Only In Your Memories: Episode 1 - 10 : TOPSTER STORIES

Only In Your Memories – Episode 5

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. *Rose*.


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“Did you have a bad dream?” doctor Aaron asked calmly



I shook my head negatively as I dried my eyes.


“Then why did you suddenly sprout up, with tears?… Is it another memory!” Aaron asked.


I nodded to his question and he smiled.


“Well then it’s okay!” he shrugged. Kindly share out stories from by using the floating social media icon buttons




“You should be glad your memories are coming in form of dreams while you’re sleeping peacefully, cause it’s one of the best way for memories to come back, instead of it coming with pain, like a flash, that’s very dangerous and people with Retrograde amnesia can’t actually walk on streets or busy places just like that because, they can see or hear anything that can quickly make them regain their memory, some people can regain a little bit at that moment which caused a slight headache, but some people regain their full memory and may pass out… So yours coming as a dream is pretty normal and safe… But seeing you crying it must have been a sad memory, isn’t it? ” Aaron asked.


I nodded and looked around to see it was really just the two of us alone.

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“Where’s… Tina?” I sniffed.


“Oh… She left, she said she had to leave, she had said she will be back before you woke up but it seems like… you woke up too early!” Aaron replied.



So I’m going to be alone. The thought of that made me sad.


“It’s just 2:33pm you have to take your lunch before three so you can take your medicines! And after your dinner you’ll be taking an IV fluid bag too, I hope one of your family member gets here soon.” Aaron sighed,



I sighed and looked around, where did they all head to? The doctor said I have to eat! And no one is here now, to talk to me or to give me food.


I pursed my lips together and glanced at Aaron who watched me.


“You know, if you can’t be alone, I can stay here with you!” he said.




I was surprised he said that.


“Don’t you have doctor job to do?” I asked, I mean, for him to ask that was great, he saw that I was Lonley but willing to stay.



He suddenly laughed and I looked at him.


“Doctor job…” He mumbled, glanced at the door and slowly starts to take off his shiny white laboratory coat.


“See… Rose.. I’m not a doctor!” He smiled.



I didn’t say anything I just watched him, Cause I was confused, what is he saying?.


He came here often to either instruct nurses to give me shots and IV’s, I’m sure he’s the one who diagnosed my amnesia, cause he certainly do know what doctors would know and now he’s saying gibberish.



And he continued saying gibberish.


“Everyone thinks I’m a doctor, because I look cool and I rock this laboratory coats and well I walk around doing things doctors do!”.



“What?” I was confused.



“What they don’t know is… My Dad Is the owner of the hospital, and having over two hundred employees, he added me to the list, even though I clearly don’t want to be a doctor. But he’s forcing me to, I didn’t even go to a medical school! But he’s willing to teach me what I don’t want to learn about being a doctor, so he just makes me learn diagnosis and history about a patient, give the patients family what they need to know about the patient. I get to memorise the patient medication, know which and when a patient will take a shot, pill or an IV, know what they’re supposed to eat,



know when they’re supposed to sleep and that’s all… I Am not really a doctor! With an iQ of 162 I can memorize those which just a matter of time!” Aaron smiled.



“But doing all this… Aren’t you a doctor?” I asked.



“No it’s different!” Aaron smiled, the door to the ward room opened and Henry walked in.



“Looks like one of your family member is here, I’ll leave then, when I come back be ready to take a shot!” He said before walking out.


Henry walked closed the door and started to walk up to me, I suddenly remembered his face from my memory and goodness he grew so much.



“Hey… You’re awake!” he smiled as he dropped the lunch box in his hand, on my bed.


“You must be hungry!” he said as he unzipped the box.



I nodded and he smiled, as he set out my meal, I watched him, I wanted to ask him many questions regarding my memories, if I did pregnant for him, if we ever gave birth, And also how did I end up in the hospital!!.


These questions danced in my head, but I couldn’t utter a word, I didn’t know why I was holding back.


“Do you want me to feed you or you can manage?” he asked.


“I can manage!” I assured him taking the food from him.


“Oh Good” he smiled as he dropped the bottle water he brought out on a small cabinet beside the bed.



He watched me eat but I never met his eyes, somehow I was uncomfortable somehow i was comfortable.


Not having a single memory about our relationship or who he was was uncomfortable, but for the fact that we both decided to have a child



together at such a young age made me comfortable, at least it proves that we must have been really close and share some special feelings.


But now it feels like everything is restarting. Everything about my life, Not knowing when to turn left or right sucks, I wish I could have my memories immediately, and to say I was in coma for three years? The thought of that always make me want to scream at the top of my lungs, I missed out three years of my life.! What happened to me that i have to be left in a situation like this.



After eating some nurses came with Aaron again and gave me some shots, they connected an IV fluid bag to my hand and also drew out a small sum of my blood.


“Rest!” Aaron had smiled to me before walking out, he knew what was going on with me, he knew when I would take my shots, what type of medication I would take and yet again he said he is not a doctor. Or maybe he was making a joke to make me laugh.?



Henry sat quietly opposite my bed, watching me look around the room in silence. Few times I met his eyes but quickly looked away. It was pretty awkward. If it was Tina she would have start talking right away. I miss her already.



“Henry…” I called lowly and he immediately got up before i could Blink and quickly walked up to me.



“Yeah Rose? Would you like me to help you with something?” He asked.



“No.. I..” I sighed when I realised I was really going for the question..



I turned to him and he held the most quizzical look ever




“I think I had a memory!” I said, my voice was low.



“Yeah, Tina said you’ve been recalling some of your memories and it’s great, you’re recalling them fast, she even said you figured you’re both cousins!”. Henry smiled.


“Yeah, I did but I had a memory about us!” I said and he paused and


grabbed my hands.


“Really?”. He was excited.


“What… did you recall?” he asked.



I began… “I saw that… I..i was pregnant!” I looked at him.




“We were both responsible for it!” I was shy.


“Yeah we were!” he smiled.



“Did I ever give..


“Yes you gave birth!” he interrupted me with a smile.


“Really?” I said excitedly.


“Yes, you gave birth to a girl and you named her joy, because you said she


was suddenly the source of your happiness!” Henry smiled and I gasped







“Where… Where is she?” I asked excitedly holding his hand even tighter. “She’s with Tina, at home!” Henry said



“Can.. Can i meet her?” I was already in tears.



“Of course… But first you have to rest, the doctor said you need to rest okay!” Henry said drying my tears with his hands. “But when I can I meet her!” I asked again to be sure.


“How about tomorrow, I’ll bring her here personally!” Henry assured me and I nodded and slowly lie down.


“Promise?” I asked.


“It’s a promise!” he smiled, leaned down and kissed my cheeks.


“Now go to sleep” he said and I sighed and closed my eyes.








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