The Adventure Of Kúkù Jósẹ́fù: Episode 1 - 19 : TOPSTER STORIES

The Adventure Of Kúkù Jósẹ́fù – Episode 4

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Joseph’s POV


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I couldn’t believe what just happened, it seems like a dream, what am i supposed to do, what am i going to tell mama josefu.




” Aah….i don die finally” i said out loud after searching the for the bread but couldn’t find it.




I went back to the party to see if anyone of them can just pity me but i met with no luck, so no one assist me not even one which means i have to go back home empty handed.




I know mama josefu must be wondering what’s keeping me long so I went back home.


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As i got home i see her worried and she heaved a deep sigh of relief as she see me.




Josefu, why you kon late like this?….wetin happen?” Mama asked and i stood far away from her to avoid any surprise attack from her.








Josefu where is the bread?…and why are standing there?” Mama asked interrupting me.




Mama… vex” i said and she was confused.




No vex?….as how?…..ah say where the bread?” Mama asked.


Mama i don lost am” i finally said.




Eeehh……you lost wetin?” Mama shouted.


Mama no vex” i said.



Ah ah…..i say no talk am again……hope say no be the bread wey i send be that?” Mama said and i sense her angry tone.




Mama no vex” i said again.


Aaahhhh…..abi iru omo leyi?(what kind of child is this)” mama said.




No problem, we go finally sleep with empty belle be that, e don late already come inside make we sleep” mama said.




“Aaaahhhh mama……okay i dey come” i said.




If it’s the woman that i know very well ah swear dis one nah scam, mama get plan, mama josefu wan use sakamanje for me. If i enter that house like this i don die be that.




I say make we con sleep, we no kuku eat again” mama said.




Mama i don hear, i go come meet you” i said then she went in.




Mama get brain no be small” i said to myself.




I waited till very late in the night before i checked on her to make sure she is fast alsleep and luckily for me when i checked on her she’s snoring already.




I just jejely enter the house without waking her up and then i lied down and slept off.




I was very fast asleep when i felt something hit me which made me sprang up.




I rubbed my eyes very well to see my assaulter only to see my mother with a stick in her hand.





” Aaahh…..maami” i said out loud.




If you decided to kill me, i will not allow you but 2day ah go kuku beat out that spirit of stubbornness out of you” mama said and started hitting me with the stick.




I screamed out in pain as she hit me with the stick, i pleaded but she made sure she was satisfied before she stopped.




As she stopped she now feel remorseful about what she did just like she usually does anytime she beat me.




Sorry, my dear… kuku know say i no dey like to beat you… you dey cause am” she said and i look at her weirdly as if she’s not the one that beat me not about three minutes ago.




Sorry, my dear….you can sleep now…. tomorrow ah go quickly go market….so we can eat early momo” she said and she went back to lay down.




Haha, mama funny sha……as she just act like say nothing happen” i said.




I decided not to sleep till morning cause i don’t know if my mother have any more surprise package for me, i waited till i fell asleep.






(Next day)




josefu, josefu” I woke up to the voice of my mother.




ahh, ekaaro ma(good morning) ” I greeted looking around then i remember the event that happened during the night.




eh eh…..i dey go market now come meet me for there, ah for don sell small market so that we can eat this morning ” she said.


okay mama, moti gbo (I’ve heard you) ” I replied then she left.




Haaa, mama josefu, see as she act as if she no do anything” i said.




Woman can pretend for Africa” i added.




I stood up then went to take my bath in the bush and I realized that I need to defecate.




” aaahhh…..dis shit don dey come oo” I said then quickly get myself a nylon and put it down.




I defecated in it then after I’m done I tied it them then roll it and roll it and roll it then I throw it far away inside the bush.




woww…thunder fire Satan….ahh lemme start baffing now” I said smiling then I get prepared for my bath.




A while after I get dressed then went to meet my mom in the market.




I got to the market and help my mom out as we sell our first market my mom quickly give me money for Me cook something for us to eat.




I went to buy garri and other ingredients for the soup, then I went back home to prepare it.




About forty-five minutes later, it was done and I ate my portion and after I’m through I pack my mother’s own inside the nylon and went to give her in the market.




As I got the market I see everywhere silent and people running with their market which make me wonder what’s going on.




” haha wetin dey happen for here” I said as I went to my mother’s side.




