Dr Tony is in the coma. He haven’t responded but he survived it. But we fear for his memory retain,” he saud in the most saddest tone. “Oh my God! who the hell could do something so evil. Sir Edwardo can I see him?” I said.


“No. no one is allowed to see him yet except sir edwardo and another doctor who is incharge of his daily care,” Detective William said.


Seriously? this detectives are getting on my nerves!


I turned to him.


“You just scanned me all over and im found innocent of this besides im his assistant nurse so I think I have the right to see my doctor,” I retorted at him then turned to sir edwardo, “right sir?”


Sir edwardo took a brief look at the cops then turned to me.


“Well you will, let’s go,” he said and stood up.


“We’ll come with you sir,” detective William said with a stoic face. Katy’s seemed annoying.


We walked out and headed out. A nurse presented nose mask and gloves to us. We took an elevator to the third floor and headed to the VIP sections which counts from room 400 upwards.


We got to room 420 and sir edwardo input the passcode and the silver metal door drew open. We walked in and there on the Coma bed, layed Dr Tony Campbell with every coma necessaries fixed no him. His artificaial slow inhale and exhale could be heard.


The coma system beeped softly within every five seconds.


His head was bandaged even his eyes were covered. He was dressed in VIP patient gown which is royal blue in colour.


He layed so helplessy. I could feel hot tears rolling down my cheeks.


I touched my cheek and cleaned them off.


No one said a word as we stared at Dr Tony Campbell.


“I wonder what he did wrong to deserve this,” I muttered. I couldn’t hold back my words. I was standing inbetween sir edwardo and detective William.


“Im sure the culprit would be caught!” sir edwardo said.


I glanced at detective William and his stoic face was at Dr Tony. I couldn’t see Katy’s.


“I pray so I dearly pray so,” I said.


“But Helen Morgan, she could have survived too,” I added with tears rolling down again, realizing that im never gonna see her again. God what a lost!



“I think the cuprit is an enemy to this hospital but who? could Gra-Avantees suddenly have an enemy,” sir Edwardo said.


“If you are sure sir that this hospital got no enemy then all have to hope on Dr Tony’s awake. He’s the only person that can say the culprit,” detective William sir. “Are you tired of investigating already?” sir edwardo asked him.


“We have not but if no fingers matches with the fingerprints then our last hope have to be on the surviving Dr Tony,” he answered.


The next thing that followed was a long silence. Through those long silence, I stared at Dr Tony and prayed within that whoever did this would be caught soonest but that would only be possible if Dr Tony wakes up. I hope that he do soon. Gra-Avantees needs him so much. We can’t loose him. No way, Amen.


“Excuse me detectives,” sir edwardo said.


William nodded and the duo left and the door closed automatically.


“Clara Adams, I know you had no hand in this, I knew even before the scanning.


Im happy that you ain’t the one,” he said.


“How can I even think of.. Christ! I haven’t even heard the news untill today. Thank God Dr Tony survived but it’s so saddening that Nurse Helen couldn’t,” I said.


“The mongrels would be caught and would not be spared!” he said.


“Amen,” I said.


“My fear now if for his memory. He might loose his memory. I hope he doesn’t or else there will be a great mess,” he said.


His phone beeped. He took it out from his suit jacket.


“Oh, there’s a visitor. I guess would be one of his family. I’ll go attend to them,” he said and we headed to the door. It opened and we walked out. It closed back. Sir Edwardo locked it with a code.


We headed to an elevator.


“Clara get a better male nurse to see to his daily care. Dr Eril is the one in charge of it for now. I think a male nurse should assist or better still, if you can do it, i’ll be glad enough,” he said with a warm smile which caused me to smile too.


They were still tears in my eyes.


“C’mon wipe your tears. Women ansmd tears. But uhmm I can’t deny that I did drop mine when I heard the news,” he said and handed me a hankerchief. I took it with a smile.


“Thanks sir.”


He smiled.


We got to the elevator and he pressed on the fourth floor. The two silver metal door drew open.


I recalled Drake. Oh my! im sure he’s been at the lounge waiting!


“Sir, do you wanna speak with me at your office?” I asked.


He arched his brow. “Not really. I thought maybe there are somethings else we could talk about,” he said.


“Oh sir, actually there’s someone at the lounge waiting for me,” I said.


The elevator door closed back, since none of us entered.


“Alright, I was thinking you should resume back on monday,” he said. “Or ain’t you strong enough yet?” he asked.


I smiled, “I am sir, I will be at work on monday,” I said.


He nodded. “See you on monday nurse Clara,”


“And you too sir,” I said. He pressed on the button again, the door opened and he went in. I walked to the next elevator and pressed on the first floor. The door drew open and I went in. It closed back. The lights came on.


‘Who could have done such horific thing to Dr Tony and Helen Morgan? what sort of a devil could have done this? An enemy to this hospital? could sir edwardo be right? but he mentioned of not having any enemy.


Who could have been this heartless? oh God I feel so sorry for Helen Morgan. I can’t blame or hate the cops. They are only trying their best to get the culprit! God, please can you just help them find that person, the heartless person! I beg you.’


The lights went off.


First floor.


The elevator door opened and I walked out and headed to the hospital lounge. Oh thank God I still had my purse.



