Pussy Mania: Episode 1 - 34???? : TOPSTER STORIES

Pussy Mania – Episode 31

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Episode 31




Sandra: You haven’t told her we’ve had a wild amazing sex when she was in






Alex: Shut up, Having sex with you was never my intention, and you take that cursed pregnancy away from here, its not mine. .


Carol couldn’t handle the situation, she took her stuff and took the car keys and drove, I wanted to explain to her but she didn’t give me a chance, My whole world came crashing down on me, I never knew Sandra was this evil, I cursed the day I met her.


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She started laughing when Carol left and called her a whore, I gave her a


resounding slap sending her crashing to the floor, I grabbed her neck and squeezed


it! I wanted to strangle her to death, my grip on her throat was tight, Sandra


struggled to break free, I could see fear in her eyes! She looked like she was about


to choke and I let her go!





Alex: Don’t you ever, call her a whore and let me make this clear to you! If you ever try to put that baby on me I’ll make your life miserable, Don’t ever come close to me again and if you ever cross my path again, you’ll see. .


Sandra: You can’t deny this, this is your child!

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Alex: Really? Then i met you with another guy a few weeks ago, do you think i’m stupid? Yes I fucked you because you drugged me with a life threatening drug, but I didn’t cum inside you, so you better go and find the person responsible, and if you ever associate me with that thing inside you, I’ll end you permanently! .


Sandra saw how serious I was, she quickly went out of my house, I was really troubled, I didn’t know what to do, I quickly called Mike about what happened! .


Mike: Man you fucked up, you should have told her!




Alex: I was afraid of losing her, What should I do?




Mike: Go to her and explain yourself, besides it wasn’t your fault, you had no






Alex: Okay man thanks.




(Carol’s P. O. V)


I couldn’t believe it! Alex? Why? Guess all men are the same, Can’t believe I…….


God! Maybe father was right, How could I have been so stupid? I went home feeling hurt and rage, As I arrived, I went in and took a bottle of wine, and went into my room, Lizzy and Jessy were inside and they noticed my mood so they followed me in!


Jessy: Babe, what’s wrong?




Carol: Alex, he…




Lizzy: What did he do to you?




Carol: He *crying* he, he,… I can’t talk!





Jessy: Come on tell, me what he did to you, I’m sure you guys can work it out! .


Carol: Jessy leave me alone! Okay it was your fault I got involved with Alex,


thanks to you, I just found out he’s been having sex with Sandra while I was in






Lizzy: What?




Jessy: That’s not true,




Carol: Really? Well its true and she’s carrying his baby!




Jessy: What? It can’t be! There has to be an explanation.




Carol: Well there isn’t. I cant believe it, another deja vu!


While we were talking, the doorbell rang, Lizzy went to open the door and Alex walked it, The fucking bastard! How dare he? I quickly went for my gun and pointed it at him!


He froze instantly, Jessy too was surprised, she tried to stop me but she couldn’t!


Jessy: Carol put the gun down!




Carol: Shut up Jessy, and you! What the fuck are you doing in my house?




Alex: Look! I know I messed up…




Carol: Shut up, after all I’ve done for you, you weren’t satisfied, you had to go and


fuck Sandra while I was away, Ungrateful bastard! How could you? You think you


can jump from one pussy to another, Can’t believe I allowed you in between my


legs? I hate you,




Alex: Carol, pls listen….




Carol: Shut up or I’ll shoot you! I won’t listen to what you have to say!




Alex: Go ahead and shoot, yes, I slept with Sandra but it wasn’t my fault, she drugged me, and if I hadn’t fucked her, I wouldn’t be standing here today! I couldn’t tell you because I was afraid of losing you, it was a big mistake and I



regret every minute of it, But I assure you that pregnancy of hers is not mine! She’s only try to come between us! You have to believe me! .


Carol: I won’t fall for your lies, I’m going to put a bullet in you, I hate you, I trusted


you but…….. Die!!




Alex: Go ahead, but I want you to know, that pregnancy is not mine and I’ll always


love you no matter how you think of me!




I clicked the gun , I really wanted to shoot, him but I couldn’t! I tried to but my hands were stuck at the gun, I still loved Alex despite being mad at him, I wanted to believe what he said but, my rage and anger wouldn’t let me, Lizzy and Jessy were shaking with fear, I really wanted to blast Alex but I couldn’t bring my mind to harm him, Never I dropped the gun and asked him to get out! Carol: Get out of my house, I don’t want to see you again! Ever




Alex: Pls Carol…




Carol: GET OUT!!!




He tried to come close to me but I pushed him, beating and hitting him, He didn’t resist or try to stop me, I pushed him out, I Shut the door in his face, I started crying, I didn’t know what to do, I really loved Alex but…..


Jessy and Lizzy consoled me, Jessy tried her best to defend Alex!