As I got there I see a bus right in front of my mother and I knew exactly what happening.




Every month each sellers are to pay #800 Naira or else they won’t be allowed to stay.




My mom tried to meet up with them but about three months now we haven’t pay which must be reason they come for her today.




please my son, ah go kuku pay the money, na market no come” my mom begged as they carry her tray of fish.




mama, that’s what you’ve been saying for the past two months, and we’ve been overlooking it but not anymore” the man said.




please my son, I will pay…..please ” my mom pleaded.




Then I dropped the food and joined her in begging them but they turn a deaf ears to our plea.




aunty abeg naw……shebi you sef na woman naw……help us please” I begged the woman among them.




you should have tell your mother to pay her money on time… you are begging stupid


beg…..c’mon gera ra hia” the lady said.




” Mama if you don get the money con carry your fish for our office ” the man said.




As he was about to put the fish in the bus, he stumbled and the tray slipped from his hand and all the fish fell inside the gutter.




My mother cried out loudly as it fell inside the gutter and I got very angry.


umm….mama no worry about the money again just go seek your market” the man said.




na all my fish be that naw…..where ah go get the money to buy another one, I no get any money naw” mama cried.




mama, no be our fault naw… see should have pay the money on time” the man said which got me more angrier then I went to him and punch him down to the ground.




God go punish your generation” i said beating him.




The lady among them saw this and run away, I move to the others but my mother hold me down.




josefu, josefu, abeg stop….stop wetin dey wrong with you” mama said holding my hand.




mama leave me make deal with these people ” I said.




so you want to kuku beat them eh… dis boy no kill me abeg…….you know say this people are government, they can do and undo, you cannot beat government and go like that oo…..abeg stop” mama said.




mama what dis people are doing is not good, and it’s time for us to fight back, if we dey allow them to dey do this they will use it as an advantage, they need to be stop mama” I said.




so no you wan stop am….eh… don turn Mr fighter abi…..make we dey go house…kukuma kill me you dis boy” mama said.




but mama….. ”


I say make we dey go, leave them God will provide for us…..make we go” mama said then we went home.




When we got home mom was very sad but she tried to cover it up and i feel sorry for her, cause things only got more worse.




The fish has been wasted there’s no money to buy another one, no one is willing to borrow us money so it’s more like we are back to square one, not even square one it’s square half or square zero.






As we got home my mama was sad and thinking where for us to start.




mama you for don make me deal with them, I know say I go collect back our from from them” I said.




you no know say you dey add petrol to fire be that, you wan make things hard be that” mama said.




so wetin we go do now, we no get money to buy another fish” I said.


no worry, God go provide” mama said.




mama which provide, mama if we don’t do something fast na hunger go waya our head oo, cos nobody go give us any money ” I said.




maybe we should kuku go to grandma Richards ” I suggested.




no, we cannot go there……mama don old I no wan Wahala am” mama said.




shebi she kuku say we should come meet her if we don need anything ” I said.




eh eh…..e no means say we should kuku go to her all the time, how e go be to dey collect money from that old mama, and today sef no be Saturday so I no fit go there” mama said.




mama na you kuku know ooo, but me I kuku dey go meet am cus ah no kuku fit die from hunger ” I said and left her presence.




josefu, josefu, josefu com back hia” mama called but I ignored her.




I don’t just know why she won’t let us go to meet that woman, the old woman decided to help us after I saved her from an incident that happened 8 months ago.










Eight months ago after I was stopped from going out in the midnight to stop some evil people from their evil work.




The premonition didn’t stop but I don’t see sacrifice this time, this is during the day, like as if an accident is about happen just like what happened with grandma Richards.




Grandma Richards is not in anyway related to us, I had a dream during the night on that day then I saw a woman sitting not far from the roadside.




Then all of a sudden a car came out in full speed and head that for that woman and kill her, immediately this happened I woke up sweating profusely.




After I had this dream I don’t know what else to do and all the ones have been seeing are in midnight but this is daytime.




I don’t know who that woman is or how to stop her from dying, I waited for a while then I slept off.




In the morning mama and I are going to collect money from those that owe us, on our way there something looks familiar to me.




The position we are is the exact position I saw in my dream, I stopped and started looking around if I will see any old woman sitting but found none.




” ah ah…..josefu, wetin happen….why you stop? ” mama asked.



wait mama, I dey come” I said looking around the place then I saw an old woman walking slowly from afar.




