Raped By Anonymous: Episode 1 - 22???? : TOPSTER STORIES

Raped By Anonymous – Episode 13

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Episode 13



Dalton pov


I can’t believe she here. I jumped up.



“Dad…why are you jumping up? Is there something up there?” Happiness asked me looking up.


“No…em..what are you doing here?” I asked her She Clinged to me


“Don’t you see that my friend is beautiful?” she said “Yes…she’s beautiful. What about her?” “Don’t you like her?” she asked me


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I was taken aback.


“W-why did you ask me that?” I stutter


“Because…I like her and it will be nice if she can be my mommy…” I chocked on my own saliva.


“You’re too small to be thinking of that…and besides…she doesn’t have interested in me, did she?”


“What if she likes you, will you like her back?” she asked and pout “Happiness…”




“Okay…okay…if she do, I’ll like her also” I said frustrated and she jumped up.


“Wow…thank you so much, daddy. Love you” she hugged me then ran away.


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I smiled at my acting. I was just acted up in front of her. I really love that girl. She so beautiful and innocent.



“Daddy…here is she” I heard happiness voice I face back and saw her holding Helene hand. “W-what…?” I stammered


“She said, you’re calling me” Helene said


“What?” I look at happiness.


“See ya…” she giggled and ran away.


“Are you not calling me?” she said


“Em…no…I wanted to take you to your room” I said nervously.


“I thought I’ll be staying with Loretta” she said


“No..because Loretta and my friend has a thing together. So, she may stay with him” I told her.




“Let go”


She follow me and we walked to a room beside mine


“This is where you will be staying for the days you’re gonna spend here” I said stuffing my hand into my pocket.


She look around


“Not bad..” she smiled.


I took a step towards her and she did move back an inch.


“What?” she said



“Are you not afraid?”


She doesn’t look surprised or scared.


“And why will I be?” she make some kind of face


That remind me of something.


I move more closer to her. My breath was all over her face.


“Can you move back a little?” she asked


“You’re beautiful..” I stated


“I know that..”


“Your smile earlier makes my heart flutter. I spaced away looking at your sparkling eyes. Your lips is full and soft. I wish I could taste every corner of your lips. To devour and lick your savour..”


She smiled.


“Dalton…what are you up to?” she asked


“The way my name sound I’m your mouth make me go crazy”




“His baby…” I answer.


“I need to go” she move to the left but I block her. She move to the right..then I block her again


“What do you want?” she asked folding her hand.





She hold her head as if she was trying to remember something.


I also was feeling some how. This scene remind me of something. And what’s that?…


The girl that I raped.


“Oh…no” I mumbled. she look at me.


“Are you okay?” she asked


I look at her closely and her face…I have seen it somewhere.


Who is she? She’s….the girl that….I raped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My eyes widened as I remember who she was.


She was happiness fucking mother. But Stephan said she is dead…isn’t it?


No…it can’t be…Did Stephan lie to me and my dad? Did he lie to my family? or what?


“Dalton…” I felt a warm hand on my cheek which brought me out of space.


“Ohh…sorry…I need to do something..quick” I said and rushed out.


I need to see her friend.


I walked in to Stephan’s room and saw them romancing on the bed.


“Where’s your manner of knocking?” Stephan shouted at me.


“I am sorry…but Loretta.. I need to see you” I said and take her hand. “Can’t you see that we are busy?” Stephan said


“Please…” I begged.


“Let me quickly go” Loretta tiny voice said and I took her out.


“After reaching a quiet place…I look at her.


“Can you tell me about your friend? I mean her…past life…you know” I said


She narrowed her eyes at me.


“Why? Can’t you ask her?”


“Please…I really love your friend that it was making me crazy and I need to know what makes her cold…so I can take care of her better” I said and she smiled. I got her.


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“Oh…you see Helene is a happy and a friendly girl. She was love by every member of her family, friends and neighbor. She’s well respected in the society. But one day…something terrible that change her life happened…” *








I felled down on my bed after making sure that my do is well locked.


Helene is the girl!


She was the girl that I disvirgin and raped.


I destroyed her life and separated her from her family and love ones.


I separated her from love.


I took away her happiness.



And they she gave birth to my baby but was taken away from her. She do not even know if the baby is a girl or boy.


I am a devil!


I am a destroyer!




Can she ever forgive me?


But why did Stephan lie?




*Raped by Anonymous*

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