Queen High School: Episode 1 - 21???? : TOPSTER STORIES

Queen High School – Episode 1

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Episode 1




The day was bright as the newscaster was talking on the TV. They were all talking about the scholarship given to some commoners in a rich school, named Queen high school. The school for a rich and very brilliant kids. But the owner of the school was a nice and kind person. So, every year, he will offered twenty commoners child a scholarship in to his school.




The school Building




The school was a very big and beautiful building. it has a lot garden with different


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flowers . It has a



lot of pool for swimming student, playground like field for football⚾ , table tennis



, golf ⛳and basketball field. It had a lot of. classroom, a very big library and a dancing hall. The teacher staff room was big enough. The school cafeteria was a very beautiful place. There a lot of cook there, tables and chair with different colors. Queen high school was a dream school of every children.




The student can be see hanging around the school compound. Some were discussing with some were playing on the field.




It is a new semester. New student can be seen in the principal’s office collecting their maps to direct them to their various classes.


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Different big cars are entering the school. Some student were coming out of it. A minutes later, one car drove into the school compound. The driver get down and opened the door for the person. A beautiful lady come out of the car. She was shouting at the driver for coming out late to open the door for her.




“You this stupid, can’t you come down fast? You want me to sack you right?” Carlene shouted at her driver




“I’m truly sorry ma’am” the driver bowed to her




She looked around and saw she student looking at her. She smiled inwardly. She do that to show to those student that she was rich. The driver put her back on her and bowed to her again. She walked away.




Carlene entered the class and saw her friend looking at their phone. Nobody seems to notice her arrival.




“What are you all looking at?” she shouted. Everybody shook with fear. She was a dangerous girl. Nobody dare to mess with her even her beat friend.




Selene walked to her. “It is another video of those commoners” selene answer her and show her the video




She smiled. “Wow! so those D4 has treated another girl’s shit” she laughed.




“She doesn’t no anything. I bet it that she will come to school today” Marlene said




“We are going to have fun today” Darlene squeaked.




Marlena smiled. “They brought what I’m good at” she smirked. She was the twin sister of Marlene




Some commoners are whispering to themselves.




“What are you talking about?” Darlene shouted at them




“No..nothing” they all said




“Carlene stand up and walked to them. “What were you saying?” she asked with authority




“It was Elena who said, we should call Dena not to come to school today” one of them Selena said shaking




“And you, Elena. Are you tired of this school?” Carlene asked again




Elena shake her head with fear. “No…no”


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“Do you want to us to show you that you riff Raff, you commoners are different from us? You’re from another world. You don’t belong to this school and we are going to show Dena, today” Carlene said and walked away.




Inside the school compound, one cute girl entered the school, all eyes were on her. But since, she k ow that, they use to look at. commoners like a shit, she doesn’t care. She was about to walk further when a video show on the plasma TV that was all around the school wall. She gasped when she saw herself having sex with the D4. They were doing it turn by turn. She remember the day. It was the day that they vacate for that semester. She was the one who approached Daniel by herself. She thought that since nobody is around except him, she will have the fun with them. But her thought was to have the whole fun with only Daniel. But she got carried away with the pleasure and she did not even notice that they has enters the class and they all do it with her.




And for those D4, anybody that hate, they will have sex with her all together. It was after they finished that she noticed that it was four of them that sex her. But what can she do?




“Hey, whore” she was forced out of her thought when she heard that. She looked at her front and saw Carlene, Darlene and Marlene. The most dangerous being after the D4.




“So, you have the gut to seduce the D4. Especially Daniel, huh?” Carlene shouted on her




She was shaking. She was embarrassed. Tears were streaming down his cheek. “You, slut” Marlene spatted at her




“Now, you shall face the consequence of what you did” Carlene said.




Dena was about to run when some group of boys caught her and and make her kneel down. “Attack her” Darlene commanded.




They began to throw eggs, flour and water on her. She was embarrassed and dealt with mercilessly.




“This should serve as lesson to you all. The D4 belongs to me and my friend. If any of you mess with us, you will regret it for the rest of your life” Carlene said and walked away with her friends.




“Before I go, let me snap you and post you” Marlena said and snap her pic laughing.




Dena stood up with shame and ran away while they are shouting on her.






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