The Bad Boy Diary: Episode 1 - 60???? (Season 1) : TOPSTER STORIES

The Bad Boy Diary – Episode 24

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Written by, Rejoice




#Chapter 24








[Unedited] **Drake’s POV (continues**


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Danelle hurried out with water and towel.


I splashed it on her face.


She sneezed and turned her head to the other side with her eyes still closed.


Then tears rolled down her eyes.


I sighed.


“She’s awake. She’ll be fine.” I said.


“Hand me the towel.” I said to Danelle and she handed it to me.


I used it to wipe the water on her face and her tears.


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She’s still turning her head, with her eyes closed.


“She’s not opening her eyes.” Danelle said in her own tears.


“Danelle. She’ll be fine.” I said and carefully carried Clara.


“Bring another cold water and the towel.” I said and headed to their bedroom. I opened the door by a kick of my leg and went in…


I gently placed her on the bed with her head on a pillow and I covered her legs to her waist with the duvet.


She began turning her head side by side slowly with her eyes still closed.. tears rolled down again and I wiped them off with my thumb and shifted the hair which fell on her wet cheek.


Then she slowly opened her mouth.


She wanna say something?


I drew near to listen.


“Noah.. you can’t do this to me. That wasn’t yiu right? I know… don’t you know that I trust you so much? please tell me it’s not you in the pictures.” she muttered and then sighed.


I wiped another tear which rolled down her right eye.


Danelle rushed in with the cold water and towel. I dipped the towel into the water, folded it and gently placed it on her forehead.


“You’ll be fine ok?” I whispered to her.


“Noah…” she muttered.


“Noahh…” she muttered again.


I turned to Danelle who was in tears.


“Danelle you have to be strong for your sister. You can’t shed tears when you are supposed to wipe hers. Be strong please.” I said to her. She snifled.


“I can’t help it. I can’t help the tears.” she said and it lead to more tears.


I stood up and hugged her.


“It’s okay, Clara would be fine. She had faced this heartbreak before, she would get through this one too trust me.” I said.



“She almost committed suicide. She almost killed herself. It wasn’t easy for her.” she said.


I sighed, “She’ll get through this. I assure you.” I said, patting her back. She withdrew and looked into my eyes.


“Would you be here for her? would you?” she asked.


I breathed out, “I’ll be here for her.” I said.


“Just like Noah did and now..” she bursted into a whimper.


I hugged her again.


“I’ll help her out and i’ll never hurt her, I promise.” I said before realizing what I just said.


“Why would you promise that? You ain’t her boyfriend.” she said.


I shut my eyes, trying to hold back my own tears.


“I love her.” I said… I finally said to someone and it’s Danelle.


She cried on my shoulder.


“I faced a heartbreak too. I felt so shattered. I felt like my world has collapsed… I


understand this situation and I promise to be there for her. I promise.” I said.


“Thank you Drake.” she said.


“Noah..” Clara muttered again.


“Please don’t go. Stay here with us tonight. Please I beg you.” Danelle sobbed.


I inhaled, “It’s fine” I then withdrew the hold and sat back on the edge of the bed.


Danelle came over to the bedside table and sat down.


We watched Clara.


“…When would she wake up completely because it seem she’s still lost.” Danelle said.


“Soonest and when she wakes up, it’s either she acts crazy or just stay calm and cry.” I said, “..but I think she’ll cry calmly. Clara isn’t weird and it’ll still seem like a dream to her.” I added.


“How did you know?” she asked.


“A childhood talent. I do feel the mind of someone. Not all the time tho.” I said.


“So why didn’t you read psychology? you should be a pyschologist.” she said.


I chuckled, “I wanted accounting and I went for it.” I said.


“We’ll just watch over her.” I added.


She nodded.


We stayed this way.


Clara was sleeping and i’ve already resoaked the towel into a new cold water and placed on her forehead.


Danelle went off to clear the dinning table.


Once Clara wakes up, she’ll realize her Noah have been nothing but a liar.


“For how long would she sleep?” Danelle asked as she walked in.


“I don’t know. Her head is kinda hot but she’ll soon wake up from the shock, she’s asleep.” I said.


