Teens' Heart: Episode 1 - 96???? : TOPSTER STORIES

Teens’ Heart – Episode 53

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Chapter 53 Story by, Rejoice












# Jeremy ‘s POV


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I woke up with a slight headache.


Arghh! What the fuck!


I touched my head.


Ah! I drank so fucking much last night at the party.


Molly’s hands were around me.


Such a pest!


She came home with me.


I took her hands away and reached for my phone.


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I got off the bed and walked by the en-suite.


With my phone.


Can’t trust Molly, you know.


I dropped the phone inside my trouser pocket, turned on the sink tap and washed


my face.


Dull eyes.


Arghh! I still feel this stupid headache.


I hissed and took my toothbrush and tooth paste.


Stared at my reflection as I brushed.


Am a cutie tho.


Andra might be crushing you know.


Im sure she’s pretending.




Oh, I got to send her a text.




# Molly ‘s POV


I woke up and J is not here on the bed with me.


I guess he’s in the bathroom.


Good chance to find something interesting in his phone.


I rubbed my dizzy eyes.


Wild party last night!


I searched for the phone but didn’t find the damn phone.


He took it.


I hissed and hit my fist on the bed.






#Jeremy’s POV


I got done with brushing my teeth.


I reached for my phone and scrolled to my gallery.


Just wanna glance at her pictures including the ones Chris secretly took.


I smiled, loving the way her eyes widened when I hugged her.


And the way she stared at me when I held her hand.


Arghh! Why are my feeling tingles?


I scrolled to my message box and typed a message to her.


<b>Goodmorning Andra. U see dat I woke up b4 u


I_smiled as I sent it. Then walked out of the bathroom after dropping my phone back into my pockets.


Molly was sitting on the centre of the bed, with a pillow on her crossed legs as she typed on her phone.


She looked up and smiled at me.


“Hey babe.” I said and walked to the full-length mirror and she came over and back hugged me.


“Last night was fun.” She said, and rested her head on my back. “Go clean up. You smell like alcohol.” I joked.


She slapped my back.


“Fuck you.” She said, laughing.


I turned and gave her a kiss.


“You’re leaving after breakfast okay?” I said.


She frowned.


“Do you wanna spend all day here? Your dad’s gonna be worried you know.” I said.


I just need her to leave.


“I told him im with you and its fine. J, c’mon.” She said.


I gave up.


“Okay.” I said coldly.


She smiled, “Yeah we could go swim you know.” She said.


I shrugged.


“Can I have your phone? I need to send somethings to my phone.” She said.




“Okay.” I said.


She kissed me and walked into the bathroom.


Such a pest!


I got out my phone, hide the pictures and unsaved Andra’s number, deleting my messages to Andra.


I don’t just want Molly to hurt her.






Was tidying up my room when a message came.




I read it.


<b>Goodmorning Andra. U see dat I woke up b4 u


I_laughed . Stupid guy.


I dropped my phone and went on with what Im doing.


I don’t wanna text him back but after a while, I took my phone to text him. <b> You’re such a punk everytime.


I_sent .




#Jeremy’s POV


My phone vibrated.


A message.


Whoa. From Andra.


First time she texted back.


I read it.


<b> You’re such a punk everytime.


It_made me smile. I texted back.


<b> Are you happy to be a punk’s friend?




Three minutes later. Her message came in. <b> Stupid!




Molly came out, in bikini and walked to my wardrobe for a shirt. I texted Andra.


<b> Are you missing my cutie face?


#I_sent and smiled.


“J, can I have your phone now?” Molly asked after putting one of my shirt.


“Yeah.” I said and handed her the phone but not without deleting the messages.


She took it and got her phone as well.


I pray Andra doesn’t send a message yet.


#Molly’s POV


I found nothing suspicuously interesting.


No picture of that brat and no fishy messages.


So I just sent few videos into my phone and gave him back his phone. #Jeremy’s POV


I smiled.


She saw nothing.


Not like I care of she does but I don’t want her hurting Andra.


A message came in.




I smiled and opened it.. but what?


She sent an empty message.


Arghh! Im gonna deal with her.


“Jeremy, Wake up for breakfast!” Moni shouted at the door.


“Your old woman is here.” Molly said and chuckled.






# Alexandra ‘s POV


I smiled after sending that empty message. Fuck him.




I waited for his reply but none came. Im I feeling somehow sad?


Oh nop! Never.


Lili came in and with a smile, told me there’s a visitor.


Ms Ashley. Wow. I miss her.


I ran off to the sitting-room and she was sitting on a couch with Ariana, her three years old daughter.


I hugged her.


“I miss you Ms Ashley.” I said and hugged Ariana too.. She’s so pretty.


We had a great saturday.

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