Oh! This My Husband: Episode 1 - 52 : TOPSTER STORIES

Oh! This My Husband – Episode 30

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Part 30




© Femi Oluyamoju








The message was from one of my husband’s girls. It was a message no woman in my state would love to receive while she’s working on her marriage. The message reads;


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barren woman, finally I am pleased to announce to you that I am your husband’s


girlfriend that has a working womb. I have taken in for your husband and I will


gladly deliver a set of twins made up of two boys for your husband. I know he has


left the house for you but don’t worry we will rent a new house and start our new


life together.


Yours truly


New wife.


Hmm mmm I have been trying not to have bad thoughts about this man. I have tried hard not to think of evil or see my husband in a bad light. But he is bent on being evil and being seen in a bad light.


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How can you be trying to save a man who doesn’t want to save himself?


Ok, I will not think of anything bad today. Probably this is just another woman who had seen the type of husband I have and she wants a piece of him too.


The husband I have grown to love this week is the type of man any lady will want to have.


If a lady out there is willing to get pregnant just to get this man, it means I got a very good deal for a husband and I’m not going to lose or share him with anyone. It’s not her fault that she had access to my husband, if I had not made mistakes, she won’t have had access to my husband.


It is the cheese kept carelessly that rats can eat.


I pick my phone to reply the message….. Kindly share out more interesting stories from generalloaded.com using the floating social media icon buttons below….


Madam strange woman. You said you are pregnant for us, congratulations.



Like you rightly wrote, I am his wife and we both share everything. My husband and I will discuss it and after DNA test, we would accept the baby if it’s ours.


I sent it to the lady with my wicked smile. Why will a lady send me such useless message? To destroy my joy isn’t it?


I won’t allow anyone tamper with my new found joy.


About three minutes after I sent that reply, I got a WhatsApp notification from my husband.


My husband in his haste mistakenly sent a message to the Mercy WhatsApp group.


That is the WhatsApp group for the church.


What he sent was….


O boy, come and see how my wife finished that useless girl that is behaving like a lunatic. Her reply was classic. Wow I wish I had known this classy part of my wife.


As I was reading it, my phone almost dropped from my hands.


How did my husband know I sent a message if he was not with the girl?


Ahhh he sent the message to the church WhatsApp group.


Everyone will know about my marital problems now.


I can’t call him; I can’t delete the message.


Just then, while I was still staring at the phone in terror, the number one gossip of our church replied to the messages in the group chat. Ahhh!!! mogbe










Please show love by clicking on the "YouTube" button below 😫 I need subscribers, help me reach my target before deadline, please

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