“You’re now talking like you’re a doctor. You can’t be three things at the same time.” she said and I smiled.


Clara began the head moving again.


She’s awake.


“She’s awake.” Danelle said and began caressing her hair.


Her fingers began moving and then her eyes opened a little… I guess her vision is blur now.


She continued trying to open her eyes fully.


We watched her.


In no time, her eyes were now fully open and she stared at me with teary eyes.


Danelle kept caressing her hair.


“Clara..” I called softly and she shook her head.


“Don’t dare call me!! why were you hiding it from me! why didn’t you let me see my boyfriend being handcuffed and all over the media.. What gave you the right to keep it away from me!! Danelle! What are you really to me! you kept it from me!!” she hit her fist on the bed then sprang up! which frightened Danelle.


She flunged the duvet away and her eyes were pouring out so much tears.


“How could he! how could he do this to me!!” she yelled and tried getting out of the bed but I held her. I caught her in time and she struggled to be free.


“Let me go!! let me go!! I want to end this all. I can’t stand it! I can’t stand it! I can’t. let me go now!! let me go!!!” she cried out. struggling


I held her strongly.


“Clara please calm yourself. Get yourself together.” I said.


“I said let me go!!” she cried and began hitting my hand but I wasn’t letting go.


Danelle was in tears. She suddenly took her phone and began making a call.


“I can’t, im sorry I can’t Clara, just calm down and listen to me.” I begged. “Where is the lying bastard!! where is he! where’s my phone! call him! where is Noah! Noah! come right here and tell me what I did to deserve this! you lying idiot!!” she cried loudly and kept struggling and flinging her hair…


They all fell on her face, covering her face.


She was acting crazy. Abnormal.


I was so wrong in guessing how she’s gonna react.


“Clara just calm down” I said.


“Sister please.” Danelle said in her own state of tears.


“Please clara. please please” I begged calmly.


She stopped struggling. Her face and her body were already wet with both tears and sweat.


I still held her.


Her face dropped on my shoulder as she began sobbing. I patted her back and caressed her hair.


“It was him. it was him. I saw his pictures, him and his dad. What did the news even say. tell me.” she muttered amidst sobs.


“Don’t think about the news said right now. Just be okay.” I said, still caressing her hair.


“Tell me it’s not him. Tell me that the person is not my Noah. That it’s all a dream.


Make me wake up from this dream…” she muttered, her tears had soaked my shirt.


I glanced at Danelle who was speaking with her mom on phone.


“But.. she’s calmed down. Yes mom. im scared. Im scared for my sister.. mom please come over. What! you can’t. Sis need you mom! I need you here.” Danelle cried.


Clara still was sobbing. I went on caressing her hair and pulling then back from her face.


“Mom.. please do something. You need to be here and im not going back to school


untill my sister is fine!” Danelle said.


“Better mom. Better”


“Yeah alright.”


she ended the call then she looked at me and she sighed.


“My mom said said she’s on a travel with the head doctor in the hospital she works and they’ll be back on wednesday. I wonder if can ever come.” she said dejectedly. “Your mom is a nurse too?” I asked.


She nodded.


“It’s okay. We’ll be here for her.” I said.


She nodded.


Clara had stopped sobbing and was just breathing on my shoulder.


I guess she’s asleep again.


I gently pulled her off my shoulder and layed her back on the bed, placing her head on the pillow.


She had slept again.


I picked the duvet on the floor and covered her up with it.


“What do we do now?” Danelle asked.


“Stay with her. I’ll be at the sitting room.” I said and stood up.


She came to my front.


“You wanna go? If you want, you can. Maybe I can handle this alone. She’s my sister.” she said.


I shook my head,“Im not leaving. I’ll just be at the sitting room.” I said.


She nodded and I walked out, and closed the door gently.


I walked to the sitting room and sat down on a three-sitter couch.


I guess Danelle switched off the tv. I picked the remote and switched it back on.


BBC news.


The news was being showed.


I lowered the volume and watched.


This is unbelievable.


Does it mean that Clara’s boyfriend was Franco’s boss. Could it be? Obviously.


I can’t believe this mehn!




I changed the channel.








The BadBoy Diary






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