Jessy: Look Carol, I know you’re hurt, but we both know Alex is a nice guy, and he may have made a mistake but he sounded sincere and sorry, You have to believe him, That bitch is probably trying to use that scheme to get Alex away from you! .


Carol: Jessy leave me alone!




Lizzy: You see your problem, you’re so stubborn! I may not have known Alex for long but I know he’s sorry and he wouldn’t have slept with that bitch anyway, you heard him, He was drugged. Listen to him .


Carol: Oh pls, he’s like a snake in the grass, I should never have trusted him!


Maybe he was sleeping with other women behind my back!




Lizzy: Shut up for once and listen, If he was a cheating dog, he would have slept


with me and Emma, without you knowing, but he resisted and chose you! I think


you need to sit down and think, If you let Alex go, you’ll never find a sincere guy


like him ever again!




(Alex P. O. V)


Weeks passed since Carol and I separated, I told my parents about what happened and they were sad and felt sorry for me to, the things worse, I was jobless now thanks to her uncle, As soon as I came to work, a day after Sandra blew up me and Carol’s relationship, l went to see Her uncle called me and as I enters his office, His face changed, I tried to explain but he won’t listen!


. Alex: Sir, I want to tell you something about….




Gerald: Don’t even bother, She told me, how could you? After all she’s been


through because of you why?




Alex: Sir, I can explain, I was drugged it wasn’t my intention, I swear it, that


pregnancy wasn’t mine!




Gerald: I’m sorry, but I can’t believe what you say, you’ve already done the


damage, and also you’re fired!




Alex: Pls sir, I….




Gerald: Look boy, don’t make this too deep, The only reason why you’re still standing is because you’re an honest person and you’ve worked hard here and also because I like you, I appreciate your work but your services are no longer required! .


That was how it happened, I called Jessy if Carol was interested to see me, but she said if I wanted to stay alive I had better no come, cause she was really mad at me! Ever since then, I stopped calling Her, I went out and applied for job offers but everywhere I go, I was kicked out no job, So I got tired of this and decided to move out of Abuja to look for job,


I told Mike and my parents about what I planed, Mike wanted me to stay but I didn’t, Abuja was like a curse to me and the only way to break that curse is by completely moving out and starting over again!



I went to Kano to apply for a job, at least it was the best place to start over, and forget about the past! I got a small job, at a company, I delivered goods to the retail shops, the pay wasn’t much but it was enough for house rent and other stuff!. (Mike, P. O. V)


Poor Alex, I feel sorry for the guy, just when he’s reached the top of his mountain and now he fell down heavily from that mountain! Its true what they say “behind every successful man, there’s a woman*


I went home after a long tiring day, as I was about to enter, I heard Stella’s voice, it seems she was making a call so I decided to listen, it sees she was in a gleeful mood!


Stella: Baby, that Alhaji gave me a rocking time this afternoon, if you see the way he was pounding my toto!


What!? I couldn’t believe what I heard, Stella was sleeping with men while I was away? How long was she doing this? So I continued listening!


Stella: Ehn, I almost forgot, did you know, Alex was fired and he’s not in Abuja,? Yes oo, The Carol bitch dumped him oo, Rich Alex has moved back to square one, back to rubble! Well, that pregnancy did really worked, Too bad he didn’t know it was Samuels and not his, besides where is Samuel? Oh he has called you, Hmm, well, since nobody knows, All is well!


What? So that pregnancy wasn’t his, So Stella and Sandra planned this to ruin Alex? This women were evil, I needed to let Alex know!


I quickly moved away from the house and called him, As soon as he picked, I told him everything,.


Mike: Bros, you need to come back and tell Carol about this!




Alex: Sorry, I can’t come, even if I told her she wouldn’t believe it, maybe this is


for the best!




Mike: Alex but you can..


Before I could finish, he ended the call, I tried calling him but the phone was switched off, I was really sorry for Alex, I went into the house to confront Stella! Some women are wicked, how could they derive pleasure from Someone’s demise! I banged the door open and she stared as I enter! She tried to welcome me but I shoved her!


Mike: Listen you whore, go in there and pack your things, You think I won’t know


that you were sleeping with men!





Stella: Baby, its not what you think… I can explain .


Mike: Get out, you and I are through, go in there and pack your stuff or I’ll make


hell for you this night, ashawo!




Stella: Baby, I’m pregnant for you.


I gave her a resounding slap, she saw the rage in my eyes and shivered with fear! Mike: That trick won’t work on me, I heard you talking with that bitch, how could you be so wicked? Let me tell you something, you better go to her and tell her if she ever mentions Alex’s name with her bastard pregnancy, she’ll get whats coming to her, now get out!


She quickly left went in and packed her things and left, I needed to tell Carol about this but she too will probably not believe me, so I need to tell someone who would make her believe, and that was Lizzy!


@ generalloaded.com

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