Romeo And Juliet: Episode 1 - 21 ????: TOPSTER STORIES

Romeo And Juliet – Episode 20

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Chapter twenty



Vivian pov



I entered the wedding with the police, everyone was looking at me not bcoz am the bride but bcoz am not in my wedding dress.


“Vivian why u aren’t in ur wedding dress?” she asked.


“Mrs Johnson u are under arrested for the kidnapping of Mr Ryan” one of the police officer said.


“What?” She asked.


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“What do u……, oh my god” she said as she saw Ryan enter the hall.


“How are u still alive?” she asked Ryan.


“U want to know?”


Flashback :



Ryan pov


I woke up in the hospital and found myself covered in bandages.


I winced as I sat on the bed.


“Cap” Lucas called as he saw me.

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“Guys he is awake” he called the others as they all came into the room. “Cap” they all called and hugged me except Lucas “Ahah” I whimpered.


“Sorry” they said and moved away.


“Did u know how worried we were” Tom said.


“Am sorry” I said and smiled.


“Why didn’t you tell us, don’t u trust us,” James asked.


“I didn’t want to put you guys at risk” I said.


“But still” he protested.


“Don’t disturb him, he needs to rest” Lucas said.


“We know dat too” Douglas snapped at Lucas.


“I missed u guys” I said.


“What about Vivian?” I asked and they all kept quiet.


“Did anything happen to her?” I asked.


“No, she was really worried about you” James said.


“She even came to the camp” Tom said.


“She is getting married in two days time” Lucas said.


“Lucas!” the guys called.


“What?” I asked.


“She is getting married the day after tomorrow so what do you want to do” Lucas asked while we all look at him surprised.


“She is the reason u are in dis position, u are not going to let her go like dat” Lucas said.


“No” I said.


“So what is the plan?” he said.


“I need to see her” I said.


“U aren’t going to go in dis state” Lucas said.


“But I need to see her” I said.


“U will, just trust me” he said.


“What are u going to do?” I asked.


“I have a plan, see u guys later” he said and left.


“Pls follow him” I said to Ken.


“Ok” he said and followed him.



Vivian pov



I was on my way to meet my bodyguard to take me to the camp, when I suddenly felt a hand on my mouth, and suddenly I was knocked out.


I woke up and found myself in a car.


“Who are u guys?” I asked faintly.


“It is us” one of them said.


“Who?” I asked.


“Us” Lucas said showing me his face.


“Why did u guys kidnapped me?” I asked.


“Cap want to see u” he said.


“What?” I asked shocked.


“He is safe?” I asked.


“Yes, he requested to see you” I said.


“I can’t see him” I said and they look at me surprised.


“U know he is in danger bcoz of u right” Lucas said.


“I know, dat is why am trying to protect him, if I see him now and my bodyguard noticed am missing, he will call my dad and dat will put him in more harm” I said.


“I have to return” I said.


“But he is eager to meet u” ken said.


“I will meet him later this evening, give me a pen and a note” I said and he did.


I wrote the place we are meet and also the password to enter.


“Give him dis” I said.


“I have to return quickly” I said.


“Ok” he said and dropped me.


I returned back home by a cab and found my bodyguard calling my dad, I was able to convince him dat I was at home.


At night I sneaked out of the house and went to the house given to me by my mom before her death.


I entered the password and entered it was all dark.


Seems like he is not here yet.


I switched on the light and someone pulled me closer to him.


“Ryan!” I called looking at him.


“Are u alright?” I asked almost crying.


“Of course” he said.


“I heard bcoz of me you” I stopped.


“Nothing happened bcoz of you, am fine” he said.


“Really?” I asked.


“Yes” he said and kissed me.


“I have missed u” he said.


“Same here” I said.



Later in the night:


Me and Ryan are in bed naked cuddling each other.


“U know I missed u so much” he said.


“Same here” I said.


“Then why, why do u want to marry Vincent?” he asked.


“I wasn’t planning on getting married, I was going to kill myself if anything happened to u” I said.


He sat up on the bed.


“Why will u do dat?” he asked.


“I guess u mean a lot to me” I said while he kissed me on my forehead.


“Don’t ever do dat to urself” he said.


“OK,” I said.


“But is it my dad dat really kidnapped u?” I asked.


“No, general is an upright man he won’t do dat to his subordinates” he said.


“Then who?” I asked.


“Vincent’s mom” he said.


“What?” I asked surprised.


“I will make sure she regrets this and I have a perfect plan for dat” I said. End of flashback



“Dis is what happened when u hurt the people I love, I don’t care if u are a close friend to my mom” I whispered to Vincent’s mom as stepped closer to her


“Let’s go” the police officer said and handcuffed her.


They took her out, “mom” Vincent called and followed her, her husband also followed her.


I looked at Linda, and she look disappointed and sad.


“I guess u won’t be able to see me cry” I said and smiled.


Now all I have to worry about is my dad.




Do u think Mr Wilfred will support them,


Till next time.



Love u guys .


Stay safe.

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