Oh! This My Husband: Episode 1 - 52 : TOPSTER STORIES

Oh! This My Husband – Episode 28

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Part 28




© Femi Oluyamoju




Lovaquine Baby




I went home that night. I was emotionally tired. I don’t know how to love this man back. All I can see are the hurts.


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If not for the fact that Pastor had gone through what I’m passing through, I would have said he doesn’t understand how difficult it is to love my kind of husband.


I went to sleep shortly after I got home. I didn’t bother to eat or drink. I hope I don’t have ulcer because of this marriage wahala.


I had a dream; I saw my husband like my baby. I was his mother. I was actually carrying him in my hands.


In the dream, I knew he was my husband but at the same time he was my baby boy. Instantly, I knew I was married to him but the motherly instinct in me was stronger.


He started throwing tantrums. I cuddled him like a mother would take care of a baby. Showering my baby with love.


By my side was an old woman. She tapped me and said,


That baby just started misbehaving and crying for no obvious reasons. The baby didn’t even make any sense, no warning, no communication, no discussion. The baby just started crying.


You didn’t throw him away. You didn’t beat the baby; you didn’t start crying neither did you stand up to report the baby.


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You love the baby beyond all his errors. Whether the baby will finally grow up to like you or not does not stop you from loving the baby.


I asked her; “old woman, how can I love my husband like a baby, he is a man not a baby”.


She replied; You called your husband “my baby” when you newly married, didn’t you?


As usual, I was just staring, I couldn’t answer.


The old woman continued; Go and love him like you would love a baby.


She also said; “the good book never gave you a condition for love. Stop attaching conditions your God didn’t attach. Just love him”.


I looked from the baby in my hands to the old woman.


I had no defense; I was just staring……


The old woman started fading right before my eyes and I could hear her voice like a whisper telling me…..



Go and love your husband. Your sickness of love has a cure, your first dose of love medicine has arrived….


I woke up startled from the dream. I checked the time; it was morning already.


I ran to my door to check if any medicine had arrived. Nothing was there.


I checked by my bed if an angel had dropped a package there overnight, it was empty.


Haba, where is the much-awaited medicine. I hate to be disappointed oooo


A text entered my phone, it was a message from Pastor’s wife, it reads;


Good morning sunshine.


For ten days, we would send you thirty reasons why your husband is not a monster


but a lost man. thirty reasons why you should appreciate him. MAKE EACH








The first thing you have not appreciated your husband for, is that fact that during all your quarrels, he didn’t get angry enough to have killed you like this story.. .






I clicked the link, hmmmmm, no matter how crazy my husband is, I didn’t marry a killer.


Hmm, there are many good things in my husband that I have been blinded to..






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