Getting to the hospital lounge, I saw Drake sitting with his back rested on the seat backrest and his face up the sky and his arms folded.


His right feet was tapping on the floor like someone worried and in thoughts.


I walked to him and gently sat beside him.


“Clara,” he said and turned. He look pale and worried.


He sat up.


“How did you kbow it was me?” I asked.


“Your sweet scent,” he said.




“What happened. It took so long. I saw the cops walk out minutes ago and I queried them about you, the male one said you were with sir ed ed.. I’ve forgotten,” he said.


I chuckled. “sir Edwardo. He’s the M.D” I said.


He took my right hand.


“Tell me, did they hurt you? I mean the cops. Did they involve you in this mess? A nurse had told me already, but she’s not here now,” he said.


I smiled. “Im fine, they scanned my finger prints and it didn’t match. They found the culprits finger prints but identity is strongly hidden. We are all hoping on Dr. Tony who’s in the coma. We hope he wakes up soon to tell everything,” I said. He pushed his hair back with a sigh.


“It’s really a sad news,” he said. I nodded.


“Im glad Dr Tony survived but it’s so saddening that Helen Morgan couldn’t,” I said.


“Come on, you must be hungry now,” he said.


“I have no appetite. Im not even hungry,” I said and rested my back on the seat backrest and folded my arms just the way he did then. He followed suit.


“Im so sad,” I said.


“It’s okay. He’ll wake up,” he said.


“Not just that, sir Edwardo talked about being scared of his memory loss, if that happens, I wonder what will be the fate of this hospital. Dr. Tony’s the best doctor here. I really feel sorry for sir edwardo,” I said. “Let’s all hope that none of that happens,” he said.


I sighed.


Silence took over. My eyes landed on the wall clocj. ‘4:10pm’


Can we still make it to the police station.


I still wanna go see Noah.



I glanced at Drake and suprisingly, he was staring at me. Our eyes met, I looked away but he didn’t.


“Do you still wanna go see him?” he asked like he’s been reading my thoughts.


“Yeah, can we make it to there by this time?” I asked.


“Uhmn I think it’s just thirty five to forty minutes drive,” he said.


“NURSE CLARA!!” Johanna’s voice yelled from the left. I turned to see her running towards with a blue record file and pen in her hand. I sat up. Drake did too.


She wasn’t smiling but looked so sad.


She got to me and hugged me tightly then pulled away as she sat down beside me. “Nurse Clara, can you believe it all happened? and she is dead. I wonder who did this. Everyone is scared. We are all hoping that Dr Tony wakes up soon. But I was more scared for you. They suspected you, imagine. What did they say? what happened in there? they scanned you right?” she filled my ears with questions. “Im fine. my fingers prints didn’t match with the culprit’s. I was so shocked and still shocked about the news. Who could be so heartless to do such! I feel so sorry for Nurse Helen. She’s so beautiful and couldn’t survive,” I said.


“It’s so saddening, but im kinda happy that she did,” she whispered and I gasped.


“Johanna don’t say that. Why would you say that?” I hushed at her.


“I hate that lady, she keeps her nose in the air like some proud peacock and kept flaunting herself all over Dr Tony,” she said.


“Well that didn’t mean you should say that. Don’t repeat that to anyone else. Those cops might try something stupid ro you,” I said.


She smiled.


“I’ve missed you Nurse Clara, the whole hospital do. When are you resuming?” she asked.


“Monday,” I said with a smile.


“Oh my!” she hugged me again.


“Thanks Nurse Clara. I can’t wait!” she said, then glanced at Drake and came to my ear.


“He’s so handsome. I heard about your heartbreak,” she whispered.


I smiled.


“He’s a friend and about the heartbreak, im fine and getting over it,” I said.


She smiled and glanced at him again, “Oh my, he’s really handsome and he was so bothered about you,” she said.


I smiled.


A female doctor by the name Dr Venessa Stoneford came out from one of the elevators and Johanna stood up.


“I have an operation with her, see you on monday Nurse Clara,” she said.


“See you too,” I smiled and she went away with Dr Venessa.


I turned to Drake with a smile.


“She’s my favourite nurse here,” I told him.


He smiled. “I see. She was the nurse who explained the news to me. She sounded encouraging,” he said.


I smiled.


“Can we go now?” I asked.


“Yeah, did you say you are resuming on monday?” he asked as he stood up. I stood up too.


“Yeah, sir edwardo asked me too,” I said the pretty lie.


Did he ask me to?


He said nothing again.


We left the hospital building to the parking lot.


The police car were still at the parking lot which meant that they are still around. “They should investigate well next time before touching my dearest friend,” Drake said causing me to laugh as I shut the door and fastened my seatbelt.


“Aha, they are doing their work,” I said.


He chuckled then turned to me or rather he looked into my eyes, I didn’t look away.


“Are you alright?” he asked with the most softest tone i’ve ever heard from him.


“Yeah i am Drake,” I answered.


“You’re sure that you wanna see him?” he asked.


I breathed out. “Yeah I do,” I said.


He nodded then hesitated a little before igniting the car engine and then zoomed












The BadBoy Diary


(Helping Her Get Over Him )


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