Perfect Picture: Episode 1 - 10 : TOPSTER STORIES

Perfect Picture – Episode 8

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Episode 8




Olivia walked into the Lawyer’s office and in half an hour she walked out in tears.


Finally she was free and single.


She flagged down a taxi.


“Please take me to Yale Estate Phase 1” She said calmly.


In few minutes she sat at the back seat of the vehicle heading to Her best friend’s house. This is the first time she was visiting Kate in her new house and she couldn’t wait to see the lovely house that Kate talked so much about.


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As she tried to think on happy thoughts, her problems kept creeping up on her mind,


She kept thinking on what she did wrong that ruined her life


Fred couldn’t afford to buy her the clothes or jewelry she wanted, but that hadn’t stopped her from dressing in the latest fashion, even though she had to get every thing she desired from her husband by herself. Her husband still gets the credit online. Thier home had always been beautiful, the meals she served Fred had been perfect. Olivia had been a model wife.


And yet— Fred was not satisfied,

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“How? Why? What had been missing? What had kept Fred and me strangers for almost four years of married life? Was it our childlessness? But now I could thank Heaven for that. That was one problem I didn’t have to face, I’m glad nothing tied us together anymore” She thought




Olivia felt a rush of fear. a desolate, lonely fear, and the tears started to roll from her eyes. “I’m Alone! This was how it would be from now on. Alone. I would have to rely on the few friends I have like Kate, the few people who felt sorry and stood by me out of pity” She told her self within

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In no time, Olivia arrived Kate’s beautiful house and immediately Kate rushed out to welcome her, she gave Olivia a warm hug, Olivia could feel her baby bump as she hugged her, Kate was 6 months pregnant, her round face glowing with genuine warmth and pleasure as she paused for breath.




The Two friends both stood there smiling, then Olivia shook her head. And Said, “Kate, you look so beautiful, Pregnancy really looks good on you” and Kate smiled and


She replied, “Thanks my friend, let me get you inside, I know you must be tired and hungry, come in I prepared your favorite meal”



Olivia looked at Kate sideways as they walked in, and Olivia was amazed at Kate’s ap-pearance, The two New cars parked inside the compound, thier new beautiful house, the interior were beautiful and expensive.


“Life must have been good, for Kate and Victor to acquire such an amazing properties, my friend looks so relaxed and her skin glows, its obvious that she had no worries” She thought


When they got into the house, Kate took Olivia to the visitor’s room, She looked at Olivia apologetically, “You still look so young and fresh, Olivia I could swear getting married again to someone else who would love you like you deserve won’t be hard for you. But I would want you to heal first, you are lucky, your marriage was annulled, you can move on like you were never married” She said




Olivia felt the tears start to roll from her eyes for some inexplicable reason, and she fumbled for a handkerchief. Kate hugged Olivia and after a while she wiped her eyes and Olivia tried to smile. When she spoke her voice was very gentle and soft. “Thank you Kate, you are a true friend.”




Kate was a good friend and Olivia needed her more than ever. Staying with Kate would help her get on her feet faster. In few minutes Victor also came into the visitor’s room to say hello to Olivia “I’m glad you came, please feel at Home.” He said, and gave a quick and easy smile that moved from his lips to his eyes




Victor and Kate were perfect couple Olivia saw it in the way they kissed each other and in the way they played with each other that evening. The three of them sat at the dinner table, and afterward Olivia went to the visitor’s room to be alone with her thoughts while Victor helped his pregnant wife with the dishes.


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“My love, But why didnt you tell me that Olivia would be coming over” Victor said



Kate paused, she gave Victor a piercing look, Victor’s hands were in the dishwater, while Kate’s face was thoughtful. “why should I? I have every right to invite who ever I want!” She said and lowered her head. “Life’s has been very good to us, Kate. I never believed we could be so wealthy but we are not happy, why have you changed so much” Victor uttered




“You know why I changed, you are a jerk and a heartless man, I will never forgive you” Kate said in tears


“I have pleaded and begged for your forgiveness but you refused to forgive me but it’s all good, you better comport yourself, remember your friend is here, I guess you don’t want her to think we’re barbarians, I don’t want her to see us argue and fight like we always do lately” Victor said calmly


After the dishes were washed and stacked, Victor took the towel out of his hands and Let the rest drain. He walked out from the kitchen leaving Kate behind.


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It was a pleasant and restful night for Olivia and that’s just what she needed. The next day, she began to see a different happiness, a pure happiness that rose above outward show or the likes and comments she would get from posting online, pure happiness that concentrated on the basic relationships of life,


Kate had agreed to invest in her business so they could become partners and She was so excited. She won’t remain broke anymore with time she could recover all Fred stole from her.






To Be Continued



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