As she got closer to us her face looks familiar and then I saw her face clearly, she’s the woman that got killed in my dream.




I keep staring at the woman as she got closer then she went to sit at exactly the place I saw in my dream and I knew immediately that it’s about to happen.




josefu, josefu, where you dey go? ” mama asked as I move towards the woman.


mama I dey come” I said then went to the old woman.




mama ekaaro oo(mama good morning)” I greeted as I got to her.


kaaro omo mi(good morning, my child)” the old woman said.




mama, what are you doing here? ” I asked.


I’m going to my house ni jaree, I just say make I rest small before I continue ” she said.




Mama abeg you cannot sit here, it’s very dangerous” I said.


haha, why do you say that?” she asked.




mama let’s comot for here first” I said then help her stand up.


haha… e eh” the old woman said as I move her away from there.




Josefu, wetin dey wrong with you? ” my mother said as she got closer to us.




Then just Immediately a car drove very fast from nowhere and drove directly to the place mama was sitting and hit the wall just like it happened in my dreamed.





The old woman and my mother was surprised when they saw what just happened.




Eeeeeehhhhhh” they shouted.




josefu, how do you know? ” my mother asked.


mama I see am for dream” I replied.




aaahhh….thank you so much my son,…God go bless you for me” the old woman said.




amin ma” I replied.




We went to check on the driver of the car and he claimed that it was a brake failure.




My mother and I accompanied the old woman back to her house, as we reached her place we were surprised to walked into a flat.




mama, you dey live here? ” I asked.


yes my son” she replied.


only you? ” I asked again.




yes, please come inside ” mama said then we enter her house looking around the place.




mama, were your pikin?” my mother asked.




My son is in Lagos, he get this house for me” she said.


ehn ehn…..woww” my mother said.




After we settled down for some minute we announce our departure and the woman gave my mother some thousand notes.


ha ha… worry mama….thank you” my mother said rejecting the money which shocked me.




ahhhhhh……wetin dey do my mother?” I thought.




no worry, my daughter take it….i give you” the woman said again and I noticed my mother tried to reject it again so I quickly collect the money from her.




thank you so much mama, God go kuku bless you plenty plenty” I said as I tucked the money inside my pocket.




I noticed my mother giving me one kind of look but I don’t care, I cannot come and die of hunger.




I don lean finish when the only thing we chop is Eba, or for us to drink garri all the time, now it’s time for a change.




My mother thanked the old woman and the woman told us to come to see her always, and also if we need anything we should come to her.




We thanked her once again and We said goodbye and left her place.




” thank God that we now have small money for hand, now you go go buy fish from the money and……. ”




mama which money? ” I asked interrupting her.


the money of course ” mama said.




so you sabi money now……shebi dey give you before you dey reject am” I said.




you no go understand……that woman na old woman naw” mama said.


and so… be she get her money” I said.


Just go buy wetin i send you” mama said.




We went to help the woman at her place every Saturday, and she do give us money each time we went to her.










On my way to mama’s house I saw a car driving towards me, the car is very beautiful and I can see small kids running after it.




I was taken away by the beauty of the car that I didn’t know when the car stop right before me.




The glass rolled down and I saw a fine man and a fine woman in the car.




Hey boy, please where do I get to Alakija street?” the man said.




okay……see as the road dey go……you go go straaaaiight, then go left, and you go straaaaaihht, then turn left again, then turn right and left and right and left and another left……then you go see one small woro(narrow road), then you go follow that road then turn right……that’s the street” I explained and they are looking at me like zombie.




she you know get am ni, abi make I kuku tell you again” I said.




no no don’t worry about that, how about you enter our car and take us there, I will pay you” the man said and i think of it for a minute.




how much? ” I asked.


#2000″ he said and I was shocked.




aaahhh…..this one na opportunity ooo, but this people fit be kidnappers or ritualist” I thought.



ahh….and the money go cover many things ooo, make I follow them jare na where I dey go be that already ” I thought.




if they carry me go na my luck be that, if we no chop we go die Noni…na money i dey I no get choice ” I thought.




okay make we go” I said.


thank you, come inside” the man said then opened the door for me then I entered.














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(tђ㉫ คɗv㉫ɳtµ® ㉫ ✿ƒ kμkμ ʝ✿รɛԲμ)

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