Teens' Heart: Episode 1 - 96???? : TOPSTER STORIES

Teens’ Heart – Episode 47

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Chapter 47


Story by, Rejoice






# Jeremy ‘s POV


After what seems like forever, the bell finally rang for lunch hour.


I glanced at Andra..


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She stayed still in her seat.


Isn’t she gonna stand up and go drop her books in her locker?


Isn’t she gonna check on her bitchy friend?


Why’s she sitting like she don’t know about what we got to do huh.


This punk.


Molly came over.


“J, come walk with me to the cafeteria pleaseee.” She said.


“Im busy,.you just tell Chris to.” I said.


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She turned to Chris, who had his legs on his desk, earphone on his ear,.he’s


watching a movie on his phone.


She turned back to him.


“But I want you to J, are you so unfair huh.” She said, making a really sad face.


“Im busy, don’t you see?.” I said, showing her my geometry textbook.


“You’re reading geometry. That’s a lie J.Come with me J.” She said.


I breathed.


“Molly, just go on. Im so busy.” I said.


She stared angrily at me for quite awhile, then turned and walked away.


Arghh! Such a pest.


I looked at the punk..


She’s still sitting down, now gazing out the window.


Arghhh, so annoying.


If I wait for ten minutes more and she isn’t getting up, then im gonna go drag her up from the damn seat.




# Alexandra ‘s POV


Im gonna keep seating here, till Lunch is over.


He thinks im gonna go out so he’do drag me to the crowd or pull into those stupid hugs of his.


Nah nah.. its never gonna work out jerk.


Im sure Steph is gonna come to check on me.


I’ll just stay here and gaze out the window, even though im so hungry.


Im damn hungry.


But I kept my gaze at the window. I don’t want our eyes meeting.


Im damn sure, he’ll never try coming to my seat.


“Hey.” I suddenly heard someone call behind me.




I turned and he stood with his hands always in his pockets, looking at me.


“Are you really gonna keep sitting down there when we had lunch hour to make our friendship official huh?” He said, making a mean face.


I cleared my throat.


Seriously im damn suprised to see him standing here.


“You.. you know what? I got no slightest idea what you’re talking about.” I said, pushing my hair back.


I didn’t pack it today.


Worse mistake. They keep falling over my face.


“You do Andra. Stop pretending like you don’t wanna be my friend.” He said.


I rolled my eyes.


“Like seriously? I don’t care!” I half yelled.


He stared at me for awhile, then inhaled.


“Just get up, let’s go grab something. I know you hungry.” He said.


“I don’t wanna eat your potato chips.” I said harshly.


He chuckled.


“But there are so many other things to eat apart from that.” He said.


“I don’t want them. I ain’t hungry. Get that right.” I snapped.


He chuckled.


Do he love doing that?


“Where’s your phone?” He asked.


“Why do you wanna know?” I asked.


Then I remembered.


“And how the hell did you get my phone number?” I added.


He shrugged.


“Got it from somewhere.” He said.


“Where?” I asked.


“Somewhere you don’t have to know. Just come with me.” He said.


“Where?”I asked.


“Cafeteria.” He said.


My stomache grumbled. I just hope he didn’t hear it.


“Can you just do what I say?” He asked.


I gnored him and tried to turn back to the window but he grabbed my hand and I tried to pull away but he pulled me up.


“Don’t act like im asking you out for a date. I just want us to walk to the cafeteria.” He said.


Maybe it hurt or maybe its annoying, I just felt a kinda sadness within me.


For what he just said.


He released his grip on my wrist.


“Are you tired of holding my wrist?” I snapped at him.


He just smiled.


I was going to walk with him anyway.


I looked at Chris and he was staring at us, and I could see a smile on his lips.


Why’s he smiling?


What’s funny?


“C’mon Andra.” Jeremy said and held my wrist again.


“Ouch do you always hold wrist all the time huh?” I asked, angry.


I took my books


He didn’t answer, he just ignored and pulled me out of the class.


A Pest is so better than this proud jerk!


#Jeremy’s POV


I pulled her to her locker and she quickly pulled her hand out to open it.


I smiled at this.


She turned, opened her locker and got her books inside.


She was trying to close it back when i got hold of the door.


“What’s this?” She asked.


Im quite taller than her, so I just stretched my hand and grabbed her bag.


Damn.. its so heavy.


“What do you need my bag for!” She asked, trying to get it from me but couldn’t, cos I kept dodging it from her reach.


“Give me my bag now, you punk! ” She yelled.


I opened it and got my hand in to grab her phone.


And yes! I did.


I gave her a smirk smile.


An Iphone with pink fancy cover pack.


It look quite cute like her.


She grabbed her bag, though she only did cos I wasn’t dodging it anymore. “Are you gonna gimme my phone now huh?” She aaked, narrowing her eyes angrily.


Her eyelashes flapped as she did that.


I love it.


I turned on the screen light, and her picture appeared as the wallpaper.


Wow. She look really cute.


With such pink lips and sparkling eyes.


Wow, her phone isn’t even in passwords.


No app locked.


Molly has every of her App locked.


I went to her gallery.


But I had no idea how she grabbed it out of my hand.


I gasped and stared at her.


She gave a smirky smile.


breathed. Arghhh


“Let’s go to the cafeteria.” I said and pulled her along.


“My phone.”She said.


“Im holding it.” I said


# Alexadra ‘s POV


We walked through the school compound, down to the school cafeteria.


But waZlking in, there was Molly walking out.


That made me remember Steph.


She’do be looking out for me in my class.


I was suprised Molly said nothing, She just glared at us, mostly at me, then walked away.


He walked on and I followed him up to the counter.


“Im need two sausage roll, chicken pie with Apple juice.” He said to the waiter.


He smiled.


“What about you miss?” He asked me…. Kindly share out more interesting stories from generalloaded.com using the floating social media icon buttons below…


“Give her same.” Jeremy said.




“I don’t want that.” I said.


Not that i don’t want it but why couldn’t he just let me say what I want to eat. Jerk!


“Is it the sausage roll or the chicken or the juice that you don’t want?” Oh, who wouldn’t want a chicken pie and sausage roll.


I want it.


“Its fine. Lemme have them.” I said.


The waiter soon brought two trays, handed one to me and the other to him. The both tray were filled up with the <.delicious things…


As I followed him to an empty table with four chairs, I heard some girls muttering,




Aww Jeremy.


Are they friends now?


Stupid girls.


I rolled my eyes.




After we ate and was almost finishing up, he came on with the question.


“Which one do you choose Andra.


Hugging or announcing it to the whole public.” He said.


I paused.


“Making friendship official is done by handshake and not by all that.” I said.


“But I want ours that way.” He said.


“Why?” I asked.


“Cos thats the way I want it.” He said.


“You aint gonna have any of it then.” I said.


“Seriously? But um, do you accept that we are friends now?” He asked, staring at me.


It took me like forever to say it.


But finally, I said it even though I got no idea why I did.


“Yes.” I said.


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