Oh! This My Husband: Episode 1 - 52 : TOPSTER STORIES

Oh! This My Husband – Episode 38

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Part 38




© Femi Oluyamoju









Bose, our Assistant Pastor’s daughter was with the bottle and looking at it as if it was a bottle of coke.

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Hey! drop that bottle now, I screamed.


On second thought, I could have allowed her take the poison, that’s one new wife deducted from the equation…


Haaaa why am I thinking like this, Jesus please don’t let this situation kill my humanity.


Her father rushed to collect the bottle from her, and tried to open her mouth to check if she had taken it.


He was very furious, very agitated. While his daughter was looking at him with raw fear written on her face.


Pastor stopped his silent tongues and started talking to the Assistant Pastor.


He said; since the day you had given birth to this girl, you have expected her to fulfil all the dreams you had missed as a growing adult.


You had pushed her too fast and too far. You thought commending her would make her soft, so you had never commended her efforts.

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Right from childhood, she longed for a fatherly figure, a man who would love her, a man who would talk to her, a proper relationship with a father.


But she never got that opportunity, she only had a task master, a colonial master and a supervisor.


She was raped at the age of thirteen right under your roof by her uncle, but you never knew because you had no relationship with her.


She had aborted once, she almost bled to death but for God’s mercy.


Now because she had only been praised by men who used her, she is addicted to sex as a means of being appreciated by men.


That appreciation is what she never got from you in all of the years she had lived on earth.


Your insensitivity had led to her greatest nightmare and weakness. You have killed the self confidence in a very brilliant and smart young lady.


All the while Pastor was speaking, he was like a man in trance. He was looking forward but not seeing anything physically.


He must have been reading some Angelic manuscript about the life history of the very hippie Assistant Pastor.


Bose was very surprised. It was written all over her face, she couldn’t believe that her life’s history was being recanted by Pastor who knew very little about her.



Her father, the Assistant Pastor was in tears, he placed his two hands on his head, he was looking from Pastor to his daughter to confirm the story, the reaction of his daughter confirms it all.


The daughter was saying she’s sorry, the father was saying he’s sorry…


Even from where I am sitting, I was apologizing to the poor girl.


Now I know that true is the saying that if you don’t know my story, don’t judge me. I had judged this young lady. I had accused her. She was a devil to me. She was a wayward and useless lady just because I didn’t know her story.


Suddenly Pastor turned to Brother Accord and the next set of revelation started …..


Was I feeling sorry for him before?


Pastor stated:


Brother Accord, your money had been too important to you more than your wife.


You never listened to her needs or her wants.


You had converted her to a piece of furniture in your house. She is a very resourceful lady who was brought into your life to be a blessing to you.


But you never allow her use any of her gifts. Everything you have ever given her was for bragging sake. You have been selfish and self-centered.


She had been living in a prison called marriage. She had been enduring you keeping her in a cell called mansion.


Listen carefully, marriage is a union of two persons. Decisions are taken by two persons. Everything you own now belong to two persons.


Each of the person in the marriage must have their uniqueness not tampered with. It is the two unique persons that can come together to form a unique marriage. Stop trying to force your partner to be like you, Adam was not Eve yet their union was blessed by God.


My brother, make amends…. Pastor ended his message for the husband and turned


to his wife, Sister Accord.


He told her:


Powerlessness is where your edge got broken, you are as cold as a pond. The last time you prayed seriously was six months before your marriage.


Your river has forgotten its source, a river without a source will stink and it will dry.


Your grace to overcome sin had dried because you refused to pray. Instead of praying, you took solace in reporting your husband to humans.


Have you forgotten that the bible says woe to him who had made man his trust? You trusted in men and you ended up destroying your body on the altar of adultery.



Return to your first love, repent from your spiritual laziness, get back on your kneels.


Your stolen virtues will be restored when you go back to prayer…..


Hmmmm, Pastor turned and face me,


Ahhh, I won’t escape this too…..




To be continued






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